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Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement, we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Completion of the Communication Technology Program at EMU Major Requirements (35 Credits) Media Production (9 credits) CTAT 130 Introduction to Electronic Media 3 CTAT 141 Audio and Video Production for Non-majors 3 Choose One Course: 3 CTAT 331 Intermediate Radio Production & Direction (3) CTAT 332 Intermediate Television Production & Direction (3) (See advisor for pre-requisite approval for any other approved 300 level production course) Transmission Systems (9 credits) CMT 305W Communication Transmission Systems 3 CMT 408 Telephone Technology 3 ELEC 120 Principles of Electrical Theory 3 Communication Theory and Practice (3 credits) CTAC 354 Organizational Communication 3 Business and Investment Skills (3 credits) MKTG 360 Principles of Marketing 3 Interdisciplinary Technology (11 credits) 1 CMT 387L4 Co-operative Education 3 CMT 409 Emerging Tech. in Storage and Retrieval 3 CMT 425 Communication Technology & Social Change 3 CMT 470 Senior Seminar in Communication Technology 2 Credits at EMU 35 Transfer Credits: 89 **Minimum Credits to Graduate 124 Suggested Sequence: Courses may not be offered every semester. Consult with program advisor to make a plan of study. Semester 1 (12 credits) CMT 305W Communication Transmission Systems 3 CMT 425 Communication Tech & Social Change 3 CTAT 130 Introduction to Electronic Media 3 ELEC 120 Principles of Electrical Theory 3 Semester 2 (12 credits) CMT 408 Telephone Technology 3 CMT 409 Emerging Technologies in Storage & Retrieval 3 CTAT 141 Audio and Video production for Non- Majors 3 MKTG 360Principles of Marketing 3 Semester 3 (11 credits) CMT 387L4 Cooperative Ed in Interdisciplinary Tech 3 CMT 470 Senior Seminar in Commun Technology 2 CTAC 354 Organizational Communication 3 CTAT 300 level production course (see advisor) 3 1 Satisfies EMU’s Learning Beyond the Classroom requirement. ** If fewer than 89 credits are transferred, additional credits must be completed at EMU to satisfy the minimum requirement of 124 credits at EMU.
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Sign up at: Completion of EMU’s Technology Management Program Major Requirements (30-33 credits) Core Courses (18 credits) TM 130 Intro to Technology Management 3 TM 212 Management of Technological Change 3 TM 311 Information Technology Mgmt & Organizations 3 1 TM 314W Sociotechnical Systems Appr to Proc Impr 3 TM 402 Technology Project Management 3 TM 415 Senior Seminar in Technology Management 3 Technology Mgmt Electives (12-15 credits) Choose from the following: 12-15 (At least 3 hours at the 300/400 level must be completed.) ACC 130 Accounting for Non-business majors(3) ACC 240 Prin of Financial Accounting (3) ACC 241 Prin of Managerial Accounting (3) FIN 350 Principles of Finance (3) FIN 358 Analysis of Financial Statements (3) LAW 293 Legal Environment of Business (3) LAW 403 Employment Law (3) MGMT 384 Human Resource Management (3) MGMT 386 Organizational Behavior & Theory (3) MGMT 388 Intro to Entrepreneurship (3) 1 MGMT 480WManagement Responsibility & Ethics (WI) (3) MKTG 360 Principles of Marketing (3) MKTG 369 Advertising (3) MKTG 473 Marketing and Product Innovation (3) TM 306 Quan Analysis of Sustainability Issues (3) TM 308 Seminar in Technological Impacts (3) TM 377/378/379 Special Topics (1/2/3) 2 TM 387 Cooperative Education (3) TM 477/478/479 Special Topics (1/2/3) TM 420 Women and Technology(3) TM 495 Technology, Values, and the Future (3) LBC Requirement (0-3 credits) One Learning beyond the Classroom (LBC) course or noncredit experience must be completed at EMU. TM 387 Cooperative Education satisfies the LBC requirement. See program advisor for other choices. Minimum Credits at EMU 30 Maximum Transfer Credits 94 Minimum Credits to Graduate: 124 The Technology Management program is offered online. Approved Delta Programs/Disciplines Accounting Alternative EnergyWind Turbine Architectural Technology Automotive Service Education Program Automotive Service Technology Chemical Processing Technology Chemical Technology Computer Science and Information Technology – All Construction Management Criminal Justice (all) Dental Assisting Dental Hygiene Diagnostic Medical Sonography Electronic Media/Broadcasting Electrical Utility/Worker Environmental Technology Fire Science Health Fitness Specialist Industrial Technology Edu...
