SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. The safeguarding requirements in this security addendum are drawn from the Office of Child Support
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. HUD shall comply with the Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Federal Systems Security Requirements for Federal Agencies Receiving Federal Parent Locator Service Data. XXX received this document on November 13, 2020. The safeguarding requirements in this security addendum are drawn from this document and are also based on the federal laws and requirements governing the protection of information referenced in section I of this security addendum.
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. The state agency shall comply with the Office of Child Support Enforcement
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. The state agency must comply with the applicable provisions of FISMA, the applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memoranda, and the applicable guidelines of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Revision 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, September 2020, updated December 10, 2020; HHS Policy for Information Security and Privacy Protection, November 2021; and the Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcement: A Guide for States, updated 2017 (Federal Certification Guide). The following requirements are drawn from these statutes, regulations, and guidelines. The HHS Policy for Information Security and Privacy Protection can be shared with a state agency upon request. The security requirements with which the state agency must comply are presented in three categories: management, operational, and technical. The state agency must also comply with additional requirements: Cloud Solution (optional for cloud environments), Retention and Disposition Requirements, Breach Reporting and Notification Responsibility, Security Certification, and Audit Requirements.
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. SSA shall comply with the Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Federal Systems Security Requirements for Federal Agencies Receiving Federal Parent Locator Service Data. SSA received this document on May 14, 2019. The safeguarding requirements in this security addendum are drawn from this document and are also based on the federal laws and requirements governing the protection of information referenced in section 1 of this security addendum. This section presents the safeguarding requirements with which OCSE and SSA shall comply and continuously monitor. SSA shall also comply with three additional requirements:
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. This section outlines the safeguarding requirements for receiving NDNH information as well as the safeguards in place at OCSE for protecting the agency finder file. The requirements are drawn from the federal laws and requirements governing the protection of information referenced in Section I of this security addendum as well as the Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Federal Systems Security Requirements for Federal Agencies Receiving Federal Parent Locator Service Data. SSA was provided a copy of the HHS-OCIO Policy for Information Systems Security and Privacy (IS2P) and the Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Federal Systems Security Requirements for Federal Agencies Receiving Federal Parent Locator Service Data, on May 19, 2014. The security requirements to which OCSE and SSA shall ensure compliance and continuously monitor are presented in three categories: administrative, technical, and physical, and three additional sections: Breach Reporting and Notification Responsibility, Security Authorization, and Audit Requirements.
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. The state agency shall comply with the Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Federal Systems Security Requirements for State Agencies Receiving National Directory of New Hires Data. The state agency received this document on November 1, 2018. The safeguarding requirements in this security addendum are drawn from this document.
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. Use of pseudo-identifiers does not eliminate the possibility that the individuals in the study may be identifiable from the remaining information. While not directly identified, the remaining information OCSE provides in conjunction with additional available data sources is sometimes sufficient to identify the study participants with reasonable certainty. Therefore, OPRE/OFA must safeguard the information to protect the privacy of the individuals. Neither OPRE/OFA nor OCSE are permitted to reconstruct or link files, or participate in any activity, other than those identified and governed by the agreement, which could result in the personal identification of any individual whose information is contained in the input or output files. The safeguarding requirements for receiving NDNH information as well as the safeguards in place at OCSE for protecting the agency input files are as follows:
1. OPRE/OFA must restrict access to, and disclosure of, NDNH information to authorized personnel who need NDNH information to perform their official duties in connection with the authorized purposes specified in the agreement. OCSE restricts access to and disclosure of the agency input files to authorized personnel who need them to perform their official duties as authorized in this agreement. Policy/Requirements Traceability: 5 U.S.C. § 552a (b)(1), NIST SP 800-53 Rev 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations, AC-3, AC-6
2. OPRE/OFA must establish and maintain an ongoing management oversight and quality assurance program to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to NDNH information. OCSE management oversees the use of the agency input files to ensure that only authorized personnel have access. Policy/Requirements Traceability: 5 U.S.C. § 552a; NIST SP 800-53 Rev 5, PL- 4(1), PS-6, PS-8
3. OPRE/OFA must advise all authorized personnel who will access NDNH information of the confidentiality of NDNH information, the safeguards required to protect NDNH information, and the civil and criminal sanctions for non-compliance contained in the applicable federal laws, including section 453(l)(2) of the Social Security Act. 42 U.S.C. § 653(l)(2). OCSE advises all personnel who will access the agency input files of the confidentiality of the information, the safeguards required to protect the information, and the civil and criminal sanctions for non-compliance contained in the applicable federal laws.
4. OPRE/OFA must deliver security and pri...
SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDING REQUIREMENTS. The safeguarding requirements in this security addendum are drawn from the Office of Child Support Enforcement Division of Federal Systems Security Requirements for Federal Agencies Receiving National Directory of New Hires Data. This document is available upon request from