Types of Agreements Sample Clauses
Types of Agreements. Depending on the situation, there are a number of ways to set up cow-share agreements. A Cash Lease can be quite a simple arrangement, or a very complex document. To remedy this, it is recommended that the livestock involved are separated into their own stand-alone part of the agreement. Land, facilities, machinery, feed and other inputs should be another unique arrangement. Natural disasters, extreme weather, or other unforeseen market circumstances can dramatically impact the long-term feasibility of an agreement. In the simplest form, cows and bulls can be leased for a flat fee per year. If the cattle owner relinquishes all management of the cows, self-employment tax on that income can be avoided. Use of pasture, crop residue, machinery, and facilities can all be separated into cash rental arrangements based on usage or an hourly rate. In the end, these items can be tied together into one final agreement, but flexibility and continual negotiations may be necessary in the long run. Equitable Share or profit-share agreements are popular and effective ways to manage risk and offer incentives to both parties. The key to these arrangements is establishing who is responsible for the contributions to the cattle enterprise. The owner and the operator need to be compensated for their time put in to the operation if the share in labor is unequal. Together, the two sides arrive at a percentage of contribution to the business that’s agreeable. Then, any revenue generated from calves, cull cows, excess hay, etc. is split by the same percentage. Incentives to cut costs or increase cow productivity can also be worked in to the agreement. It is extremely important that these agreements be detailed and well understood. A tank of diesel fuel, a repair bill, or a bottle of vaccine may seem trivial at first, but these small items can lead to discontent. As a result, flexibility is key, and these agreements will likely evolve over time as needs arise. Management arrangements seem logical for producers wanting to phase out to a younger generation. They also work very well for absentee cattle owners forced to move off the farm for other employment, or for those physically unable to care for their livestock. When turning the cows over to another caretaker, the labor often works for equity in the xxxxxxx instead of an hourly wage. As an example, the manager can work for “10 cows per year” or “15% of the cow herd” on an annual basis. Over the course of the agreement, the manager...
Types of Agreements. All nuclear trade requires agreements governing how trade will proceed. The nature of nuclear energy and the potential for its misuse necessitates rigorous controls. Peaceful uses of nuclear power are governed first by a number of international treaties and conventions, With the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) [22] as the underpinning treaty for the global nuclear nonproliferation framework. There are 190 parties to the NPT. The only counties not parties to the NPT are Israel, India and Pakistan. North Korea was a member but withdrew. Countries that join and adhere to these treaties and conventions are then able to engage in more specific arrangements with other member countries. The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is part of the nonproliferation framework and was established to develop and implement the Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear-related exports through transfers of nuclear-related dual-use equipment, materials and technologies [23]. The current participating governments are: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic Of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and the United States. Another component of the nonproliferation framework is the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Safeguards system to include the Additional Protocol. This system of technical measures provides the world with assurance that nuclear material is not being diverted for proliferation purposes. Other multilateral agreements provides multi-country governance and cooperation such as the Euratom Treaty [24], which created a common nuclear marketplace for members of the European Union, or more commonly bi-lateral agreements between the provider and user countries. Another form of agreement is a bilateral agreement specific to two countries. In the U.S. the civilian nuclear cooperation agreement, commonly called “123 Agreement” is an example where the U.S. Atomic Energy Act of 1954 requires an agreement be established between the U.S. and another country that defines the legal framework for significant nuclear cooperation with other countries [25]. As the relationship adva...
Types of Agreements. In 2006 – 2008, the Indian Studies Support Program (ISSP) sponsored research to examine the types of agreements in use between Aboriginal institutes and public post‐secondary institutions in BC (Xxxx‐Jinnouchi, 2008). That research found that it is very difficult to characterize the types of agreements that have been written, both in terms of their degree of formality and their scope. This situation is largely due to a lack of standardized expectations, but also because of the wide range of terms used to describe these partnerships. Some terms are used interchangeably; definitions tend to be tied to individual institutions or communities, rather than being defined across groups. Most notable, however, is the concern of many institutes and communities that there are no common understandings or definitions of the terms most commonly used. The following terms are most frequently used to label agreements. Affiliation Agreement Articulation Agreement Brokering Agreement Federation Agreement Education Services Agreement Memorandum of Understanding The following definitions are intended to help explain the various types of partnership agreements in use. agrees to provide education, training, and/or clinical experience that is integral to a specific institutional academic degree or course objective, but is not available at a second institution. Affiliation agreement partners commit to a joint review of mutual interests and further agree to establish a process for joint development of post‐secondary programs. The agreements represent a promise to work together to jointly develop programs and services needed by the First Nations community and / or students in a particular area.
