Security Clause Sample Clauses
Security Clause. Any employees in this Unit who have authorized Union dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this agreement; provided, however, that any employee in the Unit may terminate such Union dues deduction each year during the period August 1 to August 15, by notifying the Union of their termination of Union dues deduction. Such notification shall be by certified mail and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: employee name, employee number, job classification, department name and name of Union from which dues deductions are to be cancelled. The Union will provide the County's Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within ten (10) business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. Any employees in this unit who have authorized Union dues deductions on the effective date of this Memorandum of Understanding or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this Memorandum of Understanding shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this Memorandum of Understanding; provided, however, that any employee in the Unit may terminate such Union dues during the twenty-one day period preceding the employee’s date of hire anniversary within the last twelve months of this Memorandum of Understanding, by notifying the Union of their termination of Union dues deduction. Such notification shall be by certified mail and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: employee name, employee number, job classification, department name and name of Union from which dues deductions are to be cancelled. The union will inform a member of his/her dues termination period upon request. The Union will provide the County's Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within ten (10) business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. Any employees in this unit who have authorized ADDA dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this agreement; provided, however, that any employee in the unit may terminate such ADDA dues during the period September 1 through September 30, of each year of the Agreement, by notifying the ADDA of their termination of ADDA dues deduction. Such notification shall be by certified mail to the President of the ADDA and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: employee name, employee number, job classification, department name from which said dues deductions are to be canceled. The ADDA will provide the County's Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within ten (10) business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. Any employees in this Unit who have authorized Union dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this agreement; provided, however, that any employee in the Unit may terminate such Union dues during the period July 1 - July 31, annually, by notifying the Union of their termination of Union dues deduction. Such notification shall be by certified mail and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: Employee name, employee number, job classification, department name, and name of Union from which dues deduction are to be cancelled. The Union will provide the County's Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within 10 business days after the close of the withdrawal period. Any attempt to cancel dues deduction submitted at any time other than the July 1-31 period shall not be honored, except in the case of newly-hired employees, for whom the following applies: All newly hired employees will be offered the option at the time of hire to approve dues deduction. If a newly hired employee is offered that option within 90 days prior to the next occurring July 1, the employee may not cancel dues deduction during that first July window period but may cancel dues deduction during the following July window period and thereafter. If the newly hired employee is offered that option 91 days or longer before the next July window period, that employee may cancel dues deduction during the first July window period.
Security Clause. Any employees in this Unit who have authorized Union dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this agreement; provided, however, that any employee in the Unit may terminate such Union dues by notifying the Union of their termination of Union dues deduction. Such notification shall be by certified mail and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: Employee name, employee number, job classification, department name and name of Union from which dues deduction are to be canceled. The Union will provide the County's Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within 10 business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. Any employees in this Unit who have authorized UAPD dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this agreement; provided, however, that any employee in this Unit may terminate such UAPD dues during the period of December 18, through December 31 in each year of this MOU, by notifying the UAPD of their termination of UAPD dues deduction. Such notification shall be by certified mail and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: employee name, employee number, job classification, department name and name of UAPD from which dues deductions are to be canceled. The UAPD will provide the County's Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within 10 business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. Any employees in this unit who have authorized AFSCME dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deductions made by the County during the term of this agreement: provided, however, that any employee in the unit may terminate such AFSCME dues by notifying AFSCME of their termination of AFSCME dues deductions not less than ten (10) days and not more than twenty (20) days before the end of any yearly period as defined by the date of the execution of the employee’s authorization. Such notification shall be made by certified mail to the President of AFSCME Bargaining Unit 803 and shall be in the form of a letter containing the following information: employee name, employee number, job classification, and department name from which dues deductions are to be cancelled. The Union will provide the County’s Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within ten (10) business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. The Lessee shall not permit nor allow unauthorized personnel to enter the Maritime Operations Area or any other area restricted by local or federal regulation, through the facilities covered by this lease. If the Authority is penalized or fined any local or federal agency or court for violations to any law or regulation related to the entering of restricted areas and said violation is due to the failure of the Lessee to comply with this section, said penalty or fine shall be reimbursed to the Authority by the Lessee.
Security Clause. Any employees in this unit who have authorized AFSCME Local 1967/PMA dues deductions on the effective date of this agreement or at any time subsequent to the effective date of this agreement shall continue to have such dues deduction made by the County during the term of this agreement; provided, however, that any employee in the unit may terminate such AFSCME Local 1967/PMA dues by notifying AFSCME Local 1967/PMA of their termination of AFSCME Local 1967/PMA dues deductions not less than ten (10) days and not more than twenty (20) days before the end of any yearly period as defined by the date of execution of the employee’s authorization. Such notification shall be by e-mail to or by certified mail to the President of AFSCME Local 1967/PMA and should be in the form of a letter containing the following information: employee name, employee number, job classification, department name from which said dues deductions are to be canceled. The Union will provide the County’s Auditor-Controller with the appropriate documentation to process these dues cancellations within ten (10) business days after the close of the withdrawal period.
Security Clause. All debts owed by Party B to Party A under this Agreement will be secured by a pledge or mortgage over certain properties or joint and several guarantee provided by Party B or a third party. Party B or the third party acting as guarantor/security provider shall separately issue or execute a security/guarantee document as required by Party A, specifically: