Selection Schedule. By responding to this advertisement the Consultant is committing to and will be expected to meet the following schedule. Days are calendar days. (This is a projected schedule that may be revised based on the needs of the State). Provide NYSDOT 255 with attachments, days from shortlist notification 10 Scope of services meeting, days from designation 7 First proposal due, days from designation 7 Final proposal due, days from designation 21 Completion of financial negotiation, days from designation 37
Selection Schedule. By responding to this advertisement the Consultant is committing to and will be expected to meet the following schedule. Days are calendar days. (This is a projected schedule that may be revised based on the needs of the State). Provide NYSDOT 255 with attachments, days from shortlist notification 10 Scope of services meeting, days from designation 7 First proposal due, days from designation 7 Final proposal due, days from designation 21 Completion of financial negotiation, days from designation 37
1) Electronic Expression of Interest (E-EOI) must be submitted electronically: utilizing the Electronic Consultant Selection System web application (CSSWeb) in PDF format.
2) Section B, CONR386 Current Workload Disclosure Form for each firm included on the team (must be submitted by the Prime and include all team members - prime, joint venture partner and subconsultants): utilizing the Electronic Consultant Selection System web application (CSSWeb) in PDF format.
3) The Offerer's Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to State Finance Law §139-j (3) and §139- j (6) (b): utilizing the Electronic Consultant Selection System web application (CSSWeb) in PDF format. xxxxx://
4) The Offerer Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations form (must be submitted for the Prime): utilizing the Electronic Consultant Selection System web application (CSSWeb) in PDF format. xxxxx://
5) The current CONR-385, FAR overhead Audit Report information must have been submitted to NYSDOT for all team members at the time of the EOI submission When claiming D/M/WBE Credit, Prime Firms are responsible for ensuring all of their proposed D/M/WBE sub- consultants are currently certified thru either the M/WBE Directory (xxxx:// for M/WBE credit) or the NYSUCP DBE Directory (xxxx:// for DBE credit) for the type work they are being proposed to perform. Claiming D/M/WBE credit for a non-certified firm at the time of E-EOI submission may be grounds for a non-responsibility determination.
Selection Schedule. By responding to this advertisement the Consultant is committing to and will be expected to meet the following schedule. Days are calendar days. (This is a projected schedule that may be revised based on the needs of the State). Upon notification of being short-listed: If designated:
Selection Schedule. Based on BWD’s delivery schedule for the Stores serviced from the [***] Shared Facilities, C&S will [***].
Selection Schedule. Date Action Item 07/23/2018 RFP Submission Deadline ______________________________________________________________________________
Selection Schedule. The proposed schedule for Contractor selection, subject to change, is as follows:
Selection Schedule. The tentative schedule and sequence of this RFQ/RFP is as follows: • Release RFQ/RFP Notice - March 3, 2023 • Optional Pre-Bid Job Site Meeting - March 16, 2023 at 10:AM PST • Final day for Submission of Questions to City - March 30, 2023 by 5:00 PM PST • Final responses to Questions - April 5, 2023 by 5:00 PM PST • Deadline for Submission of RFQ/RFP - April 12, 2023 by 2:00 PM PST
Selection Schedule. The City anticipates the following general timeline for its selection process. The City reserves the right to change this schedule. RFP Advertised April 28, 2021 Proposal Due Date 4:00 pm, May 26, 2021 Invitation to Interview (if needed) June 4, 2021 Begin negotiations with selected Proposer June 21, 2021 Award Contract July 13, 2021