Purpose of the Report. 1.1. To agree the budget allocation proposals from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) for the Warminster Community Area.
Purpose of the Report. 1.2.1 The full operation of TML commenced on 27 June 2021. This is the fourth monthly operational noise monitoring report, summarizing the monitoring result obtained between 27 September and 26 October 2021. AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. 2 October 2021 MTR Corporation Limited Consultancy Agreement No. C11033 SCL (TAW – HUH) & SCL (HHS) Monthly Operational Airborne Rail Noise Monitoring Report (Wing Xxxx Building) No. 4
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 The purpose of the report is to approve the draft licence between the Town Council and Durham County Council to formalise working on County Council land for the purpose of maintenance and environmental improvements.
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 The purpose of the report is to update members regarding discussions with officers from Durham County Council regarding the future of the Service Level Agreement for Winter Maintenance.
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 The report makes recommendations for the adoption of an Accountability Agreement to support the transfer of relevant public health functions to Local Authorities.
1.2 The Accountability Agreement which has been developed and attached at Appendix 1 and agreed by the NHS Merseyside Board reflects the arrangements within Halton Borough Council and includes Appendices detailing the local reporting arrangements and the local public health transition plan.
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 This report seeks Cabinet approval to enter into the revised Partnership Agreement between Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust for the delivery of the Council’s health-related functions for adults who require Mental Health, Substance Misuse and Dementia Services.
1.2 The Partnership Agreement replaces the current Agreement of 2003 to bring it in line with the new status of the Care Trust as a Foundation Trust.
1.3 The partnership arrangements will be facilitated through the transfer of resources, lease arrangements and secondment of staff including the management of the Approved Social Work Service.
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 To present the Delivery Agreement for the Joint Anglesey and Gwynedd Local Development Plan following a period of public consultation.
1.2 To seek the support of the Scrutiny Committee for the contents of the Delivery Agreement in order that it may be submitted, for approval, to the Commissioner responsible for Planning and subsequently to the full Council for adoption. The Appendix can be seen on the Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Committee pages at xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.xx .
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 To seek Authority approval to enter into an agreement with a partnership of North East Local Authorities for the purchase of Landfill Allowances and to authorise the Clerk to affix the Seal of the Authority to the contract.
Purpose of the Report. 1.1 To update the Executive Board Sub Committee on progress and seek approval for further developments in the Intermediate Care Partnership.
Purpose of the Report. 1.2.1 The 1st phase opening of TML commenced on 14 February 2020. This is the second monthly operational noise monitoring report, summarizing the monitoring result obtained between 14 March and 13 April 2020. AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. 2 April 2020 MTR Corporation Limited Consultancy Agreement No. C11033 SCL (TAW – HUH) & SCL (HHS) Monthly Operational Airborne Rail Noise Monitoring Report (Festival City) No.2