Recruitment of Faculty Sample Clauses

Recruitment of Faculty. References to Vice President in this Article shall include the Vice President Academic and, where appropriate, the Vice President of Administration and Finance. The appropriate senior administrator(s)" shall refer to the Xxxx(s), or Director(s), or Regional Campus Academic Administrator(s) who take(s) the responsibility designated in Article 6. Where a position to be filled is a regular position, the appropriate senior administrator shall develop the job posting after effective consultation with members of the department. Should there be any substantial changes in a posted or advertised position in the terms or length of appointment prior to the position being offered an applicant, the position shall be re-posted and re- advertised. Such changes do not include changing the position from permanent to non-regular. All applications for instructional and non-instructional positions shall be indexed by the Executive Director of Human Resources. Files of applicants shall be maintained in the office of the Executive Director of Human Resources and shall be made available to the appropriate senior administrator(s) and Chair(s), subject to the maintenance of strict confidentiality. The appropriate senior administrator(s) shall be responsible, in cooperation with a Selection Committee consisting of her/himself, the appropriate Chair(s) and faculty members from the appropriate department(s) or service group(s), for developing procedures to screen applicants, preparing a short list of applicants, conducting interviews, and making recommendations of candidates for each position. Requirement for a Selection Committee may be waived with the mutual agreement of the appropriate senior administrator(s), the appropriate Vice President and the appropriate department(s) or service group(s). If the position to be filled is a regular one, a faculty member from outside the department(s) or service group(s) under consideration (preferably from outside the area(s) of responsibility of the senior administrator(s) concerned) shall be included in the process described in Article 6.
Recruitment of Faculty. References to Vice President in this Article shall include the Vice President Academic and, where appropriate, the Vice President of Administration and Finance. The appropriate senior administrator(s)" shall refer to the Xxxx(s), or Director(s), or Regional Campus Academic Administrator(s) who take(s) the responsibility designated in Article 6.
Recruitment of Faculty. References to Vice President in this article shall include the Vice President(s) of Instruction and, where appropriate, the Vice President of Administration/Bursar. The appropriate senior administrator(s)" shall refer to the Xxxx(s), or Director(s), or Regional Campus Principal(s) who take(s) the responsibility designated in Article 6. Should there be any substantial changes in a posted or advertised position in the terms or length of appointment prior to the position being offered an applicant, the position shall be re-posted and re- advertised. Such changes do not include changing the position from permanent to temporary. All applications for instructional and non-instructional positions shall be indexed by the Director of Human Resources. Files of applicants shall be maintained in the office of the Director of Human Resources and shall be made available to the appropriate senior administrator(s) and Coordinator(s), subject to the maintenance of strict confidentiality. The appropriate senior administrator(s) shall be responsible, in cooperation with a Selection Committee consisting of her/himself, the appropriate Coordinator(s) and faculty members from the appropriate department(s) or service group(s), for developing procedures to screen applicants, preparing a short list of applicants, conducting interviews, and making recommendations of candidates for each position. The Chair of the Selection Committee shall advise the appropriate member of the Executive of the short-listed candidates for a regular position. Candidates on the short list are then invited to the campus by the Chair of the Selection Committee. The Chair of the Selection Committee or designate, with due regard to confidentiality, shall coordinate visits to the University-College by the short-listed candidates for a regular position. The Chair shall attempt to ensure the appropriate member of the Executive and other relevant individuals and groups in the University-College have the opportunity to meet the candidate and to express to the Chair their views on each candidate. The Chair shall ensure a record is maintained of any such information presented and that record shall for part of the documentation for the selection process. The Chair of the Selection Committee, in co-operation with the Selection Committee, shall make recommendations to the Vice President for a regular appointment, and the Vice President, if he/she approves...
Recruitment of Faculty a. The remaining monies available in a given year shall be spent for the purpose of recruiting new faculty members. b. No award to a single individual shall exceed $6,000 in a given year, unless augmented from the Targeted Excellence Fund (cited below). c. If an addition to the advertised base salary is made at the time of appointment, it shall not exceed $1,000. d. These monies may be used for such purposes as: (1) Moving expenses; (2) Housing subsidy (one year only); (3) Search expenses - transportation, lodging, meals; (4) Travel to professional meetings; (5) Summer fellowships; (6) Released time (one year maximum); (7) Support for curriculum development, research, or other professional activity; (8) Support for completion of terminal degree. These guidelines shall not prohibit the University and the Association from mutually consenting to alternative expenditures of these monies, however.
Recruitment of Faculty. (New - re: T5)
Recruitment of Faculty. The university shall recruit faculty to replace faculty participating in the Transition to Retirement Program during the semester in which they carry the zero workload. The university may recruit/employ, in the university’s sole discretion, adjuncts, nontenure-track faculty and/or tenure-track faculty. The university, in its sole discretion, may decide the number, rank, type of faculty, appointing School or College, appointing department and term of appointment.

