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For more information visit our privacy policy.COMPLAINT AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 9.01 Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated or whenever an employee who has completed the required probationary period and has been accepted by the Employer for employment in the permanent service, claims that he/she has been disciplined or discharged without reasonable cause, such difference, allegation or claim being hereinafter referred to as the grievance, the grievance procedure set forth below shall apply. 9.02 The Association shall name, appoint or otherwise select a Grievance Committee of no more than three (3) who shall be members of the Association and shall have reached at least the rank of First Class Fire Fighter and other advisors as deemed necessary at the expense of the Association. The Employer shall recognize and deal with the Grievance committee with respect to any matter or dispute which properly arises from a breach of the Collective Agreement from time to time during its term. This committee shall suffer no loss as a result of their attendance at such grievance meetings, hearings, etc. 9.03 No grievance will be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working days before the submission of the grievance. Step 1 - An employee having a grievance will take the matter up through their Association representative. The President or designate shall contact Fire Management to seek a resolution. Step 2 - If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days, the Association shall submit the matter in writing to the Fire Chief or designate within five (5) working days of receiving the reply from Step 1. The Fire Chief or designate shall render the written decision to the Association within five (5) working days after receiving the written grievance. In the context of this Article a working day shall be deemed to be Monday to Friday excluding designated holidays. Step 3 - If the reply of the Fire Chief is not acceptable to the Association the grievance may be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or the Director of Human Resources within five (5) working days of the written decision of the Fire Chief. The CAO or the Director of Human Resources, who together with the Fire Chief and any other advisors deemed necessary, shall meet with the Association Representatives within 5 working days to consider the grievance. Within five (5) working days of the aforesaid, the CAO or the Director of Human Resources will render a written reply to the employee and the Association. Step 4 - If no resolve is reached at Step 3, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration. Notice shall be given within 5 business days. The parties agree that, for the purposes of this collective agreement the words of the expedited arbitration provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 as amended (Section 49), will be deemed to have been incorporated into this collective agreement. Accordingly and notwithstanding any other provisions of this article (the grievance/arbitration provisions); either party may refer a grievance to expedited arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Section 49. The parties further agree that neither party will raise any jurisdictional or other objection to the application of Section 49 to a grievance under this collective agreement as it pertains to the right to an expedited arbitration. Either party is entitled however, to raise any objection, with the arbitrator with respect to whether the provisions of Section 49 have been properly utilized in respect of any specific grievance (e.g. objections with respect to time limits etc.). Such an appointment by the Minister of Labour or his or her designate will be determined to be a joint appointment in accordance with Section 53(3) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. 9.04 Extensions to the time limits in 9.03 may not be unreasonably withheld. 9.05 The employee in all steps of the grievance procedure shall be confined to the grievance and redress sought as set forth in the written grievance initially filed as provided.
PROFESSIONAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. A claim by a teacher or the Association that there has been a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision of this Agreement or any rule, order or regulation of the Board may be processed as a grievance as hereinafter provided. B. The grievant may invoke the formal grievance procedure on the form set forth in annexed Schedule C, signed by the grievant and a representative of the Association, which form shall be available for the Association representative in each building. A copy of the grievance form shall be delivered to the principal or supervisor. If the grievance involves more than one school building, it may be filed with the superintendent or a representative designated by him. C. Within five (5) school days of receipt of the grievance, the principal or supervisor shall meet with the Association in an effort to resolve the grievance. The principal or supervisor shall indicate his disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) school days of such meeting, and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. D. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, or if no disposition has been made within five (5) school days of such meeting or ten (10) school days from the date of filing, whichever shall be later, the grievance shall be transmitted to the Superintendent. Within five (5) school days the superintendent or his designee shall meet with the Association on the grievance and indicate his disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) school days of such meeting, and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. E. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance by the Superintendent or his designee, or if no disposition has been made within five (5) school days of such meeting or ten (10) school days from the date of filing, whichever shall be later, the grievance shall be submitted to the Board within ten (10) working days by filing a written copy thereof with the Secretary or other designee of the Board. The Board, no later than its next regular meeting or two (2) calendar weeks, whichever shall be later, shall hold a hearing on the grievance, and give such other consideration as it shall deem appropriate. Disposition of the grievance in writing by the Board shall be made no later than seven (7) days thereafter. A copy of such disposition shall be furnished to the Association. F. The Association may request arbitration of any unresolved grievance which is arbitrable by filing the Arbitration Request Form with the American Arbitration Association and delivering a copy of this Form to the Employer through the Superintendent's Office within thirty (30) working days following the receipt of the Board's written disposition. If the Board fails to answer a grievance within the time limits set forth in Paragraph E, the Association may request arbitration by