Prices and price adjustments Sample Clauses
Prices and price adjustments a. All prices will be in euros. All prices will be exclusive of VAT, unless stated otherwise in the offer or the agreement.
b. WHITEVISION will be entitled to adjust the rates with effect from 1 January of each calendar year, unless three months have not passed since entering into the agreement. The adjustment of the rates will be communicated in advance, and the Contracting Party current rates.
Prices and price adjustments. The prices shown in this order shall, except as explicitly provided in this Section 6, remain firm throughout the term of this order unless Xxxxx expressly agrees to adjust such prices through a purchase order revision. The prices shown include all applicable charges to be invoiced to Buyer and, if Seller determines that any agreed upon charge for dunnage, pallets, handling, or otherwise, has not been included in such prices, then Seller must notify Buyer of any such additional charge prior to Seller’s acceptance of this order or Seller’s first provision of Products hereunder. Seller shall only invoice taxes which it is required by law to collect from Buyer and shall not invoice any tax for which Buyer has furnished a valid tax exemption certificate. Any tax included on the invoice shall be shown on a separate line labeled “tax”. Seller represents that its prices charged for Products under this order are at least as low as the prices charged by Seller to buyers of the same kind as Buyer under conditions substantially similar to those specified in this order.
(1) Seller shall not be entitled to pass through any price increase from a subsupplier whom Seller has been directed to use by Buyer unless and until such price increase has been reviewed and approved by Buyer.
(2) Any price increase request by Seller must be supported by a submission, by Seller, of such supporting information as may be reasonably required by Buyer and in the format required by Buyer. Seller acknowledges that any price increase request that does not comply with Buyer’s required format will require a minimum of ninety (90) days to resolve.
(3) Prior to consideration of any such price increase, Seller agrees to have a third party conduct, at Seller’s sole expense, a lean assessment approved by Buyer in order to determine whether Seller has margin enhancement opportunities that could be implemented in lieu of Seller’s proposed price increase request. In the event that Buyer and Seller are not able to agree upon a price increase acceptable to both parties, then Seller agrees to continue to sell the Products to Buyer at the existing prices for such products, without interruption, for a minimum period of twelve (12) months and otherwise to cooperate with Buyer to allow Buyer to resource the Products in question to an alternative supplier.
Prices and price adjustments. 3 5. Payment .......................................... 7 6. Delivery ......................................... 8 7. Orders ........................................... 8 8.
Prices and price adjustments. 6.1 The Base Prices for the Parts for the full term with respect to any such Part will be as set forth in Exhibit B for Existing Parts, in Exhibit C for the Committed Parts and in the Part Delivery Amendments for the respective New Parts, subject however to the adjustments set forth below. All prices and price adjustments are stated in United States dollars. To the extent that the parties each determine that the use of alternative currencies may be mutually beneficial, the Parties agree to work together from time to time to consider the use of such alternatives. Prices do not include sales and use taxes, which will be the responsibility of Xxxx.
6.2 The Base Prices for each of the Parts shall be adjusted from time to time to reflect any change in the price of materials, components or subassemblies purchased by Sypris from Xxxx and/or Dana’s suppliers for production of the Parts on a pass through basis.
6.2.1 The parties agree that no prices under the Agreement or any Part Delivery Amendment will be adjusted for any increase or decrease in Dana’s requirement for Parts or for changes in demand dictated by Dana’s customers, except for changes requested by Xxxx to the number of units to be delivered during the “Firm Window” (meaning the succeeding 5 days from the then-current date on the forecast timeline of the Release, or, with respect to New Parts, as otherwise defined and described in the Part Delivery Amendment), or as otherwise provided by Ohio Revised Code Section 1302.19 or any successor statute (codifying U.C.C. 2-306).
6.2.2 For purposes of illustration only, Dana’s opportunity to obtain significant additional business by delivering significant expedited volumes to help satisfy a new fleet order would be an example of an unreasonably disproportionate change in orders, while a substantial drop in volumes due to the overall reduction in industry volumes would not be deemed an unreasonably disproportionate change.
Prices and price adjustments. Prices for the Products shall be as set forth in attached Exhibit B and may be adjusted for additional performance requirements in the marketplace. Any price adjustments will be reviewed and agreed to by SDI and Micron before being applied. Pricing shall also be subject to fluctuations in market price of raw materials and energy costs. Micron shall give SDI ninety (90) days written notice of any market price fluctuations or changes as described herein above, including reasoning and a full description thereto.
Prices and price adjustments. Paragraph 1 Unless explicitly stated and agreed otherwise, the prices given are expressed in euros and exclusive of VAT, excise duties and packaging. The point of departure is that NTS’ prices are based on the time and materials needed by NTS for the performance of the Agreement. Unless agreed otherwise, NTS does not work on the basis of a predetermined total price.