Types of Agreements. The following paragraphs briefly describe four types of farm rental agreements – lease, li- cence, memorandum of understanding and profit à prendre. The type of agreement you select will depend on your individual circum- stances. For more information, see the “Guide to Farmland Access Agreements” produced by the Land Conservancy of BC. For farmers, a lease can be the ideal agree- ment for long-term farmland access as it con- veys most of the rights of a landowner other than the right to sell the land or degrade it un- reasonably. Leases can be registered on title, meaning the lease stays with the land, even if the land is sold (“runs with the land”). How- ever, a lease is not suitable for all situations. For example, approval from the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) is required to register one lease on part of a parcel of land or mul- tiple leases on one title in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). In other situations, a license or a memorandum of understanding may be suit- able for a “trial period” before committing to a longer-term, more binding relationship such as a lease. Licenses and memoranda of understanding do not provide any rights of a landowner and cannot be registered on title. If licences and memoranda of understanding meet certain criteria, they can be considered contracts and come within the law of contracts. If the land is sold, the new owner is not bound by the li- cence. If the person with the licence passes away, the estate cannot transfer the licence to the heirs unless stated so in the licence. These types of agreements may be suitable for short- er-term agreements between a landowner and farmer prior to committing to a longer-term agreement or where the land is unlikely to be sold, for example, when the land is held by a land trust. Although not often used outside the forestry and mining sectors, a profit à prendre can be registered on title like a lease. A profit à prendre implies or states the rights necessary to remove an item from the land, (e.g., crops, timber, game, minerals), including the right to enter the land and use as much of the surface as necessary. This type of agreement may be suitable where one agreement applies to part of a parcel or multiple agreements on one par- cel of land are to be registered on title. Permis- sion is not required from the ALC. Regardless of which type of rental agreement you use, good agreements are only possible when all parties are honest, equitable and flexible. Everyone involved shoul...
Types of Agreements. National Interagency Agreements Regional/State Interagency Agreements Local Interagency Agreements Emergency Assistance
Types of Agreements. 1) due to the number of the Insured persons:
a) individual insurance agreement;
b) family insurance agreement;
c) group insurance agreement;
2) due to the period of insurance protection:
a) short-term agreement – under 12 months;
b) annual agreement:
c) annual in the form of an open policy.
Types of Agreements. Confidential Disclosure Agreement
Types of Agreements. The agreement will outline the terms and conditions under which the entity is authorized to occupy and/or use Airport land and/or Improvements. This Policy outlines the key terms and conditions which may be included in the Agreement. This Policy does not represent a complete recitation of the provisions to be include in the Agreement and the provisions contained in any Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to modify this Policy. Lease Agreements covered under this policy are listed below and may be subject to change without revision of this Policy so long as Agreement complies with the key terms and conditions.
Types of Agreements. Agreements may include provisions for all types of fuel related supplies and services. Such agreements may benefit a single COCOM, Military Service, or multiple Services. Each agreement is unique and is tailored to the needs of DoD customers, DESC, and the foreign government. The following types of agreements shall be concluded by DESC:
Types of Agreements. There are three types of agreements in which certain compensatory charges may be allowed.
1) A time‑sharing agreement means an arrangement whereby a person leases an airplane with a flightcrew to another person. No charge is made for the flight conducted under that arrangement other than for the items listed in § 91.501(d). Absent from the list are pilot salaries, a pro rata share of the overhead, hangar and maintenance expenses, and interest or amortization costs for the airplane. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) feels that permitting the additional 100 percent of the fuel costs approximates the other overhead costs while limiting the financial return below a profit level.
a) Time sharing is essentially a wet lease of the aircraft and an agreement or lease is required by regulations. Operational control and the relationship of the parties using the aircraft are the keys to how agreements may be handled. Operational control is deemed to rest with the pilot in command (PIC) and, by extension, to the employer of the pilot. In a wet lease where the pilot is furnished by the owner of the aircraft, that pilot is deemed in operational control.
b) The FAA requires that a copy of any operating agreement or lease covering operations under time sharing (and also interchange) be mailed to the FAA Civil Aviation Registry (AFS-700), P.O. Box 25724, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, within 24 hours of its execution. In addition, a copy of the lease, contract, or agreement should be carried in the aircraft when the aircraft is being operated under the terms of the lease or agreement (§ 91.23). This does not imply the need for FAA approval either before or ultimately for the terms of the contract. Filing is for record purposes only.
2) An interchange agreement means an arrangement whereby a person leases an airplane to another person in exchange for equal time, when needed, on the other person’s airplane or for a monetary payment that does not exceed the difference between the cost of owning, operating, and maintaining the exchanged airplanes.
a) Interchange covers the case where a company that operates an airplane wishes to borrow another company’s airplane for a trip. The agreement can provide for the mutual exchange of airplanes and crews with provisions to equalize the expenses with an appropriate payment. For instance, a company using a business jet can interchange use of the aircraft with a company using a turboprop airplane. Total costs per hour of use would be dif...