Preceptor Nurse Sample Clauses

Preceptor Nurse. A nurse who is assigned, with the nurse’s consent, to participate in the development of newly-hired nurses or staff nurses changing clinical areas of practice,
Preceptor Nurse. A staff nurse who has met the eligibility requirements and has 19 received the additional training to act as a preceptor. Eligibility requirements are 20 specified in the Hospital’s “Preceptor Criteria/Guidelines.” Nurses who act as 21 preceptors will receive feedback on their annual performance appraisal related to 22 such duties as described in the preceptor job description.
Preceptor Nurse. A Nurse requested by his or her nurse manager to attend the 12 preceptor training program and coach nurses in the clinical setting. "Coaching" involves 13 assisting the nurse in the learning/development plan, and, in conjunction with the nurse 14 manager and/or designee, evaluating the nurse’s progress during the plan and 15 providing direct guidance and feedback to the preceptee and manager/designee.
Preceptor Nurse. A preceptor is a regular full-time or part-time nurse who is selected by his or her manager to participate in the planning and implementation of new skill development for designated nurses and/or students (excluding student observers) who are providing direct patient care. Preceptors must demonstrate clinical expertise in patient care, communication and leadership skills and interpersonal relationships, and be able to teach these skills in a close one-on-one relationship with newly hired nurses. Preceptors are assigned by their manager to a designated nurse and/or student without a clinical instructor on a consistent basis. Nurses who are precepting will have those additional responsibilities considered in their work assignments and, where appropriate, will have their patient load reduced accordingly.
Preceptor Nurse. A Nurse requested by his or her nurse manager to attend the preceptor training program and coach nurses in the clinical setting. "Coaching" involves assisting the nurse in the learning/development plan, and providing direct guidance and feedback to the preceptee and manager.
Preceptor Nurse. A staff nurse who has met the eligibility requirements and has received the additional training to act as a preceptor. Eligibility requirements are specified in the Hospital’s “Preceptor Criteria/Guidelines.” Nurses who act as preceptors will receive feedback on their annual performance appraisal related to such duties as described in the preceptor job description.
Preceptor Nurse. A preceptor is a regular full-time or part-time nurse who is selected by the Hospital to participate in the planning, organizing, teaching, and evaluating the new skill development for resident nurses, staff nurses, and six quarter YVCC students and ICN students during Home Health Rotation or other nursing students when there is no instructor on premises. Preceptors must demonstrate clinical expertise and patient care, communication and leadership skills, and interpersonal relationships, and be able to teach these skills in a close one to one relationship with resident nurses. Preceptors are assigned by the Hospital to a designated nurse resident on a consistent basis. Nurses who are precepting will have those additional responsibilities considered in their work assignment and, whenever possible, will be consulted before residents are promoted to staff nurse. Preceptor pay will be paid to those who provide relief to the preceptor per shift of two (2) or more hours in duration. Preceptor assignments may be made for the orientation of experienced nurses at the discretion of the Hospital.
Preceptor Nurse. A preceptor is a regular full-time or part-time nurse who is selected by the Employer to participate in the planning, organizing, teaching, and evaluating new skills development of recent graduates, staff nurses, and six (6) quarter YVCC students and ICN students during Home Health rotation, or other nursing students when there is no preceptor on premises. Preceptors must demonstrate clinical expertise in patient care, communication and leadership skills, and interpersonal relationships, and be able to teach these skills in a close one- to-one relationship with preceptees. Preceptors are assigned by the Employer to a preceptee on a consistent basis, and will have those additional responsibilities considered in their work assignments. Preceptors will be consulted to determine whether preceptees have successfully completed orientation or if more training is needed. Preceptor pay will be paid to those who provide relief to the preceptor for a shift of eight (8) or more hours in duration. Preceptor assignments may be made for the orientation of experienced nurses at the discretion of the Employer.
Preceptor Nurse. A preceptor is a regular full-time or part-time nurse who is selected by his or her manager to participate in the planning and implementation of new skill development for designated nurses and/or students (excluding student observers) who are without a clinical instructor in the same building where the students are located. Preceptors must demonstrate clinical expertise in patient care, communication and leadership skills and interpersonal relationships, and be able to teach these skills in a close one-on-one relationship with newly hired nurses. Preceptors are assigned by their manager to a designated nurse and/or student without a clinical instructor on a consistent basis. Nurses who are precepting will have those additional responsibilities considered in their work assignments and, where appropriate, will have their patient load reduced accordingly.
Preceptor Nurse. A preceptor is a regular full-time or part-time nurse who is selected by the Hospital to participate in the planning, organizing, teaching, and evaluating the new skill development for resident nurses, staff nurses, and nursing students when there is no faculty instructor on premises. Preceptors must demonstrate clinical expertise and patient care, communication and leadership skills, and interpersonal relationships, and be able to teach these skills in a close one to one relationship with resident nurses. Preceptors are assigned by the Hospital to a designated nurse resident on a consistent basis. Nurses who are precepting will have those additional responsibilities considered in their work assignment and, whenever possible, will be consulted before residents are promoted to staff nurse. Preceptor pay will be paid to those who provide relief to the preceptor per shift of two (2) or more hours in duration. Preceptor assignments may be made for the orientation of experienced nurses at the discretion of the Hospital.