Project Program. The Owner shall provide a Project RFP setting forth the Owner’s description of the project scope; preliminary project budget; schedule; objectives, characteristics and constraints; and a description of the basic services to be provided by the Services Provider for the project. Representative: The Owner designates as its representative authorized to act in the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project. The Owner designates or his designee as its representative for the purpose of administering this contract.
Project Program. Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal (COBCP), project narrative, room specification requirements, and Initial Project Construction Budget.
Project Program. The term "Project Program" shall mean a written statement in the Exhibits of University's design objectives, constraints, and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expendability, special equipment and systems, and Project site requirements.
Project Program. The term "Project Program" (Exhibit H) is a written statement of University's design objectives, constraints, and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expendability, special equipment and systems, and Project site requirements.
Project Program. The term "Project Program" (Exhibit Project Program, H to Exhibit F – Executive Design Professional Agreement) is a written statement of University's design objectives, constraints, and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expendability, special equipment and systems, and Project site requirements.
Project Program. A description of the project and key requirements
Project Program. Campus provided Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal (COBCP), project narrative, space function requirements, and Initial Project Construction Budget.
Project Program. A description of the project and key requirements. Detailed programming is part of the Design-Builder’s scope.
Project Program. 1) Designer will meet with the SVGC Advisory Board to confirm the project's scope, purpose, goals, objectives, preliminary budgets, and issues to be addressed in the proposed Master Plan.
2) Key individuals and responsibilities will be identified: • Owner’s Board of Directors • General Manager / Director of Facilities • SVGC Advisory Board • SVGC Golf Course Superintendent
Project Program. At a time which is mutually agreeable to the Authority and Developer (but not later than thirty (30) days following full execution of this Development Agreement), Developer and the Authority shall meet to review and discuss an initial draft of a Project brief, budget program and schedule which outlines the key tasks and objectives for the Project. Within thirty (30) days after such initial meeting, the Authority and Developer shall meet a second time to review and update such information. Within ninety (90) days following the full execution of this Development Agreement (provided that the Authority and Developer may agree to extend such period for an additional thirty (30) days), Developer shall provide to the Authority a detailed program outline of the requirements for the Project, that includes a conceptual program, design and construction objectives and criteria, preliminary time schedules, amenities, preliminary space requirements, infrastructure and support, preliminary cost estimates (based on estimates prepared by the Cost Estimator) for each major element of the Project and Developer's initial recommendations regarding the appropriateness of proceeding with the design, construction and completion of the Project in a series of independent stages (taking into account the desire of the Authority to minimize disruptions to the operation of the existing facilities on the Property) (the "Proposed Project Program"). The Project's theme shall reflect the culture, history and art of the Tribe. The Authority shall either approve, (in its sole and absolute discretion) or return with comments consistent with the elements described in Recital B hereof and reasonable construction practices and consideration of the limit on Total Project Costs, on the Proposed Project Program within fifteen (15) days of delivery by Developer. Developer shall modify the Proposed Project Program as required by the Authority's comments and shall resubmit it for final approval within fifteen (15) days (or such additional time as the extent of the comments reasonably require). The final, approved proposal is hereinafter referred to as the "Project Program".