Section 14.2.1 Sample Clauses
Section 14.2.1. Level 1.
26 a. The grievant and their Union representative, if requested, may orally present a 27 grievance to the immediate supervisor. If the grievance is not settled orally, a written 28 statement of grievance shall be presented to the immediate supervisor within twenty 29 (20) business days after the occurrence of the grievance or within (20) business days 30 from the time the grievance or the Union should have reasonably become aware of the 31 events giving rise to the grievance, whichever is later.
33 b. The “Statement of Grievance” shall name the grievant(s) involved; the facts giving rise 34 to the grievance; provision(s) of the Agreement alleged to be violated and the remedy 35 (specific relief) requested.
37 c. The immediate supervisor shall answer the grievance in writing within ten (10) 38 business days after receipt of the grievance. 40 The answer shall include the reasons upon which his/her decision was based. He/she shall 41 concurrently send a copy of the grievance, his/her decision, if any, and all supportive evidence 42 to the grievant, Union President and Superintendent. 43 44
Section 14.2.1. Provisions Solely to Define Relative Rights................................98 - vii -
Section 14.2.1 the District decide to lay off any non-annual employee for the next work year, the 15 employee shall be so notified in writing by August 1st.
Section 14.2.1. 16 Child Nutrition Services staff that earn certification from the School Nutrition Association will 17 receive an additional percentage of their current hourly wage as expressed on Schedule A. 18 Additional wages for completion of a SNA Level will apply to the levels as follows:
Section 14.2.1. Upon clear acts of vandalism on school property, the District will reimburse the employee for 46 up to their five hundred dollar ($500.00) deductible for damaged motor vehicles. Individual 47 losses for damage to an employee’s personal property that are caused by other District 48 employees acting within the scope of their employment shall be referred to the District’s 1 liability insurance carrier. It will be the employee’s responsibility to provide a written 2 verification of completed repairs and verification that the accident has been reported to local 3 authorities in a timely manner.
Section 14.2.1. 36 Employees who change job classifications within the bargaining unit shall retain their seniority 37 dates in the previous classifications for a period of one (1) year, notwithstanding that they have 38 acquired a new seniority date and a new classification. 39
Section 14.2.1. 4 The employee shall first discuss the grievance with the immediate supervisor. All grievances
Section 14.2.1. 6 Payroll checks or direct deposit will be issued the last business day of each month.
Section 14.2.1. 33 The base wage rates specified in Schedule A shall be improved by state-funded classified 34 employee percentage increases in salaries in the month they become effective (“state pass- 35 through”). If the state decides to fund classified employee salary increases in any manner other 36 than the percentage increase method used in the past, the District and the Union shall meet to 37 negotiate the manner in which the increases are to be applied to the salary schedule.
Section 14.2.1. 25 Any new hire with similar job experience in public schools outside Washington State or private 26 schools in the United States shall be given credit for years worked on Schedule A.