Sale Name definition
Examples of Sale Name in a sentence
Timber Sale Name: National Forest: The prospective subcontractor (participants in lower tier covered transactions) certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this timber sale by any Federal department or agency.
Notary Public in and for the State of My appointment expires 30- 096714 EXCISE TAX APPLICABLE ACTIVITIES 29037 EXCISE TAX EXEMPT ACTIVITIES 802 30- 097264 EXCISE TAX APPLICABLE ACTIVITIES 2,083 2297 EXCISE TAX EXEMPT ACTIVITIES 1790 1790 Sale Name: Wendigo Side A (Wendigofly sorts) Region: Northwest Agreement #: 30-097264 District: Xxxxx Contact Forester: Xxxx Xxxxx Phone / Location: 000-000-0000/Sedro-Xxxxxxx County(s): Skagit, Alternate Contact:Xxxx Xxxxxx Phone / Location: Click here to enter text.
Sale Name: Q COYOTE BAR Region: Southeast Total 375 1 VP 33.6 4.5 ft 300’ x 300’ 1:0 196 Minor species cruise intensity: All cruise Minimum cruise spec: 10.0 inch DF DBH Leave/take tree description: Take trees: Unit 1- Short crown ratio trees (<50% crown) or those with a thinning crown.
For Internal Kanbay Purposes Only: MSA No. S.O. No. SOW No. ¨ New Client P.O. No. ¨ Extension ¨ Correction ¨ Add-On Sale Name: Name: Address: Address: City, State Zip: City, State Zip: Telephone Number: Telephone Number: By: By: Print Name: Print Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: By signing above, the parties agree to the terms and conditions of this Statement of Work (a.k.a. Purchase Order) and to the terms and conditions of the Consulting Agreement between [ ].
ALL Sale Name: Rebel Page:161 Contract 2400-6, (6/06) C6.42# - YARDING/SKIDDING REQUIREMENTS (04/2003) Purchaser shall submit to Forest Service for approval a Yarding/Skidding Plan prior to the start of felling operations.