PRODUCTION PROGRAMS. 9.1 If the Operator determines that the economic potential of any part of the Property warrants the preparation of a Feasibility Report the Operator will prepare a Program in accordance with section 8 contemplating the preparation of a Feasibility Report. The Operator will forthwith deliver to the Management Committee any internal or draft report or reports on the economics of Commercial Production and on completion of the Feasibility Report pursuant to such Program the Operator shall forthwith deliver to the Participants a Feasibility Report together with a Production Recommendation. If in the opinion of the Management Committee it is warranted based on the conclusions reached in the Feasibility Report (a “Production Decision”), the Operator shall prepare a Production Program in respect to such part of the Property which shall include at least the following: (a) a description of that part of the Property to be covered by the proposed mine; (b) the estimated recoverable reserves of minerals and the estimated composition and content thereof; (c) the costs and time estimate for permitting and the proposed procedure for development, mining and production; (d) results of ore amenability tests (if any); (e) the nature and extent of the Facilities proposed to be acquired which may include mill facilities, if the size, extent and location of the ore body makes such mill facilities feasible, in which event the study shall also include a preliminary design for such mill; (f) the total costs, including capital budget, which are reasonably required to obtain permitting for and to purchase, construct and install all structures, machinery and equipment required for the proposed mine, including a Schedule of timing of such requirements, and an estimate of the operating expenses and capital expenditures to be shared by the Participants in proportion to their respective Interests for each operating year during the projected life of the mine; (g) all environmental, socio-economic and heritage baseline impact studies and costs; (h) the period in which it is proposed the Property shall be brought to Commercial Production; (i) such other data and information as are reasonably necessary to substantiate the existence of an ore deposit of sufficient size and grade to justify development of a mine, taking into account all relevant business, tax and other economic considerations; and (j) working capital requirements for the initial four month operation as a mine or such longer per...
PRODUCTION PROGRAMS. Prior to or at the end of the Pilot Period, if the deliverables are satisfied; CARD Bank will provide reasonable assistance to CMIT in securing definitive agreements with MFS Plans for the implementation of Production Programs (the "Production Program Agreements").
PRODUCTION PROGRAMS. 11.1 If the Managing Operator determines that the economic potential of any part of the Property warrants the preparation of a Feasibility Report the Managing Operator will present a Program in accordance with section 10 contemplating the preparation of a Feasibility Report. The Managing Operator will, concurrently with the presentation of such Program, deliver to the Management Committee any internal or draft report on the economics of Commercial Production which it may have prepared or caused to have been prepared. On completion of the Feasibility Report pursuant to such Program the Managing Operator will forthwith deliver to the Management Committee the Feasibility Report and, if the Feasibility Report recommends placing the Property (or a portion thereof) into Commercial Production, a Production Program in respect of the Property or such portion thereof will be prepared by the Managing Operator. 11.2 Within 120 days of the delivery to the Management Committee of a Production Program and Feasibility Report delivered pursuant to subsection 11.1 each Joint Operator will give notice stating whether it elects to contribute its Cost Share of the Production Program. Failure to give such notice within such period will be deemed to be an election not to contribute to such Production Program. If both Joint Operators elect to contribute their respective Cost Shares of the Production Program the Joint Operators will implement the Production Program. If one Joint Operator elects or is deemed to have elected not to contribute to a Production Program, its Interest will thereafter be determined in accordance with sections 4.3 and 4.4. The Joint Operators will not proceed with any Production Program which is not fully subscribed. 11.3 An election to fund a Production Program under subsection 11.2 will make a Joint Operator liable to pay its Cost Share of: (a) all of the Production Program Costs actually incurred under or pursuant to such Production Program, including Production Program Overruns up to but not exceeding 10% of estimated Production Program Costs; (b) Operating Costs and any other costs associated with establishing and operating the Property as a mine at such time as the liability is incurred by either Joint Operator; and (c) any debts, liabilities or obligations arising from operations hereunder, except financing costs incurred by the other Joint Operator in connection with such other Joint Operator's contributions to Production Program Costs, other than ...
PRODUCTION PROGRAMS. Six (6) months prior to the first Commercial Production Start Date of Crude Oil and Liquid Hydrocarbon By-Products, Operator shall present to the Management Committee for its consideration and approval a production program stating the quantities of Crude Oil and Liquid Hydrocarbon By-Products which Operator estimates will be produced and delivered to the Parties during the period from the anticipated Commercial Production Start Date to the end of the relevant Calendar Year. Thereafter and so long as the Agreement remains in effect, Operator shall, not later than six (6) months before the end of each Calendar Year, present a similar production program for the following year to the Management Committee for its consideration and approval. Each production program shall be suitably detailed and divided into such periods as may be requested by the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall promptly inform the Parties of each approved production program.
PRODUCTION PROGRAMS. 11.1. The Contractor undertakes to produce on a yearly basis reasonable quantities of Hydrocarbons from each Marketable Deposit according to the rules of the art in use in the international oil industry, mainly taking into consideration the rules of proper preservation of the deposits and the best possible recovery of the Hydrocarbon reserves under economic conditions. 11.2. In the case of production, the Annual Project Schedule mentioned in Article 16 herein below that the Contractor must submit, before the first (1st) October of each Civil Year, to the Minister will include for each Marketable Deposit, the production program and the corresponding budget prepared for the following Year. 11.3. The Contractor shall attempt to produce during each Civil Year, the quantities estimated in the production program defined hereinabove.
PRODUCTION PROGRAMS. 11.1. The Consortium agrees to produce reasonable quantities of Hydrocarbons from each Commercial Field in accordance with the normal practice of the international petroleum industry, taking into account in particular the metods of good conservation of the fields and the optimum recovery of the Hydrocarbons reserves on an economic basis. 11.2. During production, the Consortium shall before 1st November of every Calendar year submit for approval to the Minister the production program for each Commercial Field and the corresponding Budget set for the following Calendar Year. Such approval shall be granted automatically if the program is in accordance with the provisions of Article 11.1. above. 11.3. The Consortium shall use its best endeavors to produce during each calendar Year the quantities estimated in the production program referred to above.