filing the Arbitration Request Form with the American Arbitration Association and delivering a copy of this Form to the Employer through the Superintendent's Office not later than thirty (30) working days following the date the Board's written disposition was due. The grievance may thereafter be submitted to arbitration. If the Association does not request arbitration in the manner or within the time limits established herein, the grievance shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last disposition. If a grievance is to be submitted to arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected from a panel submitted by the American Arbitration Association pursuant to their rules The fees and expenses of the arbitrator and all hearing location costs shall be shared equally by the Association and the Employer. Each party shall pay the fees, expenses, wages, and any other compensation of its own representatives and legal counsel. The arbitrator's powers shall be limited to the application and interpretation of this Agreement as written. The arbitrator shall at all times be governed wholly by the terms of this Agreement and shall have no power or authority to amend, alter or modify this Agreement either directly or indirectly, or to rule upon a specific grievance considered settled. In addition, the following may not be considered by the arbitrator: 1. The termination of service of or failure to reemploy any probationary teacher. 2. Any action involving a tenured teacher, including but not limited to discharge, demotion, layoff or failure to recall, if that action when timely raised is subject to review before the Michigan Teacher Tenure Commission. If the issue of arbitrability is raised, the arbitrator shall not determine the merits of any grievance unless arbitrability has been affirmatively decided. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding upon the Association, the Employer and employees in the bargaining unit; provided, however, that each party may have its legal remedies if the arbitrator exceeds the jurisdiction provided in this Agreement. G. If any teacher for whom a grievance is sustained shall be found to have been unjustly discharged, he shall be reinstated with full reimbursement of all professional compensation lost. If he shall have been found to have been improperly deprived of any professional compensation or advantage, the same or its equivalent in money shall be paid to him. H. The time limits provided in this article shall be strictly observed but may be extended by written agreement of the parties. In the event a grievance is filed after May 15 of any year and strict adherence to the time limits may result in hardship to any party, the Board shall use its best efforts to process such grievance prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as possible. I. If an individual teacher has a personal complaint which he desires to discuss with a supervisor, he is free to do so without recourse to the grievance procedure. However, no grievance shall be adjusted without prior notification to the Association and opportunity for an Association representative to be present, nor shall any adjustment of a grievance be inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement. In the administration of the grievance procedure, the interests of the teachers shall be the sole responsibility of the Association. J. Filing time for an alleged violation is limited to twenty (20) teaching days from the date of an alleged incident.
COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES 7.01 If an employee has a complaint concerning the application, interpretation, administration, or alleged violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, he/she shall take the matter up orally with his/her immediate Supervisor or designate within five (5) business days after the circumstance giving rise to the complaint. The Supervisor or designate will give his/her answer to the 7.02 If such complaint or question is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, then the following steps of the grievance procedure may be invoked in order. It is understood that a grievance must be lodged within five (5) business days after receiving the Supervisor’s or designate response to the complaint as per article 7.01. STEP 1 Any employee grievance shall be set forth in writing, in duplicate, and shall be presented to the Supervisor. The submissions shall include reference to the specific clause and article of the Agreement allegedly violated or misinterpreted and redress sought. The Supervisor shall review the grievance and reply in writing to the Union within five (5) business days, giving his/her disposition and his/her reason thereof. STEP 2 If a settlement has not been reached under Step 1, the employee may within five (5) business days of the Supervisor's reply, refer the grievance to the Administrator of the Home, at interest, or his/her nominee. The Administrator of the Home or his/her nominee together with the employee and his/her Supervisor, and his/her Xxxxxxx, shall meet within five (5) business days of reference to the Administrator of the Home. The Administrator of the Home shall give his/her reply in writing to the Union within five (5) business days after date of meeting. STEP 3 If settlement has not been reached under Step 2, the employee may refer the grievance to his/her Union Grievance Committee which may within five (5) business days of the Administrator's reply refer the grievance to the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate. Within five (5) business days the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate together with such other representation as may be chosen to represent the Employer shall meet with the Union Grievance Committee to discuss the grievance. At this meeting a full-time representative of the Union may be present, if his/her presence is requested by the Employer or the Union. Written reply to the grievance shall be given to the Union within five (5) business days after such meeting. If a grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of either party to this Agreement by the procedure outlined above, then either party may, within ten (10) working days of the reply of the Director of Human Resources, refer the grievance to arbitration in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 9. 7.03 Any of the time allowances provided in the Article may be extended by mutual agreement in writing between the Union and the Employer. 7.04 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, any grievance not initiated or appealed at any stage of the grievance procedure, including reference to arbitration within the limits stipulated, shall be considered settled on the basis of the last decision and NOT subject to further appeal. 7.05 No employee written reprimand shall be entered in an employee's personnel file unless the employee and Local Recording Secretary or designate are given a copy of such written reprimand. 7.06 Saturdays and Sundays and paid holidays shall not be considered working days within the scope of this Article.
