Settled. The Parties sign a written Settlement Agreement;
Settled. “Settled” means (i) the payment by or on behalf of Cedent, GLIC or GLICNY of Reinsured Benefits, whether in the form of cash payment, deposit to a retained asset account or other settlement option; or (ii) in the event of a Contested claim for Reinsured Benefits, Reinsurer has not agreed (whether affirmatively or by default) with Cedent’s decision to Contest such claim in accordance with the terms of Section 3 of Article VI. For the avoidance of doubt, as required by Section 3 of Article VI, the failure of Reinsurer to agree with Cedent’s decision to Contest a claim as described in clause (ii) above requires Reinsurer to discharge its liability for such claim by paying to Cedent the full amount of the Reinsured Benefits that are the subject of such claim.
Settled. Case is stayed pending timely monthly payments by Defendants pursuant to settlement agreement. Xxxxx Xxxxx v. American Apparel, Ben Geroaldo, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxx filed with City of New York Commission of Human Rights No. M-E-SO-08-1020382-E; Federal Charge No. 16F-2008-00152C June 2008 Former employee filed complaint with the City of New York Commission of Human Rights alleging discrimination and retaliation Early stages. City of New York Commission of Human Rights is still investigating. Olympics Holdings v. American Apparel Complaint filed Aug. 14, 2007 Breach of contract action for alleged damage to formerly leased premises. American Apparel denies it caused any damage to the premises beyond wear and tear. American Discovery phase. Amendment No. 7 to Credit Agreement of AAUSA, dated as of June 20, 2008, amending the SOF Agreement, among American Apparel (USA), LLC, the Facility Guarantors, and SOF Matter Date Filed Brief Description of Case Current Status Apparel has a cross-complaint against Olympic for return of it security deposit which was kept by Olympic when American Apparel vacated the premises. Xxxxx Xxxxx v. American Apparel October 2007 Claims under the Fair and Accurate Transactions Act for allegedly printing more than 5 digits of Plaintiff’s credit card and its expiration date on Plaintiff’s receipt SETTLED. Case will be dismissed with prejudice in the near future. Xxxxx Xxxxx v. American Apparel March 2008 Claims for violations of private rights of publicity and New York Civil Rights law for alleged non-permissive use of Plaintiff’s images Case is in its early phase with discovery to begin in the near future Jeneleen Xxxxx x. American Apparel June 2008 Employment discrimination and assault Case is in its early phase. American Apparel has yet to be formally served Xxxxxxxx v. American Apparel June 2008 Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act for allegedly printing expiration date on Plaintiff’s receipt Case is in its early phase. American Apparel has recently fled its answer to Plaintiff’s complaint Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx v. American Apparel May 2008. Charge of Discrimination No. E200708S1456-00-fpe/37AA810258 Dept. of Fair Employment & Housing Complaint of Discrimination. Xxxxxxx alleges that she was denied leave under the California Family Rights Act and terminated because she did not submit her leave request in a timely manner. Early stages, DFEH is still investigating. Xxxxxx v. American Apparel Retail, Inc. Filed February 15, 2008 wi...
Settled orno response wllhln 15 days send copla• or appeal mayobe ,-----.. ,------..-·"1, requesled days or Superintendent give his/her has 20 days to
Settled. Case is stayed pending timely monthly payments by Defendants pursuant to settlement agreement. American Apparel v. Teenage Millionaire January 12, 2006 Breach of Contract Suit for non payment of monies. Default Judgment to be entered in near future. Xxxx Xxxxxx v. American Apparel,, Inc. and American Apparel Retail, Inc. December 2006 Plaintiff alleges AA violated CA Civil Code Section 1747.08 for swiping a credit card customer’s driver’s license. AA will file its Answer denying all allegations on January 12, 2006. King’s Express, Inc. and Infinity Logistics, Inc. v American Apparel, Inc., et al, October 17, 2006 Breach of Contract case for alleged non-payment by American Apparel of approximately $5,000 Discovery stage Case is in the early discovery phase. Gold v. American Apparel 2006 Breach of contract for alleged non-payment by American Apparel of approximately $7,000 Case is in the early discovery stage. Vizi v. American Apparel 2007 Breach of contract for alleged non-payment by American Apparel of approximately $9,000 Settled. Awaiting Plaintiff to dismiss suit with prejudice pursuant to settlement agreement American Recovery Service v. American Apparel 2007 Breach of contract for alleged non-payment by American Apparel of approximately $9,000 Settled. Awaiting Plaintiff to dismiss suit with prejudice pursuant to settlement agreement CURRENT WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS Claimant Claim No. Xxxx Xxxxx 648-372324 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-373913 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 648-373620 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx 648-373998 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-399386 Xxxxx Xxxxxx 648-374383 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-375655 Xxxxx Del C Xxxxxx 648-375868 Xxxxxx Xxxxx 648-399543 Xxxxx Xxxxxx 648-377116 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 648-380220 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx 648-379274 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-381129 Xxxxxxx Xxxxx 648-377963 Xxxxxx Xxxxx 648-377837 Xxxxxx Xxx 648-378568 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-3799107 Xxx Xxxx 648-380218 Xxxxx Xxxxx 648-383247 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-380724 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 648-381331 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-381653 Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 648-381763 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-382389 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx - 648-383490 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-389558 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-384517 Xxxxxxx Xxxx 648-384670 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-385269 Xxxx Xxxxx 648-387188 Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 648-387529 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-388029 Xxxx Xxxxxx 648-389707 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 648-390913 Xxxx Xxxxxx 648-394417 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx 648-394189 Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-393313 Xxxx Xxxxxxxx 648-394273 Xxxx Xxxxxx 648-399127 Xxx Xxxx 648-395672 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-394589 Xxxx Xxxxxx 648-396640 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 648-3967...
