Stage Two Sample Clauses

Stage TwoThe State shall not sell or grant any lease or licence over the Stage 2 area before the date or extended date by which proposals must be approved or determined under clause 5(10) so that the Stage 2 area or part of it is available for the expansion of the Project upon such terms and conditions (if any) as may be agreed upon by the parties prior to that date or extended date.
Stage Two. If within five (5) days from the time such representations were presented a decision satisfactory to such employee is not given, then such employee accompanied by a xxxxxxx may within five (5) days after such decision has been given or should have been given make representations in writing, to the Senior Manager, Continuing Education, or other representative designated by the Board from time to time. Such representations shall state the nature of the grievance, the remedy sought and any provisions of the Collective Agreement, Legislation or Act, upon which the grievance is based. Such official or other designate shall notify the employee of the time and place at which they will meet to discuss and consider the written representations and the decision given at Stage Two. Every effort will be made to settle such grievance within five (5) days from the date upon which such official received written notice of the matter. Such official shall give the decision in writing on behalf of the Board. At the request of either party, a national representative of the Union may be present.
Stage Two. If the Xxxx does not render a written response within the time limit, or if the response is unsatisfactory, the Faculty Association may, within fourteen days of the expiration of the time limit for response to Stage One, submit the grievance to the Associate Vice-President (Human Resources). The Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) shall be responsible for seeing that a response in writing is submitted to the Faculty Association within fourteen calendar days of receipt of the grievance. In the meantime, the Faculty Association or the Associate Vice-President (Human Resources), on behalf of the University, may require a meeting between the Grievance Committee and the appropriate University officers.
Stage Two. Within ten working days from the date of the written response by the Vice President Academic, or designate, the grievance may be referred by the Faculty Association to the President who shall then attempt to resolve the matter. Such reference shall be accompanied by the written grievance statement from stage one. The Grievor and the Faculty Association shall be given a written reply within ten working days following receipt by the President of the stage two written grievance.
Stage Two. If the Xxxx does not render a written response within the time limit, or if the response is unsatisfactory, the Faculty Association may, within fourteen days of the expiration of the time limit for response to Stage One, submit the grievance to the President. The President shall be responsible for seeing that a response in writing is submitted to the Faculty Association within fourteen calendar days of receipt of the grievance. In the meantime, the Faculty Association or the President, on behalf of the College, may require a meeting between the Grievance Committee and the appropriate College officers.
Stage Two. The Grievance Officer shall first communicate with the Principal/Supervisor to discuss the grievance. This communication shall take place within ten (10) working days from the date that Stage One took place.
Stage Two. The Consultation Phase 28.03.01
Stage Two. If the response given at Stage One is not satisfactory to the Union, the Union shall re-submit the grievance to the Employee Relations Officer within five (5) working days of the receipt of the response. The Employee Relations Officer shall notify the Union of the time and place at which a meeting will be called for the grievor, the grievance committee, the national C.U.P.E. representative and the Employee Relations Officer to discuss and consider the grievance and the response given by the Senior Manager of Human Resources at Stage One. The Employee Relations Officer will make every effort to settle such grievance and will respond in writing to the Union within ten (10) working days of the Stage Two meeting.
Stage TwoThe Association may, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the written decision at Stage One, refer the grievance to the Associate Vice-President, People and Resources or designate. The grievance shall be heard at Stage Two within fifteen (15) calendar days. A written decision shall be rendered within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Stage Two hearing.
Stage TwoThe Grievance Committee, the President of the IUDC, and any one other representative of the IUDC, if the Grievance Committee shall deem it necessary, will then arrange to meet with the appropriate Management Board member within (5) five working days after the decision was, or ought to have been rendered at Stage One. The Management Board member will communicate their findings in writing within (5) five working days to the IUDC. Within (5) five working days after the decision was or ought to have been rendered, the grievance may be submitted to Arbitration as hereinafter provided.