Safe Routes to School. The district shall cooperate with local municipalities, public safety agencies, police departments, and community organizations to develop and maintain safe routes to school.
Safe Routes to School. The district encourages active transportation (walking, biking, etc.) to and from school as a healthy alternative. The district shall assess and, to the extent possible, implement improvements to make walking and biking to school safer and easier for students.
Safe Routes to School. Program (SRTS)
Safe Routes to School. Primary Investigators: Xxxxxx, S and Xxxxxxx, P. Amount: $123,689 (2 years; 2016-2018) 34.37.
Safe Routes to School. Prior to the commencement of construction of the Project, the Developer shall host an education session for the students of Xxxxxx-Xxxxx Elementary School and Jefferson Academy Middle School regarding safe routes to school during the construction of the Project and shall make printed literature about such routes available for distribution to students. A suggested walking route around the Property will be developed in concert with DDOT’s Safe Routes to School staff. During construction of the Project, the Developer and its general contractor shall ensure that flagmen serving the Project regularly coordinate with traffic control officers and/or crossing guards serving nearby schools.
Safe Routes to School. The SRTS Program was established in August 2005 as part of the most recent federal transportation re-authorization legislation--SAFETEA-LU. This law provides multi- year funding for the surface transportation programs that guide spending of federal gas tax revenue. Section 1404 of this legislation provides funding (for the first time) for State Departments of Transportation to create and administer SRTS programs which allow communities to compete for funding for local SRTS projects. The Program provides funds to the States to substantially improve the ability of primary and middle school students to walk and bicycle to school safely. The purposes of the program are:
1. to enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school
2. to make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative, thereby encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from an early age; and
3. To facilitate the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity (approximately 2 miles) of primary and middle schools (Grades K-8). Each State administers its own program and develops its own procedures to solicit and select projects for funding. The program establishes two distinct types of funding opportunities: infrastructure projects (engineering improvements) and non- infrastructure related activities (such as education, enforcement and encouragement programs).
Safe Routes to School. This measure will focus on delivering workshops at schools to educate students and parents for road safety and the use of sustainable mobility modes to commute to schools. The delivery of the workshops will begin with the new academic year, September 2017. Initially a feasibility study will take place in order to organise and find which schools are able to be visited according to a prepared timetable. An approach to the Parents Teachers Association to collect data about the most common ways of transport (and also information about the number of pupils and total number of schools in the city). Also, a visit to the Police Authority of Cyprus is considered to be essential, as it is the best way for retrieving some data regarding the number of accidents around schools during the peak hours and explanations about traffic jams caused by schools. This would be helpful for comparing the before-and-after analysis that we are going to do during the implementation of this measure, and to help us check potential follow-ups with other schools and finally succeed with engaging the whole city. Simultaneously we will prepare material that will be shared with pupils and parents for the training sessions and workshops that will take place. At least 10 schools will participate. The workshops are aimed at educating and training parents and elementary school pupils on road safety. For the training sessions, cooperation with the police authorities of Limassol will take place. A video will be created with actors in order to attract pupils and parents, encourage their safe behavior when using sustainable mobility modes and encourage good behavior patterns when parents are driving and pupils are going to school. Examples of car accidents will be shown to parents and pupils in order to encourage safe driving and the effective use of sustainable modes. For this measure questionnaires will be prepared in order to evaluate the impacts of the training sessions on pupils and parents. The aim is to achieve successful parental and pupil mode shift through delivering separate workshops at each participating school. The aim is to also increase safety during peak hours in order to reduce accidents and increase pupils’ sustainability awareness. A natural impact on public health can also be achieved regarding obesity among young children, which can be used for motivation about cycling and walking. Expected outputs: • To involve 10 schools • Inform approximately 50 students (families) from each...
Safe Routes to School. The Safe Routes to Schools Program was created by Section 1404 of the Safe, Accountable,
Safe Routes to School. Unless otherwise stated below in this section, the Parties agree the major purposes or functions of land involved in the Project are to preserve or enhance the scenic, historic, environmental or archeological aspects, or the usefulness for intermodal users (including bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized transportation users) of existing or new transportation facilities. It is further agreed any park, recreation or refuge purposes or functions are secondary or incidental for purposes of 49 U.S.C. § 303 and 23 C.F.R. 771.135. Exceptions: NONE.