Reason for Recommendation. If a building principal or designated supervisor of a full-time probationary or tenure Employee recommends that such Employee not be continued in employment, he or the Employer shall provide such Employee with a written statement specifying the reason for the recommendation. An Employee may prepare a written response to such written statement and have it attached to the statement.
Reason for Recommendation. 1.1 The Council has a statutory duty to assist homeless households under the Housing Act 1996 and Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. If we do not meet our statutory obligations, then the Council will be in breach of its obligations and open to legal challenge.
Reason for Recommendation. 4.1 To seek Member endorsement to the next stage of work, following the Council decision to create a Care Trust for Adult Services in Torbay
Reason for Recommendation. 7.1 Approval from the Councils of all seven members of the ARP partnership is required before the Operational Improvement Board of ARP are able to negotiate and enter into a Section 113 agreement with any other potential partners.
Reason for Recommendation. 7.1 The East Suffolk Communities Team have reviewed the EqIA process by scoping and sourcing information relating to the current priorities and needs of the local citizens and communities and trying to anticipate (or future proof) future demands and needs.
7.2 By working in partnership with the identified organisations through granting further SLAs, the Council will be better placed to meet its priorities, outcomes and targets through these organisations by delivering services to local communities. It is recognised that these preferred partners are better placed with the capacity and expertise to deliver effective services on the Council’s behalf. The SLA/grants will ensure that direct support is provided to citizens and local communities and specific targets and outcomes will be agreed with service providers to include cross-cutting work e.g. volunteer support and provision, support to protected characteristic groups through improved understanding of cultures and beliefs, support to some of the Districts most vulnerable citizens, provision and support to the Waveney Disability Forum, and extended service provision in rural areas to meet the needs of older and young community groups.
Reason for Recommendation. Following the receipt of up to date independent advice on the financial viability of the scheme it is concluded that the proposed development is still unable to support policy compliant Section 106 obligations. The scheme is still considered to represent a highly sustainable form of development that would contribute to the delivery of housing supply in the Borough. The site has been vacant for a number of years which does little to enhance the appearance of the area and its redevelopment will be beneficial to the area. A further deed of variation to allow an additional 12 months before a review mechanism is therefore considered necessary and appropriate.
Reason for Recommendation. It is accepted, following the obtaining of independent financial advice, that a policy compliant scheme is not viable and that the scheme can only sustain reduced contributions. It is accepted that the benefits of the development are considered to outweigh the harm caused by the additional demand created by the development on education places and public open space in the area. A Section 106 agreement is required to secure those policy compliant contributions which can be afforded and a viability review mechanism should substantial commencement not be achieved promptly, along with the amendments to the red edge development site.
Reason for Recommendation. It is considered that the variation indicated above would still ensure that whatever improvements are to be obtained, by the expenditure by the Council of the monies obtained, will be likely to be in place by the time any significant number of the dwellings are occupied. Policy D8: Providing Infrastructure Services, Facilities and /or Mitigation Measures associated with development Policy CSP5 Open Space/ Sport/Recreation Policy CSP10 Planning Obligations Policy C4 Open Space in New Housing Areas Policy IM1 Provision of essential supporting infrastructure and community facilities CIL Regulations, particularly Section 122 Supplementary Planning Guidance Developer Contributions SPD (September 2007) Affordable Housing SPD (2009)
Reason for Recommendation. It is considered that the variation indicated above would still ensure that whatever improvements are to be obtained, by the expenditure by the Councils of the monies obtained, will be likely to be in place by the time a significant number of the dwellings are occupied. The variation will increase the likelihood that this xxxxxxxxxx site is redeveloped, by improving the deliverability of the scheme, and the residential development that takes place will have a beneficial effect on the supply of housing in the locality. There is also the possibility that the improved viability of the scheme arising from the phasing of these payments could eventually be reflected in an enhanced profit which may, because of the terms of the original agreement, lead to the provision of a contribution towards affordable housing provision Policy CSP5 Open Space/ Sport/Recreation Policy CSP10 Planning Obligations Policy C4 Open Space in New Housing Areas Policy IM1 Provision of essential supporting infrastructure and community facilities Planning Practice Guidance (March 2014) CIL Regulations, particularly Section 122 Supplementary Planning Guidance Developer Contributions SPD (September 2007)
Reason for Recommendation. That substantial commencement can be extended from 12 months to 18 months to allow the delivery of the development, accounting for delays in completing a S106 agreement following the 9th November 2021 planning committee.