Payment Rates. A. DARS determines when raters are requested to provide services and determines which performance test candidates, raters may provide rater services.
Payment Rates. A. Submit an invoice to DARS that includes the following information: • Contractor’s Legal Name, • State of Texas Vendor number or federal tax Identification number, • Remit-to address, • Contractor's Telephone number, • Invoice number, • DARS Contract Number, • Interpreter Name and Certificate level(s) for each individual assignment, • State agency name of requestor, • Location(s) per assignment, • Extensions of charges (including hourly rate), • Invoice total, • Date(s) and time(s) of assignment per interpreter (in 15 minute increments) Invoices shall be submitted to: DHHS, PO Box 12904, Austin, Texas 78711.
B. DARS will make payment on a properly prepared and submitted invoice, in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act, Texas Government Code §2251. Invoices are to be submitted on a monthly basis in compliance with the following procedure: The invoice shall comply with all applicable state requirements or may be rejected for payment until Contractor provides conforming invoices. The invoice shall meet Contract requirements, shall be supported by other documentation submitted and shall be subject to DARS approval. All services shall be performed to DARS satisfaction, and DARS shall not be liable for any payment pursuant to the Contract for services that are unsatisfactory and that have not been approved by DARS. DARS DHHS hereby agrees to:
1. pay for communication access services at an hourly rate that shall conform to and shall not exceed the established rates set by DARS, see http://www:xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/services/agencyservices.shtml HHSC for Region and Level; and
2. contact the Contractor and provide notice of upcoming changes to be published on the website at least 35 days in advance of the effective date of any change. (Revisions to the Interpreting Rate Schedule are typically made at the beginning of each state fiscal year.)
C. Program and financial information must be submitted to DARS DHHS by the 10th of the following month for each month of the contract period and must contain the established reporting information.
Payment Rates. The Contractor shall be paid for authorized and delivered services as agreed to by the parties of this Contract. Rate setting authority originates from this Contract and not from MMIS Service Agreements. Rates as agreed to in this Contract must agree and be accurately reflected in MMIS.
a. No advance payments will be made under this Contract.
b. Payment for leave days is not permitted through the CADI, DD or BI waivers. The Contractor’s payment rate may include, however, overhead expenses of days when a person is away from a residence. (See the Disability Program Services Manual on Waiver Leave Days for a list of affected wavier services and for acceptable ways to include absences in overhead expenses.)
c. If the Minnesota Legislature approves a rate increase, requires a rate decrease, or makes any other changes to the reimbursement rates for any services included in this Contract, the new rate shall be in effect under this Contract.
i. The Lead County will send the Contractor a written confirmation of the new rate. If the County of Financial Responsibility has accessed the Agency contract and amended the rates, it will send the Contractor notices.
ii. The Contractor agrees to abide by any conditions imposed upon the use of increased funds that may be established by law or direction from the State of Minnesota, Department of Human Services.
iii. Any interpretation pertaining to eligibility for a rate change as well as the exact amount of the rate change shall be subject to applicable law, rule, or regulation and shall be consistent with guidelines developed by the State of Minnesota and the Lead County.
d. The Agency may allow the Contractor to negotiate the rate it will charge for some services, subject to MMIS rate limits. The Contractor must provide sixty (60) calendar days written notice to the Lead County, eligible persons, and the responsible parties to change rates as required by individual service needs. Existing eligible person’s service authorizations continue at the previous rate for the duration of the authorization unless the Agency agrees otherwise. Rate changes must be approved by the Agency prior to being implemented.
i. The sixty (60) day written notice, as described in this Contract will be waived in case of emergency or extenuating circumstances. In such cases, the Contractor must provide the Agency with reasonable notice in order to change rates. Timeliness of the notice will be determined by the Agency.
Payment Rates a. Xxxxxx agrees to pay the sum of $200 (1/2 day) or $350 (full day) for use of the Hall as defined above. Rental time includes set-up and cleanup activities. Friday and Saturday hours of use shall not exceed 1:00 AM. Sunday through Thursday hours of use shall not exceed 11:00 PM.
