PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Price shall include all customs duties and charges and be net, F.O.B. destination any point in New York State as designated by the ordering Authorized User. In the alternative, shipping costs from the shipping point may be added to invoice for the product, with a copy of the freight xxxx. Shipping costs are to be prepaid by Contractor and such orders are to be shipped on an F.O.B. destination basis. Contractor shall provide the Authorized User with an estimate of shipping charges prior to placement of an order. All such orders shall be shipped by the most economical method for the proper delivery of the product unless special instructions are stated on the Purchase Order by the Authorized User. Any prompt payment terms (cash discounts) or quantity (volume) discounts which are included in the Master Contract will also be included in this Piggyback Contract.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Price shall include all customs duties and charges and be net, F.O.B. destination any point in New York State as designated by the Authorized User. Any prompt payment terms (cash discounts) or quantity (volume) discounts which are included in the Master Contract will also be included in this Piggyback Contract.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Price shall include all customs duties and charges and be net, F.O.B. destination any point in New York State as designated by the ordering Authorized User. Any prompt payment terms (cash discounts) or quantity (volume) discounts which are included in the Master Contract will also be included in this Participating Addendum.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Price shall include all customs duties and charges and be net, F.O.B. destination any point in New York State as designated by the ordering Authorized User. In the alternative, shipping costs from the shipping point may be added to invoice for the product, with a copy of the freight xxxx. Shipping costs are to be prepaid by Contractor and such orders are to be shipped on an F.O.B. destination basis. Contractor shall provide the Authorized User with an estimate of shipping charges prior to placement of an order. All such orders shall be shipped by the most economical method for the proper delivery of the product unless special instructions are stated on the Purchase Order by the Authorized User. Any prompt payment terms (cash discounts) or quantity (volume) discounts which are included in the Master
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. The price listed on the NYS Price List for each Product shall be a not-to-exceed price. Contractor may offer more favorable pricing to Authorized Users for particular transactions. Price shall include all customs duties and charges and be net, F.O.B. destination any point in the continental United States as designated by the ordering Authorized User. Taxes, surcharges, fees, and other charges that may be billed to Authorized Users are limited to such charges listed on the Contractor's Telecommunication Connectivity Services (TCS) contract, Pass-through Charges tab of Attachment 1 - Contractor Pricelist. Any prompt payment terms (cash discounts) or quantity (volume) discounts which are included in the Master Contract will also be included in this Contract.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Price shall be as provided in the Master Contract, which is available on the GSA website: xxxxx:// Price shall be F.O.B. Origin with delivery at any point in New York State. Any prompt payment terms (cash discounts) or quantity (volume) discounts which are included in the Master Contract will also be included in this Piggyback Contract.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. The quotation on the face of the contract document is subject to airfreight, fuel surcharge increases, and any other airline charges which might have been increased after acceptance hereof. It is specifically recorded further that:
4.1 Routing to the destination from the point of departure may be changed without prior notice in order to adhere to embargo’s and airline regulations.
4.2 The Company reserves their right to alter, change or vary the route and airline for the transit of the pets, without prior notification to the Customer.
4.3 The costing of transport is quoted on the values stipulated during road business hours, and any transport outside of these hours, including public holidays, may incur a surcharge payable by the Customer.
4.4 The quotation or price contained on the face of the document is based upon various factors, including, but not limited to, the height and length of the animal, dimensions of the travel container, weight and general size and shape. If there is an increase in the estimated size of the animal, any extra freight charges or surcharges will be payable by the owner prior to the release of the animal. Any changes in freight tariffs, or other charges which have increased between the date of the providing of the quotation and the date of travel of the pet thereof, shall be for the Customer’s account.
4.5 Additional charges for kennelling and any extra journeys, to airport, return of the animal, or to kennels, shall likewise be for the Customer’s account, and will be payable upon demand.
4.6 Any charges levied over and above those quoted for herein, as at the port of destination, will likewise be payable by the Customer upon demand.
4.7 The price which shall be payable by the Customer shall be the amount as quoted on the Company’s quotation, together with any charges, increases or surcharges which shall be delineated separately and which shall be payable simultaneously with payment of the contract sum. It is recorded specifically that the Company shall have the reasonable right to alter its prices without prior notice to the Customer.
4.8 There shall be no automatic right to discount, and any discount applied to the price shall be at the sole and complete discretion of the Company.
4.9 In the event of cancellation, deposit amount of 15% for export, and 50% for import and domestic of travel costs are non-refundable and pertain to the direct administrative costs incurred at opening relocation file. Cancellation 1-7 days before tra...
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. 2.1.1 Lucent's purchase price for Products is determined by multiplying Supplier's list price times the applicable discount set forth in Appendix 1, which is incorporated herein by reference. Supplier's current list prices are set forth in Appendix 1, together with Lucent's discounts from list prices. Supplier may revise its list prices at any time in its sole discretion; provided, however, that it agrees to give Lucent thirty (30) days prior written notice of such list price changes. Either Party may request a review of Lucent's discounts at any time and the Parties will enter into good faith discussions to review the discounts and make any mutually agreeable modifications. It is the intent of the Parties that all prices support earning an acceptable return for each Party and that such return will be at least as good as the return generated by the initial prices.
2.1.2 Other miscellaneous pricing information is also included in Appendix 1.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Prices shall be as shown in APPENDIX A. [*]. Supplier shall notify Company [*] in advance of any proposed price increase. Orders placed prior to the proposed effective date shall not be affected by the proposed price revision. If Company and Supplier fail to agree upon prices by the proposed effective date, Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and any outstanding purchase orders placed against this Agreement without any cost to or liability or obligation of Company.
PRICE AND DISCOUNTS. Prices and discounts shall be as shown in SPAs issued under this Agreement, incorporated herein by reference. Prices and discounts as listed shall remain in effect for at least one (1) year from the date of the SPA or as mutually agreed to by the parties and shall, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, be re-negotiated each year thereafter and become effective on the "anniversary date" of such SPA. Such annual price negotiations shall be completed within a ninety day period. It is the intent of the Parties that all prices support earning an acceptable return and that such return will be at least as good as the return generated by the initial prices dependent upon market conditions.