SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. The committee formed at each school attendance center as set forth in the School Building Committee Article.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. Section A: Purpose Paragraph 1: The purpose of the School Building Committee shall be to identify problems at the building level and to work in an advisory capacity to the principal toward acceptable solutions. The School Building Committee shall involve itself in: (a) Problems relating to rules, procedures, policies, safety and security of pupils and teachers within the building, and any other matters pertaining to the operation of the school. (b) The planning, implementation, and evaluation of authorized building-based in-service programs. (c) Planning for those meetings involving pupils, parents, and community patrons. (d) The use of building staff allocation and scheduling. (e) Discussions and recommendation for revisions to the school discipline plan prior to its adoption and publication by the building principal. Section B: Organization Paragraph 1: A School Building Committee shall be organized at each school attendance center as designated by this Article.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. (Continued) 3. A procedure for notifying employees of building meetings, place, date and agenda. 4. Provision for school patrons, including students or other citizens residing in the school attendance area to suggest items for the agenda and, subject to reasonable regulations of the committee, to meet with the committee to discuss items of concern. 5. A procedure for reporting to staff employees. D. General Rules -- Any employee may submit to any committee member in the building a written statement of a problem for the consideration of the committee, which shall be placed on the agenda by any committee members, including informal requests by another employee. No provision of this article is to be interpreted in a fashion that would abridge the rights of any individual as established in this Professional Agreement or the statutory rights or responsibilities of the Superintendent or the Board of Education.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. A. Purpose -- The purpose of the School Building Committee shall be to identify problems at the building level and recommend acceptable solutions. Problems which can be solved at the building level will be so resolved. This committee may consider such items as: 1. Problems relating to rules, procedures, policies, safety and security of students and employees within the building, and any other matters pertaining to operation of the building. 2. Personnel problems within the building, unless such problems are personal in nature. 3. Implementing and planning authorized building staff development education. 4. The Building Committee shall not have jurisdiction regarding grievances. B. Organization -- A School Building Committee (SBC) shall be organized at each attendance center. Membership of the School Building Committee shall consist of the following: 1. Co-Chairpersons – consists of the Faculty Building Representative and the building principal. 2. Other members of the School Building Committee shall be professional employees and classified personnel based at the building. Classified personnel shall not exceed the number of teachers on the committee. 3. The number of committee members may vary, but must be a fair representation of the staff. 4. School Building Committee shall be as follows: a. Building Committee must be established by September 15th of each school term. b. The members shall serve until the end of the school term.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. Section A: Purpose (a) Problems relating to rules, procedures, policies, safety and security of pupils and teachers within the building, and any other matters pertaining to the operation of the school. (b) The planning, implementation, and evaluation of authorized building-based in-service programs. (c) Planning for those meetings involving pupils, parents, and community pa- trons. (d) The use of building staff allocation and scheduling. (e) Discussions and recommendation for revisions to the school discipline plan prior to its adoption and publication by the building principal. Section B: Organization
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. Section A: Purpose Paragraph 1: The purpose of the School Building Committee shall be to identify problems at the building level and to work in an advisory capacity to the princi- pal toward acceptable solutions. The School Building Committee shall involve itself in: (a) Problems relating to rules, procedures, policies, safety and security of pu- pils and teachers within the building, and any other matters pertaining to the operation of the school. (b) The planning, implementation, and evaluation of authorized building-based in-service programs. (c) Planning for those meetings involving pupils, parents, and community pa- trons. (d) The use of building staff allocation and scheduling. (e) Discussions and recommendation for revisions to the school discipline plan prior to its adoption and publication by the building principal. Section B: Organization Paragraph 1: A School Building Committee shall be organized at each school attendance center as designated by this Article. Paragraph 2: Membership of the School Building Committee shall consist of the following: (a) Chairperson (1) The UTW Professional Representative (ProRep) or his/her designee shall serve as chairperson. (2) If the ProRep/designee declines to be chairperson, the Committee shall elect a chairperson. (b) The principal or the assistant principal in the event the principal is unavailable (c) Teachers elected by and from the teachers based at the building. The number of Committee members, in addition to the chairperson, principal and the classified member, shall be based on the following school enrollment: (d) At least one teacher who is a member of the School Building Committee shall be appointed by the building principal to serve on the site council.