Standardized Testing. Students of the School shall be tested with the same standardized tests as other Idaho public school students.
Standardized Testing. Throughout a student’s Pk-12 academic career, the state of Wisconsin requires schools to administer various academic tests designed to support teaching and learning and ensure students are college and career ready. More information on your child’s yearly standardized testing requirements will be sent home prior to each test session.
Standardized Testing. Charter School agrees to comply with and adhere to state requirements for participation and administration of all state-mandated tests, including computer-based assessments. Charter School shall submit and maintain up-to-date and accurate California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) data in accordance with the requirements of California Code of Regulations, title 5, section 861. Charter School hereby grants authority to the State of California to provide a copy of all test results directly to the District as well as Charter School.
Standardized Testing. During District designated, standardized testing periods 9 impacting major student populations. This applies to Transportation and school-based
Standardized Testing. 28.1 No bargaining unit member shall be evaluated or informally, on the basis of the scores of his/her students on standardized or norm-referenced tests.
28.2 The standardized test scores of individual classrooms will not be posted at any site.
28.3 No teacher shall be required to provide specific test item instruction as preparation for a standardized test as prohibited in Ed. Code Section 60610.
Standardized Testing. 48 49 Student performance on state or federal testing will not be used to negatively evaluate employees. 50
Standardized Testing. Ref. Idaho Code § 33-5205(3)(d) 59
Standardized Testing. Ref. Idaho Code § 33-5205(3)(d)
Standardized Testing. Statewide Assessments
Standardized Testing. The Iowa Assessments (formerly Iowa Test of Basic Skills) is administered to students in Kindergarten through 8th grade annually. The testing program is designed to provide a systematic means of assessing student mastery of basic skills and evaluating the academic programs of the school. Students in the 2nd, 5th, and 7th grade take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to measure their cognitive abilities. Students in the 5th and 8th grade take the Assessment of Catholic Religious Education (ACRE) test to demonstrate their knowledge of Catholic doctrine.