Planning applications. Not without the prior written consent of the Landlord to make any application for any consent under the Planning Acts but if such application is for consent to do anything which the Tenant is permitted to do under this Lease (for which the approval of the Landlord is first required) and the Landlord has approved that thing such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
Planning applications. The Tenant must not apply for any planning permission in respect of the Premises except where any approval or consent required for the proposed development or change of use under any other provisions in this Lease has already been given and the Landlord has approved the terms of the application for planning permission.
Planning applications. The Tenant will not apply for any planning permission or enter into any agreement under the Planning Acts relating (in either case) to the Demised Premises or to their use or alteration without the Landlord's written consent____
Planning applications. Except for limited types of permitted development such as the conversion of offices to housing, planning permission is required for housing development. An application will generally be granted permission if it is in accordance with the Local Plan, unless there are material considerations that indicate otherwise. The revised 2018 NPPF also enables housing to be developed if there is no demonstrable supply of a five year land supply for housing or previous three years delivery was 75% or less of the housing requirements of an area. Since there is a substantial cost to making a planning application, most promoters usually only apply if they are reasonably confident of getting consent. If an application is refused there is an appeal process via the Secretary of State, which can be costly for the promoter or developer. Pre application discussions: Early consultation and liaison on development proposals, although not always a formal requirement, is beneficial in enabling policy requirements to be clearly set out and in resolving potential problems or conflicts before a formal application is submitted. Following any discussions, developers submit either outline or full planning applications.
Planning applications. 13.1.1 The Tenant is not to implement any planning permission under the Planning Acts which would be likely to have an Adverse Effect.
13.1.2 The Tenant is to obtain so often as occasion shall require all planning permissions licences, consents and approvals as may be required under the Planning Acts for the carrying out by the Tenant of any development on the Premises within the meaning of the Planning Acts or for the continuance of such development by the Tenant.
13.1.3 The Tenant is to indemnify (if and insofar as it is lawful for the parties to make such an arrangement) the Landlord against all charges payable in respect of any planning application made by the Tenant in respect of the Premises.
13.1.4 The Tenant is not to enter into any agreement with any Authority regulating the use or development of the Premises without the consent of the Landlord in respect of any matter which if implemented would be likely to have an Adverse Effect on the rights over the Premises which are reserved herein to the Landlord or would impose an obligation or liability on the Landlord.
Planning applications. While Norfolk County Council (NCC) Public Health are informed of planning applications for significant housing developments as county councils are statutory consultees, other health planning and commissioning bodies are not listed nationally as statutory consultees on such applications. One of the aims of this document therefore is to raise awareness of the importance of local planning authorities in Norfolk gaining input not only from NCC Public Health, but also from relevant health service planning and commissioning bodies on housing developments. The STP estate groups role as co-ordinator between local planning authorities, health partners and CCG’s will assist both in ensuring that development is planned to enable healthy lifestyles and allow service delivery to be planned effectively. Guidance is offered nationally on some considerations on who to engage. It is particularly important that NCC Public Health and relevant healthcare planning and commissioning bodies via the appropriate coordinating mechanism are consulted on proposals for development aimed at groups in society with distinct health needs such as the elderly and students. The respective LPAs should therefore consult NCC Public Health and Health partners on planning applications submitted for housing developments of 50 dwellings or more and for all planning applications including care homes, housing for the elderly, student accommodation and any proposals which would lead to significant loss of public open space. This should include any relevant pre- application discussions. For developments below 50 dwellings which may have an impact upon health services then the STP Estates’ Group should also be contacted for an initial view. Discussions and comments provided on all planning applications will make use of the criteria set out in the Health and Wellbeing Checklist (Appendix 2). Planning officers should make developers aware of this checklist and the benefits of taking account of it in working up housing proposals. PRE-APPLICATION DISCUSSIONS Since pre-application discussions are held for most of the larger scale proposals, NCC Public Health and the STP Estates’ Group will be engaged with and comments sought on pre-application proposals in Norfolk for all housing developments of 50 dwellings or more5, for those including care homes, housing for the elderly, student accommodation and for proposals which would lead to significant loss of public open space when resources allow. NCC Public Healt...
Planning applications. The district plan defines the site and its surrounding as an industrial area. A copy of this Plan is attached in appendix 3.4. Additional legal obligations were asked for by the competent autorithies. The building permission was granted on March 5th, 2001. The building permission for the Phase I distribution center is attached in Appendix 3.5.
Planning applications. 13.1 Without prejudice to the generality of the obligation contained in clause 12.1 the Buyer undertakes with the Council:
13.1.1 simultaneously to submit to the Authority in good time the Applications in relation to each of the Waterfront Central Development and the Waterfront East Development (having submitted the form of each Application and copies of the relevant information to the Council in advance for the Council's approval and paid due regard to the Council's reasonable representations in relation thereto and adhering to the requirements and stipulations contained in the respective Development Strategy) provided that it is agreed by the Parties that the Buyer may not submit the Applications to the Authority prior to agreement of the Venue Operator Agreement;
13.1.2 to pursue each Application with due diligence and in a co-ordinated and integrated manner with the intention of progressing the Applications as an integrated regeneration scheme in accordance with the terms of any planning performance agreement to be entered into with the Authority and to consult regularly with the Council as land owner in such regard and to take due account of its reasonable representations which may include its considered view on comments received from any prospective Venue Operator during the Buyer's VO Soft Market Testing or from the conclusions set out in the VO Procurement Strategy Report;
13.1.3 to pursue and conduct the Applications with due diligence and to consult with the Authority and highways authority fully on all aspects of the Applications (including complying with all pre application consultation policy guidance) and respond reasonably quickly in connection with requests for information plans and other supporting documentation and in consultation with the Council as land owner submit amendments and further information and applications as would normally be made by a reasonably prudent development manager taking into account all of the circumstances relevant to the Waterfront Central Site or the Waterfront East Site as applicable;
13.1.4 that the Buyer will not make any amendment to the Applications or withdraw them without having consulted with the Council (as landowner) and paid due regard to its reasonable representations in relation thereto with regards to the Application for the Waterfront Central Development and having obtained the approval of the Council in relation to the Waterfront East Development;
13.1.5 to keep the Council as landowner and the ...
Planning applications. The Tenant shall not make any application under the Planning Legislation without the prior written consent of the Landlord
Planning applications. Following the Acceptance Date, the Purchaser shall be entitled, if it elects to do so in its sole discretion, to submit to relevant authorities, such applications for site plan approval or rezoning of the Property (including any required amendments to the Official Plan) that may be required by the Purchaser with respect to the Purchaser's intended residential development of the Property (collectively, the "Planning Applications"), provided that:
(a) all costs associated therewith shall be borne by the Purchaser;
(b) the Purchaser shall forthwith inform the Vendor of and when each and any of the Planning Applications, including amendments thereto, are made by the Purchaser and shall forthwith deliver true and complete copies of same to the Vendor;
(c) the Purchaser shall indemnify and save harmless the Vendor from all claims or suits brought against the Vendor in the Vendor's capacity as owner of the Property as a result of the Planning Applications made by the Purchaser;
(d) no registrations or encumbrances are made on or in respect of the title of the Property in connection with or arising out of the Planning Applications made by the Purchaser until Closing has occurred;
(e) any acts of the Purchaser as a representative or agent of the Vendor are null and void unless the Vendor has provided written consent; and
(f) the Vendor must be a recipient of any application or other document or materials, and any correspondence relating to same, where the Purchaser holds itself out as a representative or agent of the Vendor. The Vendor's contact information is provided in Section 7.06.