Related to Recruitment of Faculty

  • Recruitment When advertising for employees, the contractor will include in all advertisements for employees the notation: "An Equal Opportunity Employer." All such advertisements will be placed in publications having a large circulation among minorities and women in the area from which the project work force would normally be derived. a. The contractor will, unless precluded by a valid bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and direct recruitment through public and private employee referral sources likely to yield qualified minorities and women. To meet this requirement, the contractor will identify sources of potential minority group employees, and establish with such identified sources procedures whereby minority and women applicants may be referred to the contractor for employment consideration. b. In the event the contractor has a valid bargaining agreement providing for exclusive hiring hall referrals, the contractor is expected to observe the provisions of that agreement to the extent that the system meets the contractor's compliance with EEO contract provisions. Where implementation of such an agreement has the effect of discriminating against minorities or women, or obligates the contractor to do the same, such implementation violates Federal nondiscrimination provisions. c. The contractor will encourage its present employees to refer minorities and women as applicants for employment. Information and procedures with regard to referring such applicants will be discussed with employees.

  • Non-Recruitment The Executive agrees that the Company has invested substantial time and effort in assembling its present workforce. Accordingly, the Executive covenants and agrees that during the Term and the Post-Termination Period, he shall not, directly or indirectly through any other person or entity, solicit, induce or influence (other than pursuant to general, non-targeted public media advertisements), or attempt to solicit, induce or influence, any employee of the Company to leave his or her employment.

  • Recruitment and Selection Swedish Medical Center will recruit and hire the most qualified applicants to meet the staffing needs of the Center and thereafter transfer, promote, and retain such persons as employees. All such actions and decisions shall comply with the Center’s desire to promote from within whenever qualified candidates are identified, interested, and available.

  • Hiring Customer agrees not to solicit, offer to employ, or enter into consultant relationships with any HP employee involved in the performance of services under this Agreement for 1 year after the date he or she ceases to perform such services. However, Customer may hire any such employee who responds to a general hiring program conducted in the ordinary course of business, and not specifically directed to HP employees.

  • TRAINING AND RELATED MATTERS The parties recognise that in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the company a significant commitment to structured training and skill development is required. Accordingly the parties commit themselves to: a) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the apprenticeship system to the construction industry. It is agreed that every employer party to this Agreement who employs five (5) or more tradespersons in any one classification shall undertake to employ at least one (1) apprentice or make arrangements to host an apprentice from an agreed group apprenticeship scheme. Where an employer does not currently have an apprentice as per this provision, reasonable time shall be allowed to enable the employer to comply with this clause. Further, the parties are committed to a strong ratio of apprentices in the industry. Apprenticeship levels on a specific project may be discussed at the Project Pre-Commencement Conference (refer Clause 16). b) Providing employees with the opportunity to acquire additional skills within relevant career path structures through appropriate structured training based on nationally endorsed (i.e. Construction Training Australia endorsed) competency standards and curriculum; c) Actively encouraging employees to seek formal recognition of their skills (i.e. recognition of prior learning); and d) Using training providers accredited and acceptable to the parties. The CFMEU, MBAV and other employer associations are legitimately engaged in providing training to industry and it is hereby agreed that all parties will properly recognise and accept the validity of nationally accredited training as provided by the other parties. e) The parties will consult on the development of training programs which are consistent with the following: • Training provided will be consistent with the company’s business requirements, relevant to the work of the employees, consistent with the skills development of each employee and with applicable national competency standards. • Training may be taken either on or off the job with all reasonable steps being taken to conduct training in normal working hours. • If an approved training activity is undertaken during ordinary working hours, the employee/s concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay. • Approved training activities undertaken outside of ordinary hours will be paid at single time or will, at the employee’s option, be taken as time off in lieu of payment. Provided that the scheduling of time off must be consistent with the needs of the business and be by agreement with the company. • Training costs of courses approved by the company will be met by the company. • The company will not be asked to meet the costs of training undertaken by employees which was not approved by the company. • Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause shall count as service for all purposes of the award and this agreement. • Accredited members of the union will be allowed up to 5 days per year, without loss of pay, to attend trade union educational courses conducted or approved by the union. (see appendix H) f) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the role that Apprentices/Trainees fulfill within the industry and, more importantly, a role that they will fulfill as trades persons following the conclusion of the indentures. To this end the Victorian Building Industry Consultative Committee will investigate ways of enhancing employment prospects for Apprentice/Trainees. In addition it is agreed that, where appropriate, employers will use their best endeavours to employ Apprentices/Trainees in order to ensure appropriate trade persons levels for the future.