Paragraph 2 Unless agreed otherwise the prices agreed are indexed annually as from 1 January on the basis of the most up-to-date price index figure of the consumer price index (CPI), category “total spending” (2015 Paragraph 3 If NTS and the Buyer agree on a price in a different currency than the currency of the country where the producing entity of NTS is based (“Local currency”) and the exchange rate of that different currency falls or increases by more than 2 % in relation to the exchange rate at the time the price agreement was made, NTS has the right to adjust the price automatically and accordingly. Paragraph 4 If, after the creation of an Agreement, a change occurs in the prices of materials or raw materials, in exchange rates, freight rates, import or export duties, taxes or other price-determinant factors for NTS, as a result of which NTS’ cost price proves higher than at the time the Agreement was created, NTS is entitled to pass this increase in price on to the Buyer. This also applies if this increase was foreseeable but could not yet be precisely determined at the time that this Agreement was created.
Prices and price adjustments. Price The prices of the products covered by the Contract are stated in Annex 2. Prices are exclusive of VAT, including any form of fees, taxes and duties, insurance expenses, service, support and packaging, etc., unless otherwise provided in the price list and/or the specifications of requirements. Price adjustments Prices remain fixed for the term hereof, including any periods of extension. Adjustments may, however, be made in accordance with clause 7.3. Taxes and duties The parties may at any time demand that prices be adjusted to reflect the net financial consequences of changes to taxes and duties which become known after the date when the Contract was concluded and which are imposed or removed from products covered by the Contract. % R Q X V S D \ D E O H W R W K H & X V W R P H U Revenue from this Contract must not form the basis of any payment of bonus, discounts or other form R I F R P S H Q V D W L R Q W R W K H & X V W R P H U 8. Invoicing The Supplier may request payment when delivery has been made, and the deliverable is free from defects. Invoicing must be effected according to the rules on electronic invoicing of public authorities applicable from time to time. Invoices must be sent electronically to the person who placed the order (under EAN number 5798000792883). The invoice must state: x Date of issuance (invoice date); x Invoice number (number to identify the invoice); x Company registration number of the Supplier (CVR number/SE number); x 6 X S QS DO PL HH U D¶ VQ G D G G U H V V D Q G W K H & X x Name of the person placing the order; x Contract or order number (if available); x An informative description of the products supplied separate line on the invoice; x Quantity and unit of the products supplied; x Price per unit excluding VAT; x VAT rate and VAT amount; x Delivery address;
e– ach product must be described on a The Customer may reject invoices which are not received electronically or which lack any of the above information, or if invoicing is generally not in compliance with the Danish Act on Public Payments etc.
Prices and price adjustments. 4.1 The initial Unit Price for each Product will be the price stated in Japanese yen set forth in Exhibit 1.
4.2 The Unit Prices for Parts supplied by MHI will be 43.75% of the prices stated in US dollars set forth for each Part in MHI's suggested retail price list. Unit Prices for Parts supplied by MMC will be 65% of the prices stated in Japanese yen set forth for each Part in MMC's suggested dealer price lists. Suggested price lists will generally be revised by MHI or MMC on an annual basis. Revised suggested price lists will be effective for shipments made after the effective date of the price list.
4.3 The Unit Price of any Product or Party) may be increased or decreased at any time by mutual agreement ("Interim Price Adjustment"). Such Interim Price Adjustments will be made for mutually agreed upon design changes.
Prices and price adjustments. If a price has not been agreed upon in advance, the standard price list from Ragn-Sells AS in force at any point in time applies. All prices are stated exclusive of Norwegian MVA (value-added tax). Ragn-Sells AS’s prices are adjusted annually, normally as of 1 January. Notification of any price changes that come in addition to the annual price adjustment will be given by Ragn-Sells AS one month in advance through the invoice, e-mail or other special notification. If the expenses incurred by Ragn-Sells AS for processing duties, payment to customers who have delivered waste fractions that Ragn-Sells AS pays for (credit fractions), or other expenses incurred by Ragn-Sells AS are changed, Ragn-Sells AS has the right to change the prices immediately, applicable from the first day of the subsequent month. Invoicing of rent may be made in advance prior to the commencement of the rental period, unless otherwise agreed. The basis for the prices and stipulated delivery and collection times is that Ragn-Sells AS complies with the rules, regulations and provisions that are in force at any point in time, as well as the collective bargaining agreements that are in force and that are relevant for the personnel and equipment Ragn-Sells AS uses. The customer cannot demand that Ragn-Sells AS should break relevant rules to satisfy the customer's needs. Payments for the rates for toll roads, extraordinary parking fees in urban centres, rental of street space etc. are changed during an agreement period, Ragn-Sells AS has the right to invoice an extra amount for such increased expenses as well as an administration fee. Such extra invoicing must be stated on a separate line in the invoice for goods or services delivered. Any fees pursuant to section 12-2 of the Waste Regulations (public fee for declaration of hazardous waste) will be invoiced by Ragn-Sells AS and will come in addition to the ordinary payment to Ragn-Sells AS for services rendered. If during the agreement period there are changes in laws, regulations or other types of provisions determined by the authorities, and which influence the business operations of Ragn-Sells AS, the company reserves the right to make immediate adjustment of prices to compensate for such changes.
Prices and price adjustments. 4.1 The initial Unit Price for each Product will be the price stated in Exhibit 2.