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Eastern Michigan University December 10, 2019 Completion of the BA in Computer Science at EMU Major Requirements (34 credits) Required Computer Science Courses: 22 credits COSC 221 Computer Organization I 3 COSC 311 Algorithms and Data Structures 4 COSC 314 Computational Discrete Structures 4 COSC 341 Programming Languages 4 COSC 381 Software Engineering Solutions 4 1 COSC 481W Software Engineering and Senior Project 3 Restricted Elective Courses: 12 credits Choose one course from the following: COSC 374 Applied Cryptography (4) COSC 421 Systems Programming (4) COSC 423 Computer Operating Systems (4) COSC 426 Software Dvlpment for Mobile Devices (4) COSC 436 Web Programming (4) COSC 439 Computing Network Principles (4) COSC 445 Compiler Construction (4) COSC 456 Computer Graphics (4) COSC 457 Computer Game Programming (4) COSC 461 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (4) COSC 471 Database Principles (4) Choose two courses from the list below or above, not already taken: COSC 315 Symbolic Computing (4) COSC 321 Computer Organization II (4) COSC 405 Switching Theory (4) COSC 411 Algorithm Design and Analysis (4) COSC 422 Introduction to Microprocessors (4) COSC 444 Foundations of Automata &Languages (4) COSC 462 Introduction to Information Retrieval (4) COSC 472 Big Data I (4) COSC 473 Big Data II (4) COSC 480 Special Topics (4) LBC Requirement Students must complete one Learning Beyond the Classroom course or noncredit experience offered by EMU. Consult your advisor for options. Minor Requirements: (14 credits) Students must complete a minor for this program with at least six credits at the 300/400 level at EMU. Some courses for the minor may be transferred to EMU. Students may have more than 14 credits to complete at EMU depending on the minor chosen. Credits at EMU: 48 Transfer Credits 72
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement, we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Completion of the BS in Public Safety Administration at EMU Foundation Courses (6 credits) CRM 431 Policing in Society 3 Choose one from the following 3 COMM 352 Communication in Negotiation COMM 354 Organizational Communication Administration Group (15 credits) PLSC 270 Public Administration 3 PLSC 334 Public and Nonprofit Personnel Admin 3 PLSC 352 Politics of Public and Nonprofit Budgeting . 3 PLSC 431W Theories of Public and Nonprofit Org 3 PLSC 450 Managing Public Safety Agencies 3 Note: If PLSC 202 (POL 2520) and ANTH 214/SOCL 214 SOC 2530 are not transferred from OCC, (PLSC 202 or 330) and (ANTH 214 or SOCL 214 or PLSC 215) must be completed at EMU. Note - PLSC 450 is the “capstone” course and should be taken in or near the student’s final semester in the program. It is normally offered in the winter semester. Open Electives (6 credits) Choose 6 EMU credits not previously taken or transferred in. Credits must be in non-remedial coursework, 100 level or higher. See advisor for recommendations. Academy or Internship/Co-op Experience (3-6 credits) Pre-service students must complete an internship or cooperative education placement or an accredited academy program; in-service students may substitute credits from an accredited academy program, or upon submission of an academy certificate may take three credits of related electives with advisor approval. PLSC 480L4 Field Seminar in Political Sci/Public Admin PLSC 486L4 Internship in Political Science/Public Admin PLSC 488L4 Internship in Political Science/Public Admin Credits at EMU 30 Transfer Credits 94 Minimum Credits to Graduate 124
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Completion of BS in Public Safety Administration at EMU 30 credits minimum are required at EMU Major Requirements (24-27 credits) Foundation Requirements (6 credits) CRM 431 Policing in Society 3 Choose one of the following 3 COMM 352 Communication in Negotiation COMM 354 Organizational Communication Note: If POLS 155 (PLSC 202) and SOC 251 (ANTH 214/SOCL 214) are not transferred from HFC, (PLSC 202 or 330) and (ANTH 214 or SOCL 214 or PLSC 215) must be completed at EMU. Administration Group (15 credits) PLSC 270 Public Administration 3 PLSC 334 Public and Nonprofit Personnel Admin 3 PLSC 352 Politics of Public and Nonprofit Budgeting 3 PLSC 431W Theories of Public and Nonprofit Organization 3 PLSC 450 Managing Public Safety Agencies 3 Open Electives (6 credits) Choose 6 EMU credits not previously taken or transferred in. Credits must be in non-remedial coursework, 100 level or higher. See advisor for recommendations. Academy or Internship/Co-op Experience (3-6 credits) Choose one from the following: 3-6 PLSC 480L4 Field Seminar in Political Science (3) PLSC 486L4 Internship in Political Science (3) PLSC 488L4 Internship in Political Science (6) Credits at EMU 30 Transfer Credits 94 Minimum Credits to Graduate 124
