Permit Revocation Sample Clauses

Permit Revocation. At the discretion of the district administrator’s designee, the land use permit may be revoked and the memorial removed from the right-of-way for non-compliance with all requirements contained herein and/or specific conditions of the permit.
Permit Revocation. In lieu of bond, Secretary may revoke the permit and remove any work performed. The Petitioner shall reimburse the Secretary for any cost incurred by Secretary to restore the right-of-way. The Secretary will not authorize any other highway permits until Petitioner has either reimbursed Secretary or restored the right-of-way.
Permit Revocation. 1. A permit may be revoked for failure to observe any rules, regulations and ordinances of the City of Petaluma, for improper conduct or cancellation by City (see “F. CANCELLATION BY CITY” section). 2. If incomplete or incorrect information regarding the nature of the event or expected attendance is given to City staff, immediate cancellation of permit may result with no refund of fees and/or deposit. 3. Any publication of the proposed activity that occurs prior to the permit being approved shall cause the permit to be denied. 4. Events that exceed attendance capacity may be immediately cancelled with no refund of fees and/or deposit. 5. Fights, vandalism or unacceptable behavior occurring during an event shall cause immediate cancellation of the permit and no refund of fees and/or deposit.
Permit Revocation. A district-wide permit authorizing surveying operations on state maintained highways may be revoked for a minimum of 30 calendar days upon written finding that the permittee violated the terms of the permit or any of the requirements of this chapter, including but not limited to any, all, or a combination of the following: • The permittee fails to implement all necessary traffic control in accordance with the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. • The permittee fails to utilize VDOT certified flag persons for traffic control. • The permittee parks vehicles within the right-of-way that constitutes a traffic hazard. • The permittee performs tree trimming or removal activities without consent from the district roadside manager. • The permittee perform activities under the jurisdiction of a district-wide permit that requires the issuance of a single use permit. The permittee must obtain single-site single use permits from the local district permit office where the activity is to occur to continue performing surveying operations within state maintained rights of way during this revocation period. In addition VDOT may apply additional penalties in accordance with §33.2-1221.
Permit Revocation wide permit authorizing the installation, maintenance and removal of temporary logging entrances may be revoked for a minimum of 30 calendar days upon written finding that the permittee violated the terms of the permit or any of the requirements of this chapter, including but not limited to any, all, or a combination of the following: • The permittee fails to implement all necessary traffic control in accordance with the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. • The permittee fails to utilize VDOT certified flag persons for traffic control. Each certified flag‐person must carry a certification card when flagging traffic and have it readily available for inspection when requested by authorized personnel. • The permittee fails to contact the appropriate district administrator’s designee prior to installing a new temporary logging entrance or initiating the use of an existing entrance for logging access. • The permittee fails to contact the appropriate district administrator’s designee for final inspection upon completion of logging activities and closure of the temporary logging entrance. • The permittee fails to restore all disturbed right‐of‐way at the temporary entrance, including but not limited to ditches, shoulders, and pavement, to pre‐activity condition subject to acceptance by the appropriate district administrator's designee. • The permittee or their agent fails to remove excessive mud and any debris that constitutes a hazardous condition from the highway pursuant to a request from the appropriate district administrator's designee. Non‐compliance may also result in the issuance of a separate citation from the Virginia State Police or a local law enforcement authority. • The permittee performs activities under the jurisdiction of a district‐wide permit that requires the issuance of a single use permit. The permittee must obtain single‐site single use permits from the local district permit office where the activity is to occur to continue the installation, maintenance and removal of temporary logging entrances during this revocation period. In addition VDOT may apply additional penalties in accordance with §33.2‐1221.
Permit Revocation. The Service shall not revoke the Permit for any reason except those listed in 50 C.F.R. 13.28(a)(1)-(4), or unless the Covered Activities would be inconsistent with the criteria set forth in 16 U.S.C. § 1539(a)(2)(B)(iv) and this inconsistency has not been remedied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Permit will only be revoked if the Service, the Permittees, and other interested parties have not been successful in remedying any such inconsistency through other means. The Permit may be partially revoked with respect to specified Covered Species, or to a portion of the Planning Area or Covered Activities, or in relation to a specific Permittee or specific Permittees. In the event of a partial revocation, the portion of this Permit not subject to the revocation shall remain in full force and effect. All Conservation Measures in the HCP that are continued in effect after any Permit revocation shall be taken into account by the Service and credited toward any future efforts by the Permittees and other parties to ensure that any Covered Actions or Covered Activities are in compliance with requirements of the ESA. This provision shall survive any revocation of the Permit and shall remain in full force and effect. Procedures applicable to any revocation shall be in accordance with the Federal regulations in effect at the time of the revocation; provided however, that, at a minimum, the Permittee shall be afforded the procedural rights set forth in 50 C.F.R. 13.28 in existence on the Effective Date.
