Subd. ASF Members shall be free to accept such outside employment as does not interfere with the full and proper performance of duties to their respective university as outlined in this Section. Subd. 2. ASF Members shall be free to engage in any outside activity which does not interfere with the individual’s regular duties as set forth by university authorities.
Subd. Rights of Veterans 10 Subd. 3. Other Rights of Employees. 10
Subd. Any supervisor who knowingly violates the provisions of this Section may be discharged or otherwise disciplined.
Subd. The District will provide group health insurance pursuant to the provisions established below. It is understood that the District's only obligation is to pay such amounts as provided by the plan documents and agreed to herein and no claim will be made against the District as a result of a denial of insurance benefits pursuant to the provisions of the plan.
Subd. While on unpaid leave, the ASF Member shall have the right to continue to the extent permitted by law, any or all benefits, provided any direct cost resulting therefore is reimbursed to Minnesota Management & Budget by the ASF Member, except for leaves under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (Section A., Subdivision 3).
Subd. 1. For FY 2020, the state universities will be allocated Professional Development Funds at the rate of five hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($550,000) for the System to distribute to the campuses on an FTE basis. For FY 2021, the state universities will be allocated Professional Development Funds at the rate of five hundred and seventy thousand dollars ($570,000) for the System to distribute to the campuses on an FTE basis. Each Campus Association and University shall implement an equitable procedure for distribution of the funds made available under this subdivision. The provisions of the subdivision shall continue until a successor agreement is in effect.
Subd. Any employee who knowingly violates the provisions of this Section may be discharged or otherwise disciplined. Employees covered by this Agreement are essential employees pursuant to Minn. Stat. 179A.03, Subd. 7.
Subd. 5. If two (2) or more faculty members are deemed qualified to claim a vacant position as described in this section, the position shall be awarded to the faculty member with greater seniority. If two (2) or more faculty members have equal seniority, the vacant position will be awarded to the one with the greater length of tenured service in the Minnesota State Universities. If two (2) or more faculty members have equal seniority and tenured service, the vacant position will be awarded to the one with greater length of total service in the Minnesota State Universities. If two (2) or more faculty members have equal seniority and equal length of tenured and total service, the President shall determine which faculty member shall be awarded the vacant position.
Subd. Use: Sick leave with pay will be allowed by the School District whenever an employee's absence is found to have been due to an illness which prevented their attendance at work and performance of duties on that day or days.
Subd. 2 and 3 of this section shall also apply to one parent for the adoption of a child in compliance with the Family Medical Leave Act.