Public Events. The Artist shall participate in at least one public event relating to the Work, such as an opening, dedication ceremony, public presentation, or other educational outreach. The Artist shall be available for the public event(s) at such time(s) as may be mutually agreed upon by the City, Society, and the Artist.
Public Events. Use of the Parks for private special events, including meetings, receptions, seminars, lectures, concerts, art displays, exhibits, demonstrations, marches, conventions, parades, gatherings and assemblies, that do not require the closure of the Parks to the public (collectively, “Public Events”) must be approved in advance by Developer. Developer may require payment of a permit fee or other charge for use of the Parks for Public Events.
Public Events. 5.8.1 The Operator shall maintain a schedule of upcoming major Public Events relevant to the Network, of which the Operator is aware. These may include but are not limited to: marches, parades, running events, demonstrations, sporting events at the Aviva Stadium and Croke Park, concerts and large events in The O2, Marley Park, Phoenix Park and the RDS, and outdoor public gatherings and festivals or other events. The first such schedule shall be submitted as part of the draft Implementation Plan. The current schedule shall be supplied to the Authority as part of each Period Operations Report.
5.8.2 The Authority may request the Operator to provide its reasonable assessment in respect of the likely impact of a Public Event on the Operator’s performance of the Services, and the Authority may require the Operator to submit proposals in relation to additional services associated with the Public Event for Authority approval in accordance with Schedule 23: Variations.
5.8.3 The Operator shall use reasonable endeavours to mitigate any loss of Fares Revenue arising as a consequence of any Public Event.
5.8.4 Except in respect of additional services approved in accordance with Schedule 23: Variations, the Operator shall not be entitled to any additional payment under the Agreement in relation to a Public Event.
Public Events. Barn Users understand and agree to participate in Park sponsored functions (i.e. Large Animal Field Day, Harvest Festival, Master Gardener Spring Garden Market, Tamale Festival, etc.). Participation will focus on the barn, animals, information about partner organizations and their events. Participation in scheduled barn workdays by Barn Users is mandatory. If the Barn User is unable to participate on a scheduled workday, an alternate day may be arranged for Barn User to work. An alternate workday is subject to the prior approval of the Barn Manager. The Project Leaders and the Barn Manager will mutually agree upon specific assignments for a barn workday.
Public Events. 5.1 The Club shall not organise any Public Event on the Pitches without first giving the Owner 30 days prior notice and obtaining the written consent of the Owner which may be withheld for any reasonable reason including on advice of FIT or the Council.
5.2 The Owner may give it’s consent subject to any reasonable conditions that it feels appropriate and subject to a fee commensurate with the public event hire charges published by the Council from time to time.
5.3 Where the Owner gives consent to hold a Public Event on the Pitches the consent shall be in the form of the Council’s standard ‘Licence for an Event on Land Owned by North Hertfordshire District Council’ and the Club shall comply with all terms and conditions contained within the licence.
5.4 The Licensee acknowledges that any consent given by the Owner pursuant to clause 5.3 is a consent from North Herefordshire District Council acting solely as land owner and where any other Necessary Consent is required from the Council for the purpose of holding a Public Event that must be obtained by the Licensee in addition to the Owner’s consent.
Public Events. Gallery reserves all rights to use the gallery space for public or private events at any time during which the Artist’s exhibition is ongoing. Artist’s show reception is the full responsibility of Artist. All food, drink, set up and clean up is the responsibility of Artist and shall be at Artist’s own cost. Artist agrees to abide by University policies for campus guests, alcohol use and all other applicable policies and guidelines.
Public Events. The project’s strategy includes both organising and participating in a wide range of public events by project partners, from webinars to workshops and conferences. The table below depicts a rough plan for event organisation and participation for the project lifecycle. # of workshops / conferences organised by the consortium 0 1 1 3 # external participants in workshops / conferences 0 20 50 100 # of participations at H2020 events, industry exhibition or other scientific conferences 2 4 10 10 For a better support to partners and stakeholders, the PRECISE4Q consortium will organise events in the context of activities around the in-silico modelling arena and the personalised and predictive modelling for the stroke research community. Two workshops will be organised in the final year of the project with the aim of a white paper outlining the creation of the European Modelling Platform for Open Stroke Research (EUROPE-Stroke). These workshops will likely be hosted as part of VPH- related events or other large-scale high-profile H2020 events in Europe. Out of eleven partners in PRECISE4Q, eight are directly part of the stroke research community and have committed themselves to submit conference papers and participate in research conferences at both a national and international level throughout the project lifecycle (CUB, DIT, UOT, MUG, DFKI, MINT, and ETH). Some of the more prominent H2020 related yearly events the project work could be showcased at include the ‘eHealth Week’ and the ‘European Summit on Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing’. Other relevant conferences organised annually which would be of interest to the consortium are, for example, FT Digital Health Summit Europe, European Health Forum, World of Health IT and the Digital Silver Forum or the International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (ICBB). Furthermore, apart from the VPH annual conference, the following specialised conferences have been indentified: European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC), International Stroke Conference (ISC), International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), and the Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL).
Public Events. The Grantee should attempt to provide at least 6 weeks (and a minimum 4 weeks) notice to NRM South of public events or media activities relating to the project or site, to allow NRM South to arrange possible representation at the event - including name of event, location, date and time. This can also be promoted on NRM South web page and social media to or XX Xxx 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, 0000.
Public Events. Tenant must seek approval from Company if any event is to be open to the public.
Public Events. Should you be planning a public event where funding announcements will be made, it is required that the Minister of Communities, Culture & Heritage or his/her designate be contacted for potential participation and a mutually agreed upon time be arranged. In order to make necessary arrangements, 30 days’ notice is recommended.