Redundancy The company is, and will remain during the life of this Agreement, a participating employer in the Redundancy Payment Central Fund Ltd (Incolink) and all employees will be enrolled in the Fund and be entitled to redundancy benefits in accordance with the terms of the Deed. The company shall pay contributions on behalf of each employee into the Incolink Number 1 Fund on a weekly basis, as per the Trust Deed.
Progressive Discipline Both parties endorse the principle of progressive discipline as applied to professionals.
Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.
Maintenance Employees The normal hours of work for full-time Maintenance employees are 72 ½ hours over a two (2) week period, not to exceed eight (8) hours per day.