STRS. The employee shall receive retirement credit as if he/she were employed on a full-time basis. Both employee and the District shall contribute to the STRS the amount that would have been contributed if the member were employed on a full- time basis.
STRS. The employee and the District shall make contributions to the STRS in proportion to the load worked, and the employee shall receive proportionate service credit.
STRS. The twelve (12) month deductions shall continue in effect until legal requirements by the State legislate it otherwise.
STRS. Instructors are covered under STRS after they are paid for fifty-nine (59) or more hours of teaching in any one (1) month. At that time, the service during that month and any subsequent service shall be covered under STRS.
STRS. Effective July 1, 1984 STRS deduction from the employee’s gross pay will be made available to all certified staff. (Refers to STRS “Annuity Type” deduction – see Board of Education resolution in June 18, 1984 minute record.) Effective July 1, 1980, annuity deductions will be made only for companies having five (5) or more employees enrolled in their program. All current annuities approved by the Treasurer previous to this date will continue to be honored.
STRS. All bargaining unit members shall have payroll deductions of their contribution to the STRS deducted uniformly from each paycheck.
STRS. The District will forward to the unit member a copy of any written notification received from San Mateo County Office of Education regarding qualification of the unit member for State Teacher Retirement Service salary deductions, and provide the unit member with STRS hours submission.
STRS. If a physician issues a report indicating the Superintendent cannot perform the essential functions of her position, the Superintendent may apply for STRS disability benefits or STRS retirement.
STRS. TSCC will provide all necessary payment reports an/or records to the Pickerington Local School district for the purpose of the School to make timely payment of both the “employer” and “employee” contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) with regard to the Service Provider(s). Contributions shall be deducted from invoices submitted by TSCC and paid by the Pickerington Local School District.