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Completion of the BS in Exercise Science at EMU Major Requirements (38 credits) A “C“ or higher is required in all required and elective courses in the exercise science major. Required Courses (32 credits) EXSC 205 Quantitative Mthds in Exercise Science ... 3 EXSC 300 Exercise Physiology 4 EXSC 305 Biomechanics 3 1 EXSC 380W Exercise and Sport Psychology 3 EXSC 405 Pharmacology 3 EXSC 410 Exercise Testing 4 EXSC 430 Clinical Exercise Electrocardiography 3 1 EXSC 431W Pathophysiology 3 EXSC 432 Exercise Programming and Prescription 3 EXSC 433 Princ of Sport Performance Training 3 Elective Courses (6 credits) Choose 2 courses from the following; EXSC 408 Exercise Epidemiology (3) EXSC 412 Endurance Training and Performance (3) EXSC 415 Diabetes and Obesity (3) EXSC 418 Human Cadaver Laboratory (3) EXSC 419 Sports Supplements & Ergogenic Aide (3) EXSC 435 Echocardiography (3) Students who successfully complete the Respiratory Therapy program at HFC prior to transferring to EMU will have EXSC 144, EXSC 330L4, and EXSC 480L4 waived. LBC Requirement One Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC) course or noncredit experience must be completed at EMU. Consult advisor for options. Credits at EMU 38 Transfer Credits 86 Minimum Credits to Graduate 124 Sample Full time Sequence: Courses may not be offered every semester. Consult advisor to plan a program of study. Fall Semester Start (13 credits) EXSC 205 F,W,S 3 EXSC 300 F,W,S 4 EXSC 405 F,W; pre-req EXSC 201 & 202 3 EXSC Elective Course 3 Winter (16 credits) EXSC 410 F,W; pre-req EXSC 300 & admitted 4 EXSC 430 F,W; pre-req EXSC 300 & admitted 3 EXSC 431W F,W; pre-req EXSC 300 & admitted 3 EXSC 432 F,W; pre-req EXSC 410 & admitted 3 EXSC Elective Course 3 Summer (9-12 credits) EXSC 305 F,W,S; pre-req PHY 221 & EXSC 201 & 202 3 EXSC 380W F,W,S; pre-req PSY 101 3 EXSC 433 F,W,S; pre-req: EXSC 300, 305 3 LBC requirement 0-3 1Fulfills EMU’s Writing Intensive Requirement Note: It is recommended you contact EMU as soon as you are considering transferring to receive advising. Please see the contact information for EMU on the third page.
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Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college Completion of the BS in Communication Technology Major Requirements (32 credits) Media Production Requirements (3 credits) Choose one course from the following: CTAT 331 Intermediate Radio Production and Direction 3 CTAT 332 Videography: ENG/EFP 3 Advisor approved 200-300 level production course substitute Transmission Systems (9 credits) 1 CMT 305W Comm Transmission Systems (or sub BMMT 300W) 3 CMT 408 Telephone Technology (or advisor approved sub) 3 2 ELEC 120 Basic Electronics for Non-Majors (or sub EECE 100)3 Communication Theory and Practice (3 credits) COMM 354 Organizational Communication 3 Business and Investment Skills (3 credits) MKTG 360 Principles of Marketing 3 Interdisciplinary Technology (14 credits) CMT 131 Introduction to Computer Graphic Systems 3 3 CMT 387L4 Co-operative Education 3 CMT 409 Emerging Trends in Comm and Information Tech 3 CMT 425 Communication Technology and Social Change 3 CMT 470 Senior Seminar in Communication Technology 2 Credits at EMU 32 Transfer Credits: 88‌ Total Credits: 120 1 Satisfies EMU’s Writing Intensive Requirement 2 Advisor approved sub for 100 level class in electronics may be used 3 Satisfies EMU’s Learning Beyond the Classroom Requirement
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Admission Process for the Social Work Program at Eastern Michigan University Program Admission Process:
Sign up with us. If you let us know you are using this articulation agreement we can stay in touch with you and provide information and advising to you while you are still at your community college. Completion of the BS in Exercise Science Major Requirements (44 credits) Program Requirements (44 credits) EXSC 204 Human Physiology Laboratory 1 EXSC 205 Quantitative Methods in Exercise Science 3 EXSC 305 Biomechanics 3 EXSC 330L4 Practicum in Exercise Science 3 EXSC 380W Exercise and Sport Psychology 3 EXSC 405 Pharmacology 3 EXSC 410 Exercise Testing 4 EXSC 430 Clinical Exercise Electrocardiography 3 EXSC 431W Pathophysiology 3 EXSC 432 Exercise Programming and Prescription 3 EXSC 433 Principles of Sport Performance Training 3 Choose one option: Internship & Restricted Electives 12 Option 1 EXSC 481L4 Internship in Exercise Science (XXXX) (3) Choose three courses from the elective list below (9) Option 2 EXSC 482L4 Internship in Exercise Science (XXXX) (6) Choose two courses from the elective list below (6) Electives EXSC 408 Exercise Epidemiology 3 EXSC 412 Endurance Training and Performance 3 EXSC 418 Human Cadaver Laboratory 3 EXSC 419 Sports Supplements and Ergogenic Aids 3 EXSC 435 Echocardiography 3 Credits at EMU 44 Transfer Credits: 76‌ Total Credits: 120
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