SSA Responsibilities Sample Clauses
SSA Responsibilities.
1. SSA will compare the information provided in the Requesting Party’s verification request with the information in SSA’s Master File of SSN Holders and provide verification results in appropriate format and method based on the submission format and method.
2. SSA will review CBSV submissions and results, conduct audits, generate reports, and conduct site visits as needed to ensure proper use to deter fraud and misuse. SSA, in its sole discretion, will determine the need for audits, reports, or site visits upon its review of the Requesting Party’s submissions, results, or CPA reports
3. SSA will send out low balance reminders to the Requesting Party.
SSA Responsibilities. 1. SSA will initially verify the submitted Social Security Numbers (SSN) through its batch SSN verification application and will process only verified SSNs through the earnings search. SSA will return SSNs that fail verification to VA with a response indicating, “the SSN did not verify.”
2. SSA will furnish VA/VHA with tax return information for each individual with a verified SSN for whom VA/VHA requests.
SSA Responsibilities. 1. SSA will compare the Fraud Protection Data provided in the Permitted Entity’s SSN Verification request with the information in SSA’s Master File of SSN Holders and SSN Applications and provide SSN Verification results in an appropriate format and method based on the submission format and method.
2. SSA or an SSA designated third party will review eCBSV SSN Verification requests and results, conduct audits, generate reports, and conduct site visits limited to eCBSV-related systems of the Permitted Entity and each of its Financial Institutions, if any, as needed to ensure proper use of and to deter fraud and misuse of the eCBSV system. SSA, in its sole discretion, will determine the need for audits, reports, or site visits upon its review of the Permitted Entity’s submissions, results, or SSA obtained certified public accounting (CPA) report.
3. Upon SSA discovery of any violation of the Banking Bill or this user agreement, the Commissioner shall forward any relevant information pertaining to the violation(s) to the appropriate agency in accordance with paragraphs (1) through (7) of the GLBA section 505(a) (15 U.S.C. § 6805(a)) for enforcement by the agencies described in or included by reference in those paragraphs, for purposes of enforcing the Banking Bill, this user agreement, and maintaining the integrity of the eCBSV service.
4. Upon SSA discovery of any violation of this user agreement as a result of SSA’s review of an audit or other discovery, SSA may terminate or suspend the eCBSV services in accordance with the terms in this user agreement.
5. SSA will ensure the eCBSV system has commercially reasonable uptime and availability.
SSA Responsibilities. A. Designate one Senior Social Services Supervisor (SSSS), at no cost to the other Parties, to act as liaison for the purpose of identifying CHILDREN and referring them to ECSOC Services.
B. Assist the PHNs by gathering any pertinent information obtained by the Orangewood Children and Family Center (OCFC) Medical Unit and HCA/Behavior Health Services relating to CHILDREN.
C. Work collaboratively with the PHNs in obtaining the necessary testing and services for CHILDREN.
SSA Responsibilities.
1. SSA will compare the information provided in the Requesting Party’s verification request with the information in SSA’s Master File of SSN Holders and SSN Applications System of Records and provide verification results in appropriate format and method based on the submission format and method.
2. If the Requesting Party submits batch files through the BSO website, SSA will provide submission confirmation by a posting on the CBSV portion of the BSO website. The Requesting Party will also be able to download the verification results file from the BSO website. Results for requests submitted via batch mode upload will generally be available within three business days. However, SSA cannot guarantee a specified time frame, as the Agency’s mission-related work will have priority over any verification requests. SSA’s posting of verification results may be delayed for Agency mission-related work or for system maintenance.
3. If the Requesting Party submits a single request using the web service, SSA will provide a real-time responses, barring any delays for system maintenance.
4. SSA will review CBSV submissions and results, conduct audits, generate reports, and conduct site visits as needed to ensure proper use to deter fraud and misuse. SSA, in its sole discretion, will determine the need for audits, reports, or site visits upon its review of the Requesting Party’s submissions, results, or CPA reports
5. SSA will send out notices or reminders to the Requesting Party requesting payment in an annual or quarterly amount.
SSA Responsibilities. 1. SSA will match OPM’s data with data in SSA’s Medicare Database (MDB), 60-0321, to verify an individual’s self-certification of eligibility for Extra Help.
2. SSA will use OPM’s data to screen Medicare-eligible individuals for potential Extra Help eligibility.
3. SSA will use OPM’s data to determine individuals’ eligibility for Extra Help and to identify such individuals to the state agencies that administer MSP. For individuals who opt out, SSA will not share their information with the state agencies. For individuals who consent, SSA will share their information with the state agencies.
4. SSA will use OPM’s data to identify potential MSP-eligible individuals. SSA will share lists of those individuals with the state agencies that administer MSP, unless those individuals opt out, in which SSA will not to share their information with the state agencies.
5. SSA will provide Congress and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) with notice of this program and will publish the required matching notice in the Federal Register.
SSA Responsibilities. SSA shall:
A. Designate and certify MDT personnel trained in the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect cases.
B. Provide Live Scan for all CBO-MDT volunteer members.
C. Provide training to all MDT members SSA certifies, in areas including but not limited to:
1. Rules of confidentiality that apply to this MOU, the MDT, and its members.
2. Operational procedures of the MDT as established by CFS.
3. The range of services that can be provided to CLIENTS and FAMILIES by the MDT and its network of resources, including the MDT members’ agencies and options available in the community.
4. All other pertinent provisions of this MOU.
D. Coordinate and schedule monthly MDT meetings with CBO to discuss referrals and to review assessments and service plan recommendations as well as additional options for community-based services.
SSA Responsibilities. 1. SSA will provide Congress and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) with notice of this matching program and will publish the required matching notice in the Federal Register (Fed. Reg.).
SSA Responsibilities. 1. SSA will compare ED’s data with SSA data recorded in the Master Files of Social Security Number Holders and SSN Applications (Enumeration System), 60-0058 and send ED a coded response indicating whether the applicant’s name, date of birth, and SSN match a record in the Enumeration System.
2. SSA will verify SSNs and send ED a coded response confirming the citizenship status as recorded in SSA records to ensure that the applicant satisfies the financial aid requirements under Title IV of the HEA. When SSA identifies a match, SSA will provide to ED a death indicator, if applicable.
3. SSA will verify the information only when the applicant has, at a minimum, initiated the application process under the HEA.
SSA Responsibilities. SSA shall provide Deaf Services, utilizing best efforts, through its staff and personnel, as set forth on Exhibit “A”.