Programs. An expression of a combination of instructions that causes a computer to function so that it is capable of obtaining a certain result.
Programs. Include but are not limited to mental health case management, counseling (individual, family and group), skills training and wrap-around services.
Programs. State, local, and Tribal governments may use payments from the Fiscal Recovery Funds to engage in planning and analysis in order to improve programs addressing the COVID–19 pandemic, including through use of targeted consumer outreach, improvements to data or technology infrastructure, impact evaluations, and data analysis. Eligible Uses to Address Disparities in Public Health Outcomes. In addition, in recognition of the disproportionate impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic on health outcomes in low-income and Native American communities and the importance of mitigating these effects, the interim final rule identifies a broader range of services and programs that will be presumed to be responding to the public health emergency when provided in these communities.
Programs. If the NRMP's investigation of an alleged Match violation by a program results in a finding that a program has committed a violation of this Agreement, the processing of the program's rank order list may be interrupted. The NRMP at its discretion may withdraw the program from the SMS Match. The NRMP’s Final Report on the confirmed violation will be delivered to the program director with copies to:
(1) the NRMP institutional official for transmittal to the institution's graduate medical education committee
(2) the chair of the institution’s graduate medical education committee
(3) the ACGME for distribution to the respective Residency Review Committee (RRC) and the Institutional Review Committee
(4) the respective specialty program director association
(5) the party who originally reported the violation
(6) the NRMP Executive Committee
(7) any parties whom the NRMP has determined are relevant to its investigation In addition, the program may be barred from future NRMP Matches and/or identified as a Match violator for one to three years or permanently, as determined by the NRMP. The decision conveyed in the Final Report will be displayed in the Institution and Program Violations report in the R3 system for one to three years or permanently, as determined by the NRMP. Term limits of any sanction(s) imposed for the violation will be included to identify the length of time the action is in effect. All programs at a sponsoring institution, regardless of the program’s Match participation status, are prohibited from offering a position to an applicant who has been barred for one year from accepting or starting a position or a new training year because a waiver request has been denied by the NRMP or because of a confirmed violation of the Match Participation Agreement. If a program offers a position to such applicant, or if an applicant accepts such a position, and training would commence within one year of the date of the NRMP’s waiver decision or the date of issuance of the Final Report, the NRMP will initiate an investigation to determine whether the applicant or program has violated the terms of the Agreement. The NRMP has sole discretion to determine which of the sanctions described above shall be applied in the event a program violates this Agreement. Failure to comply with sanctions levied as a result of a confirmed violation that is final may result in a new investigation and imposition of new sanctions.
Programs. See Section 2.3(b). --------
Programs. The County shall provide the Contract Agency’s inmates with access to educational, recreational and social service programs offered at the County jail under the terms and conditions applicable to other similarly situated inmates at the County jail.
Programs. The HMO must coordinate with other state HHS Programs in each Service Area regarding the provision of essential public health care services. In addition to the requirements listed above in Section 8.2.2. or otherwise required under state law or this contract, the HMO must meet the following requirements:
Programs. The MCO must coordinate with other state HHS Programs in each Service Area regarding the provision of essential public Health Care Services. In addition to the requirements listed above in Section 8.2.2. or otherwise required under state law or the Contract, the MCO must meet the following requirements:
Programs. School Corporation contributions shall be made only for School Corporation contracted programs.
Programs. Fees and Fee Refunds