Staffing Ratio Sample Clauses

Staffing Ratio. At a minimum there must be an average ratio of at least one (1) professional staff member (see staffing list above) to eight (8) individuals (1:<8) in attendance during the period the program is open. In Day Treatment Intensive Services programs serving more than twelve (12) clients (1:>12) there shall be at least one (1) person from two (2) of the staffing groups listed above. One staff person must be present and available to the group in the therapeutic milieu in all hours of operation. Other staff may be utilized according to program need, but shall not be included as part of the above ratio. A clear audit trail shall be maintained for staff members who function as both Day Treatment Intensive Services program staff and in other capacities.
Staffing Ratio. The staffing ratio is the total student enrollment divided by the number of Full Time Employee (FTE) classroom teachers hired by the District with general funds. Special Education teachers will not be included in calculating this ratio.
Staffing Ratio. At a minimum there must be an average ratio of at least one (1) professional staff member (see staffing list above) to eight (8) individuals (1:<8) in attendance during the period the program is open. In Day Treatment Intensive Services programs serving more than twelve (12) clients (1:>12) there shall be at least one (1) person from two (2) of the staffing groups listed above. One (1) staff person must be present and available to the group in the therapeutic milieu in all hours of operation.
Staffing Ratio. It is agreed and understood that the BASRP is not under a 8 mandatory State or Federal staffing ratio, but rather has established a practice of staffing to a 9 local ratio. This practice calls for one staff member per 12 kindergarten students and one staff 10 member per 15 first through fifth grade students. The ratio may be exceeded for short times 11 within the course of the day, due to periods of staff or enrollment fluctuations that may occur. 12 No regulatory issues are created by such fluctuations. Efforts shall be made to ensure that, 13 even with such fluctuations, the ratios do not exceed 15:1. The leaders will be counted in 14 the ratio if they are on site and available to assist with supervision
Staffing Ratio. The assignment ratio of grade 4-8 students to classroom teachers shall be thirty (30) students to one (1) teacher, based on school site average. The District may staff TK-3 classes up to twenty-four (24) to one (1) teacher, based on site average. Special day students mainstreamed into elementary classrooms thirty-four percent (34%) or more of the day shall be counted in the staffing ratio. 6.1.1 Should class size for a “Special Day” class exceed twelve (12) students, the Special Education Director and the member shall meet to determine what shall be put in place to support the member. Supports may include, but are not limited to educational aide support, release time, training or coaching support. The member may bring a representative or colleague to the meeting. 6.1.2 Special Education Teachers shall not be counted in the site staffing ratio.
Staffing Ratio. For the duration of this contract, the Board agrees to a student/bargaining unit member ratio not to exceed 20/1 except in cases of emergencies.
Staffing Ratio. At a minimum there must be an average ratio of at least one (1) professional staff member from the list in Paragraph I.A.2.m.i. of this Exhibit A to eight (8) individuals in attendance during the period the program is open. In Day Treatment Intensive Services programs serving more than twelve (12) clients there shall be at least one (1) person from each of two (2) of the staffing groups listed in Paragraph I.A.2.m.i. of this Exhibit A. At least one such staff person must be present and available to the group in the therapeutic milieu during all hours of operation. Other staff may be utilized according to program need, but shall not be included as part of the above ratio. A clear audit trail shall be maintained for staff members who function as both Day Treatment Intensive Services program staff and in other capacities.
Staffing Ratio. At a minimum there must be an average ratio of at least one (1) professional staff member (see staffing list above) to eight
Staffing Ratio. Contractual staffing ratios shall be established at the 2003-2004 levels, and language regarding class size reduction programs shall be modified as follows: Staffing of the Fresno Unified School District’s standard basic program shall be based upon a teacher- pupil ratio of: K-3* 1:20 Grades 7-8 1:29