Seventh Day Premium. All work performed by a non-exempt employee on the seventh (7th) consecutive day of work shall be compensated at two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay.
Seventh Day Premium. An employee who works seven 8-hour days in a workweek (defined as Sunday through Saturday) shall be receive double their regular pay rate for hours worked on the seventh day. Each workweek stands alone for purposes of this provision. If an employee’s normal scheduled shift is cancelled or shortened by the Company, such hours shall be treated as hours worked only for purposes of qualifying for this premium. This does not include VAUTO, nor shall the employee be paid for such hours.
Seventh Day Premium. All hours actually worked by an Employee on a seventh consecutive day in any one calendar week shall be paid at the rate of two (2) times the Employee's straight time hourly rate of pay for the job worked, provided that the Employee actually worked at least four (4) hours on each of the six (6) previous days.