Permit Revocation. In accordance with 50 C.F.R. § 13.28, the Service may revoke the ITP in whole or in part if NiSource willfully violates any Federal or State statute or regulation, Indian tribal law or regulation, or any law or regulation of a foreign country that involves a violation of the conditions of the ITP or of the laws or regulations governing the Covered Activities. The ITP also may be revoked if NiSource fails within sixty (60) days to correct deficiencies that were the cause of suspension of the ITP unless the Service determines and notifies NiSource in writing that a longer period of time is necessary to correct the deficiencies; becomes disqualified under 50 C.F.R. § 13.21(c); or a change occurs in the statute or regulation authorizing the ITP that prohibits continuation of the ITP. Pursuant to 50 C.F.R. §§17.22(b)(8) and 17.32(b)(8), the ITP also may be revoked if continuation of the Covered Activities would be inconsistent with the criterion set forth in 16 U.S.C. § 1539(a)(2)(B)(iv), and the inconsistency has not been remedied. When the Service believes there are valid grounds for revoking the ITP, the Service will notify NiSource in writing of the proposed revocation by certified or registered mail. The notice, which may be amended by the Service at any time, will identify the ITP, whether the revocation is as to part or all of the ITP, the Covered Activities and Take Species as to which the revocation applies, the reason(s) for the revocation, the proposed disposition of the wildlife, if any, and inform XxXxxxxx of its right to object to the proposed revocation. Upon receipt of the proposed notice, NiSource may file a written objection to the proposed action within forty-five (45) calendar days of the date of the notice providing its reasons for objecting to the proposed revocation as well as any supporting documentation. The Service will issue a written decision on the revocation within forty-five (45) days after the end of the objection period. The written decision will include the Service’s decision and its reasons for such as well as information concerning NiSource’s right to request reconsideration of the decision under 50 C.F.R. § 13.29 and the procedures for doing so. Upon notification that the ITP has been revoked and after all appeal procedures have been exhausted, NiSource may be required to surrender the ITP to the Service. Notwithstanding revocation, NiSource shall remain obligated for any outstanding minimization and mitigation measures requ...
Permit Revocation. The Director may revoke a wastewater discharge permit for good cause, including, but not limited to, the following reasons: (1) Failure to notify the Director of significant changes to the wastewater prior to the changed discharge; (2) Failure to provide prior notification to the Director of changed conditions pursuant to this Chapter; (3) Misrepresentation or failure to fully disclose all relevant facts in the wastewater discharge permit application or any other required reporting; (4) Falsifying self monitoring reports or other required reporting; (5) Tampering with monitoring equipment; (6) Refusing to allow the Director timely access to the facility premises and records; (7) Failure to meet effluent limitations; (8) Failure to pay fines; (9) Failure to pay sewer charges; (10) Failure to meet compliance schedules; (11) Failure to complete a wastewater survey or the wastewater discharge permit application; (12) Failure to provide advance notice of the transfer of business ownership of a permitted facility; (13) Change of any condition that requires either temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge; or (14) Violation of any pretreatment standard or requirement, or any terms of the wastewater discharge permit or this Chapter. Wastewater discharge permits shall be voidable upon cessation of operations or transfer of business ownership. All wastewater discharge permits issued to a particular user are void upon the issuance of a new wastewater discharge permit to that user.
Permit Revocation. If Operator does not fulfill its obligation to repair damage as contemplated within the timeframes stated in this Agreement, fails to maintain the performance assurance bond or cash deposit alternative required by this Agreement, or otherwise fails to remain in full compliance with all terms and provisions of this Agreement, the Township may revoke all Operator hauling permits on township roads.
Permit Revocation. At the discretion of the district administrator’s designee, the land use permit may be revoked and the irrigation system removed from with state maintained right of way should operation of the irrigation system become detrimental to state maintained facilities or the system is deemed hazardous for vehicular and or pedestrian traffic.