School Building Use. The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at reasonable hours with prior approval. The Board may charge the Association when special custodial service is required.
School Building Use. The Association and its members may use the district facilities at reasonable hours for meetings as long as the building is covered by the operating staff. Room arrangements shall be made with the principal involved or the Superintendent or designee. The Association may be required to secure an approved Building Use permit before the use of any school facility.
School Building Use. The Union and its members may use the Board of Education building facilities at reasonable time and hours for meetings as long as it does not interfere with the job responsibilities and operations and when such buildings are available and a custodian is on duty. The request for room usage must be made following the policy established for building or facility usage. The Union shall have the right to use the courier system to send notices and other union information to members.
School Building Use. The Association will have the right to use school buildings outside regular school hours if not in use and without cost at reasonable times as determined by the Superintendent of the Superintendent’s designee.
School Building Use. The Union and its members shall continue to have the right to use school building facilities at all reasonable hours for meetings, subject to scheduling by the principal. No employee shall be prevented from wearing insignia, pins, or other identification of membership in the Union either on or off school premises.