Settled. There is an agreement to settle this issue as follows. The implications of the transition to USGAAP on OPG’s regulatory accounting are set out by OPG in A3-1-2, which describes how OPG’s regulatory accounting would be affected in the areas of (a) long term disability (“LTD”) benefit plan costs, (b) Scientific Research and Experimental Development investment tax credits, and (c) Xxxxx Xxxxx revenues and costs. Of these, OPG states that only the change in the treatment of actuarial losses and gains and past service costs associated with OPG’s LTD plan and related income tax impacts would have a financial impact on OPG’s prescribed assets. Specifically, OPG recorded a debit of $63.1M ($2.8M35 for regulated hydroelectric and $60.3M36 for nuclear) for this financial impact in the Impact for USGAAP Deferral Account for 2012, including $0.9M of interest. For the purposes of reaching a settlement, the Intervenors accept OPG’s evidence that the accounting differences between CGAAP and USGAAP and resulting financial impacts and effects on regulatory accounting are as identified by OPG, and they are appropriate. The Parties further agree that the $63.1M balance in the Impact for USGAAP Deferral Account should be recovered as proposed by OPG. The Parties also agree no further amounts will be recorded in the Impact for USGAAP Deferral Account after December 31, 2012, with the exception of interest and amortization. Parties in Support: VECC, SEC, CCC, Xxxxxx Xxxxx, AMPCO, CME, PWU Parties Taking No Position: N/A The evidence in relation to this issue includes the following:
Settled. With respect to any Unit, that title to such Unit has been conveyed by Borrower to a retail purchaser in accordance with the terms of the applicable Contract of Sale.
Settled. This agreement is made and entered into as of the grant date indicated below (the “Grant Date“), by and between SUPERVALU INC. (the “Company”), and the individual whose name appears below (“Recipient”). The Company has established the 2012 Stock Plan (the “Plan”), under which key employees of the Company and its Affiliates may be granted Awards of Restricted Stock Units. Recipient has been selected by the Company to receive an Award of Restricted Stock Units subject to the provisions of this agreement. Capitalized terms that are used in this agreement, that are not defined, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Plan. In consideration of the foregoing, the Company and Recipient hereby agree as follows:
Settled. There is an agreement to settle this issue as follows. As indicated in H1-1-1 (pp. 1-2), the Xxxxxxxxx A Return to Service Deferral Account was terminated on December 31, 2011 and each of the Hydroelectric Interim Period Shortfall (Rider D) Variance Account, the Transmission Outages and Restrictions Variance Account, the Nuclear Fuel Cost Variance Account and the Nuclear Interim Period Shortfall (Rider B) Variance Account were terminated on December 31, 2012, in accordance with the Board’s EB-2010-0008 order. In addition to the Pension and OPEB Cost Variance Account continued as agreed in Section 4 above and unless expressly stated otherwise in this agreement, the Parties agree that the continuation of all other deferral and variance accounts as outlined in OPG’s application at H1-3- 1 is appropriate. Parties in Support: VECC, SEC, CCC, Xxxxxx Xxxxx, AMPCO, CME, PWU Parties Taking No Position: N/A The evidence in relation to this issue includes the following: H1-1-1 Overview of Deferral and Variance Accounts H1-3-1 Continuation of Deferral and Variance Accounts L-5-2 AMPCO-17 AMPCO IR #17 L-5-4 CCC-09 CCC IR #9
Settled. There is an agreement to settle this issue as follows. As indicated in H1-1-1, OPG made entries for 2011 and 2012 in a total of 19 approved deferral and variance accounts in accordance with applicable OEB decisions and orders. In its Application, OPG has requested approval to clear the audited December 31, 2012 balances in all but three of its deferral and variance accounts. The three excluded accounts are the Hydroelectric Incentive Mechanism Variance Account and the Hydroelectric Surplus Baseload Generation Variance Account as well as the hydroelectric portion of, and an amount related to a Darlington refurbishment capital cost variance included in, the Capacity Refurbishment Variance Account (the “Excluded Accounts”). The nature of the amounts recorded in each of OPG’s deferral and variance accounts is described in H1-1-1 and H2-2-1. As part of clearing the account balances, OPG has sought to recover interest that has been recorded using the generic rate of interest for deferral and variance accounts prescribed by the Board for each of the accounts as described in H1-1-1. The audited actual year-end 2012 balances in all accounts of $1,274.4M are shown in H1-1-2 and are the sum of the items in line 11, Column (a) of Tables 16 and 17 in Attachment 1 of $113.8M and $1,160.6M respectively. The Parties agree that the nature or type of amounts recorded in the deferral and variance accounts as at December 31, 2012 other than the Excluded Accounts, as proposed by OPG, are appropriate subject to the following: Nuclear Liability Deferral Account - For purposes of this settlement, the Parties agreed to the removal of $1.8M13 of interest accrued on the debit balance of the account during 2011 and 2012. Therefore, the Parties accept a balance of $206.2M in the account as of December 31, 2012. In addition, the Parties agree that this account should not attract interest for the period after December 31, 2012. The Intervenors did not review the new ONFA Reference Plan, but for the purposes of settlement, assume that the amounts recorded in the account by OPG accurately reflect the total impact arising from the changes to the Reference Plan as described by OPG in its evidence in this proceeding. Xxxxx Xxxxx Net Revenues Variance Account - For purposes of this settlement, the Parties agreed to the removal of $5.5M14 of interest accrued on the debit balance of the account during 2011 and 2012, accepting a balance in the account as of December 31, 2012 of 13 See Attach...