Publication Agreement Sample Clauses

Publication Agreement. The Board shall provide each teacher with a copy.
Publication Agreement. At least the corresponding author (preferably all authors) must sign the agreement. One author must be designated as the correspondent and his/her name, title of the manuscript, manuscript number, correspondent’s address, and telephone and fax numbers must be included within this form. This part of the agreement is made between the corresponding author and JMIR Publications (50 Winners Circle, Toronto, ON, M4L 3Y7, Canada) or its legal successors. xxxx:// 23/05/2017 1. I am authorized by my co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
Publication Agreement. As regards the publication of data obtained during a thesis study, the regulations in force are stipulated in “The Danish Ministry of Education’s circular No 169 of 16 July 1973 on the use of students’ projects and their ensuing rights”(”Undervisningsministeriets cirkulære nr. 169 af 16. juli 1973 om anvendelsen af de studerendes opgaver og deres rettigheder i forbindelse hermed” xxxx://xxx.xx.xx/da/55-01.htm (this circular is not available in English). This means that the student has the right to use and further process original and processed data after finishing the thesis and that the student must give written consent to publication of these data. However, there are exceptions regarding copyright as mentioned in article 4. Yes, data obtained in connection with my thesis may figure in publications, and I approve the conditions below: (student’s signature) The student is obliged to hand over all original and processed data, including laboratory logs, to the supervisor but is entitled to a copy for his/her own use. The supervisor reserves for him-/herself the right to use these data in the best possible way in collaboration with the student. If the student on signing the thesis contract has accepted that data may be published, and the student achieves results that, in the supervisor’s opinion, are suitable for publishing after further processing and possibly supplemented with further data, a manuscript must be prepared. This takes place in collaboration between the student, the supervisor and other co-authors, if any. The author sequence is agreed upon by the student, the supervisor other co- authors, if any, with reference to the Vancouver Protocol (xxxx:// If the student’s contribution is modest, his or her data can be published in the name of the supervisor. Or No, data obtained in connection with my thesis may not figure in publications. I hand over a copy of my original and processed data, including laboratory logs, to the supervisor after the completion of the thesis. (student’s signature) On signing the thesis contract the student may refuse publication of the thesis data. The main supervisor/project supervisor may in that case revise the suggested thesis project taking this refusal into consideration.
Publication Agreement. Agreement: We are pleased to have the privilege of publishing your Article in a forthcoming issue of Neural Computation. By your signature below, you hereby grant to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) all your right, title, and interest including copyright in and to the Article.
Publication Agreement. Agreement: We are pleased to have the privilege of publishing your Article in a forthcoming issue of Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science, an open access journal. By your signature below, you hereby grant to The MIT Press (and its parent organization, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT) copyright and exclusive rights to disseminate your work while protecting it from inappropriate use.
Publication Agreement. You must read, agree with, and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement in order to enroll your child/children in the Great Valley Writing Camps. By clicking theI agree” checkbox on the registration page, I indicate my approval for each student's name, picture, art, written work, voice, verbal statements, or portraits (video or still) to appear in informational and/or educational publications, videos, or websites. For example, pictures, articles, and video about the “Great Valley Writing Camp” might appear in local newspapers, in student-published anthologies, in program-affiliated websites, or in informational television broadcasts. These pictures and articles may or may not personally identify the student(s). The program partners may continue to use the pictures and/or videos in subsequent years. (Program partners may include California State University Stanislaus, the California Writing Project, the National Writing Project, County Offices of Education, Give Every Child a Chance, and public or private schools and districts that allow use of their facilities.)
Publication Agreement. At least the corresponding author (preferably all authors) must sign the agreement. One author must be designated as the correspondent and their name, title of the manuscript, manuscript number, correspondence address, and telephone number must be included within this form. This part of the agreement is made between the corresponding author and JMIR Publications (50 Winners Circle, Toronto, ON, M4L 3Y7, Canada) or its legal successors. 1. I am authorized by my co-authors to enter into these arrangements. 2. I warrant, on behalf of myself and my co-authors, that: 2.1 The article is original and has not been formally published in any other peer- reviewed journal and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights; 2.2 I am/we are the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement and in granting rights to JMIR Publications are not in breach of any other obligation. If the law requires that the article be published in the public domain, I/we will notify the publisher at the time of submission upon which clauses 3 through 6 inclusive do not apply; 2.3 The article contains nothing that is unlawful, libelous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy; 2.4 I/we have taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article. To my/our – and currently accepted scientific – knowledge, all statements contained in it purporting to be facts are true and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness, or damage to the user. 3. I/we retain copyright. 4. I/we grant to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate the article in its entirety or in part, in any format or medium under a Creative Commons Attribution License (cc-by 4.0 xxxx:// provided that no errors are introduced in the process, that JMIR Publications is duly identified as the original publisher, that proper attribution of authorship and correct citation details are given (including the URL to the original article on the JMIR or sister journals’ websites), that a clear notice clarifying the license terms is provided (e.g. a notice saying that the article can be freely shared under a Creative Commons Attribution License), that the bibliographic details are not changed, and, if the work is reproduced or disseminated only in part, this fact i...
Publication Agreement. Agreement: We are pleased to have the privilege of publishing your Article in a forthcoming issue of Education Finance and Policy. By your signature below, you hereby grant to the Association for Education Finance and Policy all your right, title, and interest including copyright in and to the Article. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, this grant includes the right for the Association for Education Finance and Policy to license the rights granted to its publisher, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press).
Publication Agreement. Title: Maritime Distribution in NorStone Author(s): Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx and Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Subject code: LOG 950 ECTS credits: 30 Year: 2009
Publication Agreement. I hereby conclude the following agreement with the Hamburg State and University Library Xxxx xxx Xxxxxxxxx (‘SUB’): 1. With regard to all publications and abstracts submitted by me, I assign to the SUB the simple rights, in perpetuity and without geographic restriction, to: - store them electronically in all known and as yet unknown types of use, to reproduce them and make them publicly available in data networks, in particular without limitation on the internet; - reproduce and/or process them for the purpose of long-term archiving in order to display and store them in other electronic or physical formats, including on previously unknown storage media or techniques and data formats; as well as the right - to assign the above rights to third parties for the purpose of long-term archiving, in whole or in part, without my separate consent, including without limitation third parties such as libraries, archives such as the digital archive of the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek – DNB) as well as other related specialist and regional repositories and other aggregators. The SUB hereby accepts the foregoing assignment. 2. Together with the publication, I submit an abstract in German and English according to the doctoral degree regulations, as well as other language versions if applicable, for publication. All declarations and assignments of rights set out in this agreement apply in like manner to the publication as well as to the abstract in all language versions I have submitted. 3. I put the metadata, as well as the attached abstract of my publication which I have included in the metadata, under the license Creative Commons Zero (CC0). License information and legal code: xxxxx:// . This license enables the exchange of metadata between different services and service providers. This is conducive to the visibility and retrievability of the publications. 4. I warrant that I have conscientiously and carefully reviewed the publication, as well as the abstract and the metadata provided by me, to ensure that they are free of third-party rights, including without limitation copyrights and personal rights, and do not violate applicable law, and that I may freely dispose of the rights assigned under this agreement. Internally, I shall indemnify the SUB from all third-party claims as well as SUB´s own legal defence costs provided they are based on a violation of my aforementioned obligations. In the event...