Alcohol on the day of testing all workers onsite shall be required to submit a breath sample i.e. blanket testing.
Insubordination Bringing intoxicants into or consuming intoxicants on any school property or reporting for work under the influence of intoxicating liquor in any degree whatsoever.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary IV-A-1. Reflective Practice Demonstrates limited reflection on practice and/or use of insights gained to improve practice. May reflect on the effectiveness of lessons/ units and interactions with students but not with colleagues and/or rarely uses insights to improve practice. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues; and uses and shares with colleagues, insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Is able to model this element.
Drugs Possession or use of drugs by the Student, any person present in the residence with the Student, or any person present in the Student’s residence with the permission of the Student during the Student’s absence, are strictly prohibited in any UCF DHRL facility. Prohibited drugs include, but are not limited to: A. any substance, the possession or use of which, regardless of amount, could be found to violate Federal or Florida drug abuse prevention and control laws; B. any prescription medication for which the possessor/user does not have a presently valid medical prescription.
Warranty Obligations (a) Project Co represents, warrants and covenants that: (i) the Works shall conform to the requirements of this Project Agreement, Good Industry Practice, Applicable Law and all professional engineering principles generally accepted as standards of the industry in the Province of Ontario; (ii) the Works shall be free of defects, including design defects, errors and omissions; and (iii) materials and equipment shall be of good quality and in compliance with this Project Agreement. (b) During the Warranty Period and subject to Section 11.15(c), Project Co shall promptly, at its sole cost and expense, correct and Make Good all Construction Defects arising in respect of the Works. For greater certainty, Project Co is required to correct and Make Good Construction Defects related to any Product during the applicable Warranty Period despite Project Co having obtained on Contracting Authority’s behalf industry- standard or other equipment warranties in accordance with Section 11.15(f). For all work to correct Construction Defects, the applicable Warranty Period shall be extended for a further two years from the date of the last work completed in respect of such corrective Works. For clarity, any extension of a Warranty Period for the purposes of a correction shall only apply to the relevant Construction Defect and not the Works as a whole. (c) In addition to the obligation to correct and Make Good Construction Defects during the Warranty Period, Project Co shall at its expense correct and Make Good any Construction Defects that could not reasonably have been ascertained by a competent person in accordance with Good Industry Practice during a visual inspection of the Works (“Construction Latent Defect”), provided Contracting Authority gives Project Co written Notice of the Construction Latent Defect within the time frame applicable to such Construction Latent Defect pursuant to the Limitations Act, 2002 (Ontario). (d) The warranties described in this Section 11.15 shall cover labour and material, including, the costs of removal and replacement of covering materials. The warranties shall not limit extended warranties on any Product or item of equipment called for elsewhere in the Output Specifications or otherwise provided by any manufacturer of such Product or equipment. (e) If Project Co fails to correct and Make Good any Construction Defects or Construction Latent Defects in accordance with Sections 11.15(b) and 11.15(c) and in the time period specified in Section 11.16(a) or Section 11.16(b), as applicable, without prejudice to any other right or remedy Contracting Authority may have, Contracting Authority may correct such Construction Defects or Construction Latent Defects at Project Co’s sole cost and expense. (f) Project Co shall obtain warranties from the manufacturers of each of the Products for the duration(s) and in accordance with the applicable requirements specified in the Output Specifications in the name of and to the benefit of both Project Co and Contracting Authority. Where, in respect of a Product warranty, the Output Specifications do not specify a specific duration and/or other requirements, Project Co shall obtain industry-standard warranties from the applicable manufacturers in the name of and to the benefit of Project Co and Contracting Authority which shall extend no less than two years from the Substantial Completion Date. Each Product warranty shall be issued by the applicable manufacturer and delivered to Project Co no later than 30 days prior to the Substantial Completion Date. Project Co shall ensure that each Product warranty, including any Product warranty extended under this Section 11.15(f), is fully assigned to Contracting Authority, at no cost or expense to Contracting Authority, at the end of the Warranty Period, as such Warranty Period may be extended in accordance with Section 11.15(b).
COUNTERFEIT WORK (a) The following definitions apply to this clause:
Default – Reprocurement Costs In case of Contract breach by Contractor, resulting in termination by the County, the County may procure the goods and/or services from other sources. If the cost for those goods and/or services is higher than under the terms of the existing Contract, Contractor will be responsible for paying the County the difference between the Contract cost and the price paid, and the County may deduct this cost from any unpaid balance due the Contractor. The price paid by the County shall be the prevailing market price at the time such purchase is made. This is in addition to any other remedies available under this Contract and under law.
Tardiness If a Pack Member is going to be late, the Pack Member should do his/her best to contact a leader in their department prior to the start of their shift. If a Pack Member is 6 or more minutes late for their scheduled shift, this is considered tardy. If a Pack Member is excessively 8/15/24, 12:37 PM ExportToPDF tardy (greater than two hours) without a call to his/her manager, the tardy will be treated as an absence. If a Pack Member is tardy 4 hours or more, the tardy will be treated as a No Call/No Show. In rare circumstances, a tardy may be excused without points being issued when the GM and HR Director together determine that weather conditions are extremely severe or in circumstances where we have asked Pack Members to park off site due to limited parking based on high volumes of business. If a Pack Member needs to miss work for more than three consecutive days due to injury, illness, or the injury or illness of a family member, he/she should contact the Human Resources office to inquire about applicable leaves of absence. Non FMLA-Leaves of Absence are approved on a case-by-case basis and/or according to applicable state or federal laws.
Supplier Diversity Seller shall comply with Xxxxx’s Supplier Diversity Program in accordance with Appendix V.
Behaviour No obscene or insulting language or disorderly behaviour shall be permitted. This includes any form of entertainment that may be considered lewd or inappropriate for a public place or that may offend or cause embarrassment to others.