Placement of Employees Sample Clauses
Placement of Employees. If the Employer makes a decision to contract out work that shall result in the displacement of an employee, it shall make every effort to place employees elsewhere in State government in the following order of priority: within the division, within the department, or within State service generally. In the event an employee must be displaced as a result of contracting out, such displacement shall be made in accordance with Article 21.
Placement of Employees. 1. New employees who commence work after July 1, 2016 be placed on the salary schedule as follows: Step Years of State Recognized teaching experience 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3
Placement of Employees. Upon completion of this asset acquisitions Party B is responsible for placement of the current labor contract which has been signed with formal staff and continue to perform employment duties and obligations under the contract.
Placement of Employees. Employees transferred to higher paying positions and/or wage scale shall be placed on the step of the new wage scale that provides at least .25 hr. above the wage scale the employee is leaving. An employee transferring to a lower paying position shall be placed at Step Zero.
Placement of Employees. 1. New employees who commence work after July 1, 2016, shall be placed on the salary schedule as follows:
Placement of Employees. The placement of Employees within each Fire Department shall be the responsibility of the respective Fire Chiefs or designees. However, the placement of Employees shall not be utilized as a disciplinary measure. The placement of Employees shall be for legitimate operational reasons and due consideration shall be given for cases involving personal hardship. If an Employee who is placed requests, the Employee shall be furnished specific reasons for such action within ten (10) business days of the Employee's request.
Placement of Employees. 1. New employees who commence work after July 1, 2010, shall be placed on the salary schedule as follows: 7 10 or more 6 8 or 9 5 7 4 5 or 6 3 3 or 4 2 1 or 2
Placement of Employees. 1. Party B shall place two full time employees to work in the Property during the lease term.
2. Party B shall have the right to dismiss Party A’s employees who are working in the Property if the employee violates any rules or policies of Party B.
Placement of Employees. Voluntary transfers shall be filled in accordance with the following criteria which are listed according to priority:
(a) Certification;
(b) Qualifications, based upon the State-mandated appraisal system, professional experience, and additional course work;
(c) Seniority; and
(d) System-wide balance. Transfer requests to a different seniority classification shall not be considered until:
(a) All requests from employees within the seniority classification have been considered; and
(b) All unassigned employees in that seniority classification have been placed; and
(c) All employees returning from leave to that seniority classification have been placed; and
(d) All employees who have been transferred have been given the option to return as established in 9.6.5. In choosing between an employee on the recall list in the seniority classifica- tion in which the regular employment vacancy exists and an employee requesting a transfer from another seniority classification, a preference shall be given to the employee with greater seniority. Representatives of the Association appointed by the Association President shall be present when the actual transfer of employees is determined. Any administrator who is returning to a certificated and/or professionally licensed non-administrative position shall be placed only after the voluntary transfer process has been completed.
Placement of Employees. (a) VACANT POSITIONS & MATCHING
(1) FSH 6109.