Payment Rates. 10.2.1 SS claim rates are as per the approved ELRC budget and approved vote weight structure.
Payment Rates. 13.1 Each payment rate in Columns D and G of Appendix 1 shall be adjusted in respect of Periods in relevant year t in accordance with the following formula: Rt = Rt-1 (1 + RPIt-1) 100 where: Rt is the relevant rate in the relevant year t Rt-1 is the relevant rate in the relevant year t-1 RPIt-1 means the percentage change (whether of a positive or negative value) in the Retail Prices Index published or determined with respect to November in the relevant year t-1 and the index published or determined with respect to November in the relevant year t-2 but so that in relation to the relevant year commencing on 1 April 2001, Rt shall have the relevant value specified in the relevant column (either D or G) of Appendix 1 and in the next following year Rt-1 shall have the same value.
Payment Rates. 6.1 On-call rate
Payment Rates. (a) The MA Organization shall make payments to providers according to the requirements of §422.114.
(b) CMS and the MA Organization shall reach agreement, on or before the effective date of this contract, on provider payment methodologies, which shall include provider payment proxies, also described as estimated Original Medicare payment amounts.
(c) The MA Organization agrees to implement revised provider payment schedules on the same date that such changes are required of contractors administering the Original Medicare benefit.
(d) The MA Organization agrees that it shall revise its provider payment schedule to reflect the requirements of legislative or regulatory changes made during the term of this contract. Also, the MA Organization agrees that CMS may require the MA Organization to revise its provider payment schedule if CMS determines that the existing schedule does not comply with the provisions of§422.114(a)(2). [422.114]
(e) The MA Organization agrees that it shall establish and maintain a payment appeal system under which MA plan providers may have their payment claims reviewed in the event that the provider believes he was paid less than he would have been paid under Original Medicare. Under such a system, if a provider reasonably demonstrates that they have not received proper payment, the MA Organization shall pay the provider the difference between what the provider had received and what he would have received under Original Medicare.
(f) The MA Organization agrees to make its provider payment schedule available to the public in such a manner as to allow providers a reasonable opportunity to be informed about payment methodologies under the MA plan. This includes posting the schedule on a Web site maintained by the Organization.
Payment Rates a. The Vendor shall charge the third-party customer for their services according to the
b. The Vendor is entitled to eighty-five percent (85%) of the monies received from the third- party customer for the supply of their services and InstaComfort is entitled to be paid the remaining fifteen percent (15%) as a commission on each booking up until the termination of the Agreement.
c. Where the third party customer requests additional concierge services, the Vendor is required to pay to InstaComfort an additional ten percent (10%) commission on the booking.
d. The Vendor shall pay the commission to InstaComfort in full, immediately upon clearing the funds acquired from the third-party customer for the services. If payment is not made, InstaComfort shall be entitled to charge interest on the outstanding amount at the rate of five percent [5%] of the Vendor’s charge for their services up until the outstanding amount is paid in full.
e. If the Vendor remains in default of payment after twenty-one (21) days, InstaComfort will be entitled to bring legal proceedings against the Vendor to recover all monies and accrued interest due and owing to them.
Payment Rates. (a) In addition to the Employee’s ordinary salary for the shift, a shift worker will be paid shift work payments as follows:
(i) ordinary duty performed on a shift, any part of which falls between 6.00 p.m. and 6.30 a.m. - 15%;
(ii) ordinary hours worked continuously for a period exceeding four weeks on a shift falling wholly within the hours of 6.00 p.m. and 8.00 a.m. - 30%;
(iii) ordinary duty performed Saturday - 50%;
(iv) ordinary duty performed on a Sunday - 100%;
(v) ordinary duty performed on a public holiday - 150%.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a)(iii) apply only to an Employee who performs duty on:
(i) alternating or rotating shifts involving the performance of rostered duty: A. commencing before 6.30 a.m., or terminating after 6.30 p.m. or at or before 8.00 a.m. Monday to Friday; or