DISPUTES AND GRIEVANCES Section 1. This Agreement is intended to provide close cooperation between management and labor. Each of the Unions will assign a representative to this project for the purpose of completing the construction of the project economically, efficiently, continuously, and without interruptions, delays, or work stoppages. Section 2. The Port of Seattle, Contractors, Unions, and the employees, collectively and individually, realize the importance to all parties to maintain continuous and uninterrupted performance of the work of the project, and agree to resolve disputes in accordance with the grievance-arbitration provisions set forth in this Article. Section 3. Any question or dispute arising out of and during the term of this Project Agreement (other than trade jurisdictional disputes) shall be considered a grievance and subject to resolution under the following procedures: (a) When any employee subject to the provisions of this Agreement feels he/she is aggrieved by a violation of this Agreement, he/she, through his/her local union business representative or designated Union Representative, shall, within five (5) working days after the occurrence, or had knowledge of or should have known of the alleged violation, give notice to the work-site representative of the involved Contractor stating the provision(s) alleged to have been violated. The business representative of the local union or the designated Union Representative and the work-site representative of the involved Contractor and the Owners Representative shall meet and endeavor to adjust the matter within three (3) working days after timely notice has been given. The representative of the Contractor shall keep the meeting minutes and shall respond to the Union representative in writing and the Owners Representatives at the conclusion of the meeting but not later than twenty-four (24) hours thereafter. If they fail to resolve the matter within the prescribed period, the grieving party may, within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter, pursue Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure, provided the grievance is reduced to writing, setting forth the relevant information concerning the alleged grievance, including a short description thereof, the date on which the grievance occurred, and the provision(s) of the Agreement alleged to have been violated. (b) Should the Local Union(s) or the Project Contractor or any Sub-Contractor of whatever tier have a dispute with the other party and, if after conferring, a settlement is not reached within three (3) working days, the dispute may be reduced to writing and proceed to Step 2 in the same manner as outlined herein for the adjustment of an employee complaint. Step 2. The International Union Representative and the involved Contractor shall meet within seven (7) working days of the referral of a dispute to this second step to arrive at a satisfactory settlement thereof. Meeting minutes shall be kept by the Contractor. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute may be appealed in writing in accordance with the provisions of Step 3 within seven (7) calendar days thereafter.
Recognition of Union Stewards and Grievance Committee In order to provide an orderly and speedy procedure for the settling of grievances, the Employer acknowledges the rights and duties of the Union Stewards. The Xxxxxxx shall assist any Employee, which the Xxxxxxx represents, in preparing and presenting her grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure.
Attachment C, Standard State Provisions for Contracts and Grants Attachment C is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced by the Attachment C December 15, 2017 attached to this Amendment. Child Support (Applicable to natural persons only; not applicable to corporations, partnerships or LLCs). Contractor is under no obligation to pay child support or is in good standing with respect to or in full compliance with a plan to pay any and all child support payable under a support order as of the date of this amendment.
Policy Grievance – Union Grievance The Union may institute a grievance alleging a general misinterpretation or violation of this Agreement by the Employer by submitting a written grievance at Step No. 1 within twenty (20) days after the circumstances have occurred. This section shall not apply to disciplinary grievances or application of competitive clauses under this Agreement.
Informal Grievance Procedure Employees are encouraged to act promptly to attempt to resolve disputes with their manager/supervisor through an informal procedure. A meeting between the manager/supervisor and the employee should take place whenever requested by either party to assist, to clarify or resolve the grievance. The employee may be accompanied by his/her Union representative at the informal meeting. Any resolution reached at the informal step must be in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, or other rule or ordinance and shall not set precedent.
DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 16.1 The Employee is subject to the Company's disciplinary and grievance procedures, copies of which are available from the Group HR Manager. These procedures do not form part of the Employee's contract of employment. 16.2 If the Employee wants to raise a grievance, he may apply in writing to the CEO in accordance with the Company's grievance procedure. 16.3 If the Employee wishes to appeal against a disciplinary decision, he may apply in writing to the CEO in accordance with the Company's disciplinary procedure. 16.4 The Company may suspend the Employee from any or all of his duties for no longer than is necessary to investigate any disciplinary matter involving the Employee or so long as is otherwise reasonable while any disciplinary procedure against the Employee is outstanding. 16.5 During any period of suspension: a) the Employee shall continue to receive his basic salary and all contractual benefits in the usual way and subject to the terms of any benefit arrangement; b) the Employee shall remain an employee of the Company and bound by the terms of this agreement; c) the Employee shall ensure that the CEO knows where he will be and how he can be contacted during each working day (except during any periods taken as holiday in the usual way); d) the Company may exclude the Employee from his place of work or any other premises of the Company; and e) the Company may require the Employee not to contact or deal with (or attempt to contact or deal with) any officer, employee, consultant, client, customer, supplier, agent, distributor, shareholder, adviser or other business contact of the Company.
EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND EMPLOYEE FILES 19.01 (a) When a formal assessment of an employee’s performance is made, the employee concerned must be given an opportunity to discuss and then sign the assessment form in question upon its completion to indicate that its contents have been read. A copy of the assessment form will be provided to the employee at that time. An employee’s signature on his or her assessment form will be considered to be an indication only that its contents have been read and shall not indicate the employee’s concurrence with the statements contained on the form.