STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. Participation in student teaching assignments shall be voluntary for each Member of the Bargaining Unit. A form will be developed and signed by both the building principal and member of the Bargaining Unit who accepts a particular teaching assignment.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. 18.01 Supervision by an employee of a student teacher shall be voluntary.
18.02 A cooperating employee shall not involuntarily be given additional assignments, or students, outside of his/her regular responsibilities during the period of supervising a student teacher, except in an emergency.
18.03 Each cooperating employee shall be provided with release time with pay for required attendance at regularly scheduled orientation and evaluation sessions sponsored by a student teacher’s college or university.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. Supervision by a teacher of a student teacher shall be voluntary. A teacher shall receive special compensation for such efforts equal to the amount which the school is reimbursed by the sponsoring university. Student teachers shall not be used as substitute teachers.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. A. Placement of pre-student and student teachers must have prior administrative approval.
B. Supervisory teachers of student teachers must be tenured teachers. Those eligible to be supervisory teachers shall have the right to decide whether they will accept a student teacher. In no event shall the Administration assign a student teacher to a supervisory teacher prior to his consent.
C. Teachers with two (2) or more years of experience are eligible to accept pre-student teachers. In no event shall the Administration assign a pre-student teacher to a teacher prior to his consent.
D. Supervisory teachers shall work directly with the university program coordinator and assist in developing extensive opportunities for the student teachers to observe and practice the arts and skills of the profession.
E. All compensation received by the Board for the student teacher program shall be paid directly to the supervisory teacher.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. 24. 100 In order to provide for the best student teaching experience, acceptance of a student teacher shall be voluntary on the part of the supervising teacher and shall be based on the following guidelines:
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. A. Supervisory teachers of student teachers shall be experienced teachers who voluntarily accept the assignment.
B. Supervisory teachers shall work directly with the university or college program coordinator, assisting in developing extensive opportunities for the student teachers to observe and practice the arts and skills of the profession.
X. The supervisory teacher shall file a written report and evaluation with the university or college coordinator, and the Administration with a copy to the student teacher, as required by the university or college.
D. The Board shall disclose the amount received from the university or college placing the student teachers. Monies made available to the district by the placing university or college shall be transmitted to the building principal, who, in turn will meet with the supervising teacher to determine how monies will be spent. Monies must be used for such things as in-service, conferences, teaching materials, etc. An annual list of such payments will be provided to the JEA President upon request.
E. In the case that an accredited college or university placing a student teacher offers course work free of tuition fees to the supervising teacher, the supervising teacher must apply for approval in writing to take such a course to the Assistant Superintendent.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. A. Supervision of teacher interns, student teachers, or beginning teachers shall be offered on a voluntary basis. The principal shall not require a teacher to supervise an intern, student teachers, or beginning teachers, if the teacher does not agree to do so.
B. A minimum of three (3) years teaching experience as an effective or highly effective teacher is necessary before a classroom teacher may supervise an intern, student teacher, or beginning teacher.
C. Supervision requires successful completion of Clinical Educator Training.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. 26 27 A. School employees who are supervising student teachers shall be permanent employees who 28 possess a minimum of a Proficient Practitioner’s License, teach in their respective field of 29 major preparation, and voluntarily accept the assignment. Such employees shall be known as 30 “supervising employees.” 31
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. A. A committee consisting of a representative from the Board, college and administration and AEA will meet periodically to review and make recommendations as to student teaching policies. Supervisory teachers will be tenure teachers unless otherwise agreed upon by the Association and Board.
STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS. All teachers who are recommended by the Superintendent to assist in the student teaching program and who mutually agree shall participate in the program as supervisory teachers. Supervisory teachers, in this instance, are not supervisory employees as defined in PELRA. All monies received by the School District for student teachers shall be distributed to the supervising teacher.