  • Training Programs All employees shall successfully complete all necessary training prior to being assigned work (e.g., all employees will complete health and safety training prior to being assigned to task). Nothing in this Article or provision shall constitute a waiver of either party’s bargaining obligations or defenses. The Employer still has an obligation to notify and bargain changes in terms and conditions of employment with the exclusive representative.

  • Development Plans Customer has provided Provider with a report attached hereto as Exhibit D (the “Current Development Plan”) describing in detail, as of January 1, 2017, the planned development, drilling, production, processing, treating, marketing and other activities to take place with respect to Dedicated Production and Customer Injected NGLs for the applicable Development Period. The information contained in the Current Development Plan is, with respect to the first three Years covered by the Current Development Plan, on a Quarter-by-Quarter basis, and with respect to the remaining Years covered by the Current Development Plan, on a Year-by-Year basis. The Current Development Plan attached hereto has been approved by the Parties. (a) From time to time during each Year of the Term, the Parties shall meet to discuss the planned development, drilling, production, processing, treating, marketing and other activities that Customer expects to take place with respect to Dedicated Production and Customer Injected NGLs for the then-applicable Development Period. Customer and Provider shall each make their respective representatives available to participate in such meetings and discussions. No later than August 1 of each such Year, Customer shall provide (or cause to be provided) to Provider a proposed update of the then-currently agreed Development Plan, prepared on the same basis as the Current Development Plan and describing in detail the planned development, drilling, production, processing, treating, marketing and other activities to take place with respect to Dedicated Production and Customer Injected NGLs for the then-applicable Development Period (any such update, an “Updated Development Plan” and, together with the Current Development Plan, each, a “Development Plan”). (b) Each proposed Development Plan shall include information as to the following, in each case, broken out, with respect to the first three Years covered by such Development Plan, on a Quarter-by-Quarter basis, and, with respect to the remaining Years covered by such Development Plan, on a Year-by-Year basis: (i) forward-looking production estimates for the applicable time period covered by such Development Plan for all Customer Gas and Customer Injected NGLs (A) that Customer reasonably and in good faith believes will become owned or Controlled by Customer during the time period covered by such Development Plan, and/or (B) that will be produced from (I) in the aggregate, all Xxxxx then-existing and (II) in the aggregate, all Xxxxx that are expected to be drilled during the time period covered by such Development Plan (each such Well reflected in such Development Plan, a “Planned Well” and, such collective estimates described in subsections (A) and (B), both with respect to a particular Quarter and an entire Year, the “Dedicated Production Estimates”); TERMS IN THIS EXHIBIT HAVE BEEN REDACTED BECAUSE CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT FOR THOSE TERMS HAS BEEN REQUESTED. THE REDACTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, AND THE TERMS HAVE BEEN MARKED AT THE APPROPRIATE PLACE WITH TWO ASTERISKS (**). (ii) (A) each new receipt point (including the location thereof) proposed by Customer with respect to the Dedicated Production Estimate reflected in such Development Plan (each such receipt point, a “Planned Receipt Point”), (B) each Receipt Point at which Customer expects to Tender Customer Gas or Customer Injected NGLs reflected in such Development Plan into the TGP System, and (C) the estimated portion of the Dedicated Production Estimate contained in such Development Plan that Customer expects to Tender at each such Receipt Point and Planned Receipt Point; (iii) (A) each new delivery point (including the location thereof) proposed by Customer with respect to the Dedication Production Estimate reflected in such Development Plan (each such delivery point, a “Planned Delivery Point”), (B) each Delivery Point at which Customer expects to Nominate Customer Residue Gas or Customer NGLs produced from the Dedicated Production Estimate reflected in such Development Plan to be redelivered to Customer, and (C) the estimated volumes of Customer Residue Gas and Customer NGLs produced from the Dedication Production Estimate contained in such Development Plan that Customer expects to Nominate to each such Delivery Point; (iv) the earliest date on which each Planned Receipt Point and Planned Delivery Point included in the Development Plan is required by Customer to be placed into service, which date shall not be earlier than three Months after the January 1st that is immediately subsequent to the date that the Development Plan that initially reflected such Planned Receipt Point or Planned Delivery Point was delivered to Provider hereunder; (v) the anticipated characteristics of the production from the Xxxxx and Planned Xxxxx reflected in such Development Plan (including liquids content and gas and liquids composition) and the projected production volumes and production pressures applicable thereto; provided that Customer may utilize the existing and historical production information from similarly situated Xxxxx; (vi) any (A) proposed revision to the then-existing Dedicated Area and/or any then-existing Dedicated Contract and/or (B) any new contract that Customer proposes to be a Dedicated Contract; and (vii) other information reasonably requested by Provider that is relevant to the design, construction, and operation of the TGP System, including (A) any applicable Plant Expansion or Facilities Modification proposed by Customer, (B) the relevant Receipt Point and Planned Receipt Point facilities applicable to such Development Plan, and (C) the relevant Delivery Point and Planned Delivery Point facilities applicable to such Development Plan. TERMS IN THIS EXHIBIT HAVE BEEN REDACTED BECAUSE CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT FOR THOSE TERMS HAS BEEN REQUESTED. THE REDACTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, AND THE TERMS HAVE BEEN MARKED AT THE APPROPRIATE PLACE WITH TWO ASTERISKS (**).