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. The committee formed at each school atten- dance center as set forth in the School Building Committee Article.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. The Committee may appoint a school building committee which shall have such powers and duties relative to the construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair, expansion or equipping of school buildings or facilities as the committee determines. The school building committee will be composed of persons from a representative sample of member communities and shall include persons whose expertise may include but not be limited to construction, finance and large project management. Members of the school building committee are subject to all Massachusetts General Laws relating to conflict of interest.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. Section A: Purpose Paragraph 1: The purpose of the School Building Committee shall be to identify problems at the building level and to work in an advisory capacity to the principal toward acceptable solutions. The School Building Committee shall involve itself in: (a) Problems relating to rules, procedures, policies, safety and security of pupils and teachers within the building, and any other matters pertaining to the operation of the school. (b) The planning, implementation, and evaluation of authorized building-based in-service programs. (c) Planning for those meetings involving pupils, parents, and community patrons. (d) The use of building staff allocation and scheduling. (e) Discussions and recommendation for revisions to the school discipline plan prior to its adoption and publication by the building principal. Section B: Organization Paragraph 1: A School Building Committee shall be organized at each school attendance center as designated by this Article. Paragraph 2: Membership of the School Building Committee shall consist of the following: (a) Chairperson (1) The UTW Professional Representative (ProRep) or his/her designee shall serve as chairperson. (2) If the ProRep/designee declines to be chairperson, the Committee shall elect a chairperson. (b) The principal or the assistant principal in the event the principal is unavailable (c) Teachers elected by and from the teachers based at the building (1) The number of Committee members, in addition to the chairperson, principal and the classified member, shall be based on the following school enrollment: 400 or fewer 3 401 to 800 5 801 to 1200 7 1201 to 1600 9 1601 to 2000 11 2001 or more 13 (d) At least one teacher who is a member of the School Building Committee shall be appointed by the building principal to serve on the site council.
SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE. Section A: Purpose Paragraph 1: The purpose of the School Building Committee shall be to identi- fy problems at the building level and to work in an advisory capacity to the principal toward acceptable solutions. The School Building Committee shall involve itself in: (a) Problems relating to rules, procedures, policies, safety and security of pupils and teachers within the building, and any other matters pertaining to the operation of the school. (b) The planning, implementation, and evaluation of authorized building-based in-service programs. (c) Planning for those meetings involving pupils, parents, and community pa- trons. (d) The use of building staff allocation and scheduling. (e) Discussions and recommendation for revisions to the school discipline plan prior to its adoption and publication by the building principal. Section B: Organization Paragraph 1: A School Building Committee shall be organized at each school attendance center as designated by this Article. Paragraph 2: Member ship of the School Building Committee shall consist of the following: (a) Chairperson (1) The UTW Professional Representative (ProRep) or his/her designee shall serve as chairperson. (2) If the ProRep/designee declines to be chairperson, the Committee shall elect a chairperson. (b) The principal or the assistant principal in the event the principal is unavailable (c) Teachers elected by and from the teachers based at the building (1) The number of Committee members, in addition to the chairperson, princi- pal and the classified member, shall be based on the following school en- rollment: (d) At least one teacher who is a member of the School Building Committee shall be appointed by the building principal to serve on the site council. Paragraph 3: Election of the School Building Committee shall be as follows: (a) The election shall be conducted by the UTW or its designee prior to September 10 of each year. (b) All teachers assigned to the building shall be eligible to vote. (c) The elected members shall serve until a new committee is elected the following year. (d) One classified staff member shall be elected to serve on the committee and will be elected by the classified members assigned to the building.