Resolution of Problems. The relevant authorities of both Parties shall endeavour to favourably resolve any specific or general problems (within the framework of their domestic laws, regulations and other similar measures governing the temporary entry of natural persons) which may arise from the implementation and administration of this Chapter.
Resolution of Problems. The Parties will make reasonable and good faith efforts to resolve any disputes, complaints and/or problems that may arise as a result of the Internship.
Resolution of Problems a. Once notice of a technological change has been given pursuant to this article, the Board and the Association shall attempt to resolve any problems arising from the intended technological change.
b. Such discussions shall include:
i. the provisions of training or retraining to one or more employees covered by this agreement;
ii. the transfer or re-assignment of employees to other assignments
iii. the protection of employees from potential health and safety hazards.
c. Resolutions which result from the application of Article D.29.4.a shall be prepared as a letter of agreement between the Board and the Association and shall have the same effect as the provisions of this agreement.
Resolution of Problems. Any problems or concerns arising from the structure or general application of this shift schedule will be brought to the Union Management Consultation Committee.
Resolution of Problems. The Employer and the Institute share a desire to resolve disputes or disagreements wherever possible through co-operative processes characterized by prompt and open discussion and creative problem-solving. These processes include informal discussions between employees and their supervisors and between the Institute and the Employer, formal Joint Consultation (see Article 26), and the grievance procedure (see below). Employees also have access to other processes which address special concerns or offer help to deal with difficult problems; for example, the staffing appeals procedure, and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The Employer and the Institute urge employees to attempt to resolve issues and concerns as early as possible and to use the remedy process most appropriate to their problem. The parties are committed to establishing an environment in the workplace where use of problem-solving processes is viewed as an essential element of due process and effective human resource management. The Employer recognizes that employees have a right to present a grievance or to use the problem-solving processes provided in this Agreement and shall not seek by intimidation or threat to cause an employee to abandon a grievance or to refrain from exercising their rights.
25.01 The parties encourage informal discussion between employees and their supervisors to resolve problems without recourse to a formal grievance. The parties may, where appropriate and requested, provide assistance to help facilitate a resolution of the problem acceptable to employees and their supervisors. While discussion must begin within the time limit prescribed in clause 25.08, it is agreed that the period required to conduct discussions shall not count as elapsed time for the purpose of grievance time limits.
Resolution of Problems. 10.1. Any dispute arising in connection with matters referred to in this Memorandum of Agreement will be settled between the parties in the spirit of friendship and mutual trust. If the parties are unable to reach an amicable settlement then either party may serve notice on the other, requiring the matter to be referred to an exclusive arbitration before a single arbiter under the rules of conciliation and arbitration in the UK Court of Arbitration.
Resolution of Problems. Any problem arising from the operation of activities under this MOC will be resolved amicably through consultation or negotiation between both sides.
Resolution of Problems. Employee-Supervisor Meeting
23.01 The parties recognize the value of informal discussion between employees and their supervisors to the end that problems might be resolved without recourse to a formal grievance. When an employee, within the time limits prescribed gives notice that he or she wishes to take advantage of this clause, it is agreed that the period between the initial discussion and the final response shall not count as elapsed time for the purpose of grievance time limits.
Resolution of Problems. Provide details of successful resolution to complex multi-disciplinary problems here. Use if this section does not apply.
Resolution of Problems. Reasonable efforts will be made by the Parties to resolve any disputes, complaints and/or problems with the student(s) participating in the Internship.