  • Educational Program A. DSST PUBLIC SCHOOLS shall implement and maintain the following characteristics of its educational program in addition to those identified in the Network Contract at DSST XXXX MIDDLE SCHOOL (“the School” within Exhibit A-3). These characteristics are subject to modification with the District’s written approval:

  • Marketing Plans Contractor and the Exchange recognize that Enrollees and other health care consumers benefit from efforts relating to outreach activities designed to increase heath awareness and encourage enrollment. The parties shall share marketing plans on an annual basis and with respect to periodic updates of material changes. The marketing plans of each of the Exchange and Contractor shall include proposed marketing approaches and channels and shall provide samples of any planned marketing materials and related collateral as well as planned, and when completed, expenses for the marketing budget. The Contractor shall include this information for both the Exchange and the outside individual market. The Exchange shall treat all marketing information provided under this Section as confidential information and the obligation of the Exchange to maintain confidentiality of this information shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.

  • Pilot Programs The Employer may develop voluntary pilot programs to test the acceptability of various risk management programs. Incentives for participation in such programs may include limited short-term improvements to the benefits outlined in this Article. Implementation of such pilot programs is subject to the review and approval of the Joint Labor-Management Committee on Health Plans.

  • Orientation Program The Company will allow a designated representative of the Local or Bargaining Unit up to one (1) hour per calendar month for the purpose of conducting the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union New Members’ Orientation Program. Such meetings will be conducted during the probationary period of employees, and will be held on Company premises. Employees participating in Orientation Program meetings during their normally scheduled working hours will not suffer loss of pay at their regular rate. Orientation Program meetings will be scheduled by Management and a Management representative may attend as an observer.

  • Manufacturing (a) The Supplier shall without limitation be responsible, at no additional cost to the Purchaser, for: sourcing and procuring all raw materials for the Products; obtaining all necessary approvals, permits and licenses for the manufacturing of the Products; providing sufficient qualified staff and workers to perform the obligations under this Purchase Agreement; implementing and maintaining effective inventory and production control procedures with respect to the Products; and handling other matters as reasonably requested by the Purchaser from time to time. (b) The Supplier shall not change any process, material, component, packaging or manufacturing location without the Purchaser’s express prior written approval.

  • Programs An expression of a combination of instructions that causes a computer to function so that it is capable of obtaining a certain result.

  • Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.