Section 24.3 Sample Clauses

Section 24.3. 37 For purposes of calculating hours, actual time worked shall be rounded up to the next quarter (¼) hour.
Section 24.3. 31 All employees enrolled as apprentices by the Washington Public School Classified Employees Joint 32 Apprenticeship and Training Committee (WPSCEJATC) shall be subject to all terms of this 33 agreement; except, that the WPSCEJATC shall have jurisdiction to insure that apprentices successfully 34 complete all requirements of the program as approved and registered with the Washington State 35 Apprenticeship and Training Council.
Section 24.3. 19 It is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible. The number of days indicated at 20 each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the 21 process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement. It is expected 22 that employees will be able to discuss differences in a setting which provides for open communications 23 and reflect an understanding of the individual’s concerns, job responsibilities, and the interests of the 24 district. Informal discussions between the employee and supervisor should take place before a formal 25 grievance is filed.
Section 24.3. 33 The grievance discussion shall take place whenever possible as close to the end of the workday as
Section 24.3. ‌ 2 This Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of 3 both parties in writing; provided, however, that it shall be reopened to consider any legislation enacted 4 following the execution of this Agreement which may arguably affect the terms and conditions herein 5 or create authority to alter personnel practices in public employment. 10 11 12 SIGNATURE PAGE‌ 13 14 15 PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES OF 16 WASHINGTON / SEIU LOCAL 1948 17 18 19 KENNEWICK ASSOCIATION OF 20 EDUCATIONAL SECRETARIES KENNEWICK SCHOOL DISTRICT #17 21 22 24 BY: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Sep 17, 2022 19:49 PDT) BY: 25 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Chapter President Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, Director of Human Resources 27 28 DATE: DATE: 29 31 Schedule A‌ Proposed August 31, 2022 - September 1, 2023 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 Longevity 1.5% Longevity 1.5% Longevity 1.5% 0-1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3-4 YEARS 5-9 YEARS 10-15 YEARS 16-19 YEARS 20-24 YEARS 25+ YEARS TIER A $19.56 $21.70 $23.62 $23.97 $24.33 $24.69 $25.06 $25.44 Receptionist, High School Registrars, High School Attendance, Building Secretaries, HS Counseling, Community Education and Library Secretaries. TIER B $19.88 $22.04 $23.97 $24.33 $24.69 $25.06 $25.44 $25.82 Lead Secretaries, HS/MS Data Processors, ASB Secretaries, MS Attendance/Registrar, All Administrative Level (Business Office, Federal , SPED, Elem/Secondary Department, Director Secretaries). TIER C $20.32 $22.50 $24.47 $24.82 $25.19 $25.57 $25.95 $26.34 Nutrition Services Secretaries, Purchasing Secretary, Transportation Secretary, Maintenance Secretary, and Sub Dispatchers. Longevity shall be applied as per Section 22.7. Step 6, 7, and 8 are 1.5% above previous Step. Tier A - Positions in which the primary functions are to meet and greet visitors, handle and route calls, perform basic clerical tasks, and/or perform skills in various software and data entry. Secretaries in these positions must be able to audit own work and carry a high responsibility for data as well as student and staff interaction and assistance. Tier B - Performs all duties of Tier A. In addition, is responsible for department/school oversight of multiple processes. Including payroll, requisitions, statistical management and special assignments. Must have a high level of ability to work independently with minimal instructions, manage multiple software programs, direct work flow and work product of others, manage schedule of school, department or supervisor, independently ...
Section 24.3. ‌ 37 This Agreement may be reopened and modified at any time during its term upon mutual consent of the 38 parties in writing. In the event that the legislature appropriates and funds a general cost of living (COLA), 39 also known as the implicit price deflator (IPD), wage increase for classified employees during the term of 40 this agreement, the parties agree to increase wages on Schedule A at the percentage rate of five percent 41 (5%) or IPD, whichever is greater, for the 2023-2024 school year, three percent (3%) or IPD, whichever is 42 greater, for the 2024-2025 school year, and IPD for the 2025-2026 school year. The percentage agreed or 43 IPD amount will be added to all positions on schedule A. Should no IPD take place in the second or third 44 year of this agreement, Schedule A shall be re-opened, and wages shall be negotiated.
Section 24.3. With regard to disciplinary matters concerning which the Police and Fire Commission does not, by law, have exclusive jurisdiction, the employee may elect to seek review or appeal either through the Grievance Procedure under this Agreement or through the procedures of the Police and Fire Commission. Such election shall be irrevocable and exclusive and must be made by written notice to the Chief within seven (7) calendar days from the date the employee is notified of the discipline.
Section 24.3. 20 Pay raises, where applicable, shall be paid on the first regular payday following execution of this 21 agreement.
Section 24.3. 10 The grievance discussion shall take place whenever possible as close to the end of the workday as 11 possible. The Employer shall not discriminate against any individual employee or the Association for 12 taking action under this Article. 16 A R T I C L E X X X 00 00 XXXXXXXX 00 Section 25.1. 21 Salaries for employees subject to this Agreement, during the term of the Agreement, are contained in 22 Schedule A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.
Section 24.3. 15 Retroactive pay, where applicable, shall be paid on the first regular payday following execution of this 16 Agreement.