Grievance and Appeal Sample Clauses

Grievance and Appeal. A. Definition: A grievance is a claim by a bus driver, a group of bus drivers or the Transportation Association that there has been an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision in this Agreement, and may be processed as a grievance as hereunder provided. B. Any matter involving the content of a transportation personnel evaluation shall not be the basis of any grievance filed under the procedure outlined in this Article. C. If an individual transportation member has a personal complaint which he/she desires to discuss with their immediate supervisor, he/she shall be free to do so without recourse to the grievance procedure. A complaint is a minor disagreement, which may become a grievance if left unattended. D. Transportation personnel may present any grievance with full assurance that such presentation will in no way prejudice their standing or status within the school system. E. If the Association has a grievance, the Association will begin procedure at level two (2) by submitting the grievance in writing. F. The term grievant shall be used hereinafter to mean an employee, group of employees, or the Association. G. A grievance to be considered under this Agreement must be initiated by the grievant within ten
Grievance and Appeal. A. Definition: A grievance is a claim by a bus driver, a group of bus drivers or the Transportation Association that there has been an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision in this Agreement, and may be processed as a grievance as hereunder provided. B. Any matter involving the content of a transportation personnel evaluation shall not be the basis of any grievance filed under the procedure outlined in this Article. C. If an individual transportation member has a personal complaint which he/she desires to discuss with their immediate supervisor, he/she shall be free to do so without recourse to the grievance procedure. A complaint is a minor disagreement, which may become a grievance if left unattended. D. Transportation personnel may present any grievance with full assurance that such presentation will in no way prejudice their standing or status within the school system. E. If the Association has a grievance, the Association will begin procedure at level two (2) by submitting the grievance in writing. F. The term grievant shall be used hereinafter to mean an employee, group of employees, or the Association. G. A grievance to be considered under this Agreement must be initiated by the grievant within ten (10) workdays from the time of its alleged occurrence. X. A grievance must be in writing and contain the following: 1. It shall be signed by the grievant 2. It shall contain the date of the alleged violation 3. It shall be specific 4. It shall contain a summary of the facts giving rise to the alleged violation 5. It shall cite the section(s) or sub-section(s) of this agreement alleged to have been violated 6. It shall specify the relief requested. I. Level One The grievant(s) shall first discuss the matter with the immediate supervisor. The grievant(s) may be accompanied by an Association representative. If not satisfied, the grievant(s) may within five (5) workdays, file a grievance in writing with the immediate supervisor and the Association grievance committee. Within five (5) workdays of receipt of the grievance, the immediate supervisor shall remit a written disposition of the grievance to the grievant(s). J. Level Two If the grievant(s) is not satisfied with the disposition at level one, the grievant shall within seven (7) work days after receipt of the disposition, be transmitted to the Deputy Superintendent. Within seven (7) workdays after receipt of the grievance, the Deputy Superintendent shall meet with the gri...
Grievance and Appeal. The procedure to follow if you have a problem with an employee of the property or if you have a general complaint about the appearance or operation of the community is to put the complaint in writing and deliver it to 4Rent Properties via email, certified letter or hand delivered. Keep a copy of the complaint for yourself.
Grievance and Appeal response letters shall describe, in detail, the grievance and appeal procedure and the notification shall include the specific reason for the denial, determination or initiation of disenrollment. The panel’s written decision must include:
Grievance and Appeal. This is a summary of the process you must follow when you request a review of a decision by your insurer. You will be provided with detailed information and complaint forms by your insurer at each step. In addition, you can review the complete New Mexico regulations that control the process under the Managed Health Care Bureau page found under the Departments tab on the Office of Superintendent of Insurance (OSI) website, located at You may also request a copy from your insurer at: or from OSI by calling (000) 000-0000 or toll free at 1-855-427-5674. You may request a review of two different types of decisions: When your insurer receives a request to pre-authorize (certify) payment for a healthcare service (service) or a request to reimburse your healthcare provider (provider) for a service that you have already had, it follows a two-step process.
Grievance and Appeal. If a complainant or a respondent who is not a member of the Collective Bargaining Unit is dissatisfied with the decision at any level they may appeal to a higher level in the following order: (a) from the Project Director or other Senior Manager to the Executive Director; (b) from Executive Director to the Operations, Compliance and Personnel Committee of the LSNYC Board of Directors.
Grievance and Appeal. This is a summary of the process you must follow when you request a review of a decision by your insurer. You will be provided with detailed information and complaint forms by your insurer at each step. In addition, you can review the complete New Mexico regulations that control the process under the Managed Health Care Bureau page found under the Departments tab on the Office of Superintendent of Insurance (OSI) website, located at
Grievance and Appeal. System is amended by DELETING the language in its entirety.
Grievance and Appeal. 23.1 The following process is used to determine the merit of a grievance. A grievance must be submitted by the person who believes himself/herself to be improperly treated, or by someone designated by that person, within ten (10) working days of becoming aware of the condition leading to the grievance. The grievance must contain a statement of how the grievant believes his/her rights have been violated and must say what action he/she believes the City should take to correct the grievance. The employee must sign the original grievance filed with the department head. Within ten (10) working days of receiving the grievance the department head will conduct an informal inquiry and give a decision in writing not later than the tenth (10) day. The time requirements under this step may be extended by mutual consent of the department head and the employee and/or the designated representatives. The Personnel Officer, or the designated representative, will hold an administrative hearing concerning the grievance within ten (10) working days of receipt of the aggrieved employee’s appeal. The Personnel Officer will decide the grievance based upon the information supplied and any further information that he/she may request during, or subsequent to, the hearing. The Personnel Officer will render a decision in writing within ten (10) days from the close of the hearing, said procedure to take not more than twenty (20) working days from the receipt of the original grievance by the Personnel Officer.