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SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the Seller's obligation a. to produce and supply the Buyer the products for intaglio printing of state documents in particular: (i) inks: • XXX • XXX These inks must be suitable for the INTAGLIO COLOR 8 machine with a short inking unit and the ink cans must be suitable for the intaglio batching system. according to the Buyer’s requirements specified in individual orders and according to the Technical specification, (hereinafter referred to as "Goods"); b. to acquire ownership of the delivered Goods to the Buyer. 2. The Goods shall be produced and supplied in accordance with the Technical specification which is divided into: a. the non-classified part of which is set out in Article II paragraph 1 of this Framework Agreement and in the Annex No. 1, which forms an integral part of this Framework Agreement, and b. the separate part which contains classified information in secrecy level "RESTRICTED" (“VYHRAZENÉ”) and which is an integral part of the overall Technical specification. This classified part of Technical specification is established and registered with the Buyer under No. XXX pursuant to Act No. 412/2005 Coll., on protection of classified information and security eligibility, as amended. This part of Technical specification containing classified information was provided to the Seller on 21.9.2021 3. The Seller declares by concluding this Framework Agreement that it has and for a duration of the Framework Agreement shall have established security to assure protection of classified information on the confidentiality level “RESTRICTED” (“VYHRAZENÉ”) or higher. The Seller undertakes to maintain in force for the entire period of validity and effectiveness of this Framework Agreement the authorization to handle classified information on the minimal confidentiality level “RESTRICTED” (“VYHRAZENÉ”), which will be proven in the form pursuant to Art. 11.2 of the Tender documentation of the selection procedure. The Seller is obliged to notify the Buyer any changes of the established authorization without delay. The breach of any obligation stated in this provision constitutes a substantial breach of this Framework Agreement under Article XIII paragraph 4 hereof. 4. The Seller is obliged to comply with the relevant legal norms applicable at his domicile concerning the handling of classified information during the performance of this Framework Agreement. The Seller is also obliged to comply with the Security in...
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the Seller's obligation to produce and supply the Buyer with self-adhesive paper for EU visa (hereinafter referred to as "Goods" or "paper"), which must i. meet the technical specification requirements arising from EU requirements, namely Commission Implementing Decision C (2018) 674 dated 12 February 2018 and Regulation 2017/1370 of the European Parliament and of the European Council dated 4 July 2017 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “European Legislation”), and further ii. correspond with the Buyer's technical specifications beyond the framework of European Legislation specified in Annex No. 1 hereto, according to the Buyer's current needs, and enable the Buyer to acquire ownership of the delivered Goods. 2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the Goods, duly and timely delivered as regards the required quantity and type of the Goods, on the required delivery dates, and to pay for the Goods the price agreed herein. 3. All supplies of the Goods shall take place according to the Buyer’s needs in line with the written orders, each one of which constitutes a proposal to conclude a partial contract (hereinafter as an “order”), and confirmations, which constitute the acceptance of the proposal to conclude a partial contract (hereinafter as a “partial contract”). A partial contract shall be deemed to have been entered into once the Buyer receives confirmation of an order from the Seller, confirming the order without reservations. 4. The Buyer may invite the Seller to provide performance in accordance with this Framework Agreement up to a maximum financial amount of EUR 200,000 excluding VAT for the entire duration of this Framework Agreement.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the obligation of the Seller to provide to the Buyer initialised/pre-personalized contact chip modules with operating system based on platform Java Card and Global Platform including on board applications (hereinafter referred to as the "Chips”) in accordance with Technical specification stated in the Annex No. 1 to this Framework Agreement. The Buyer undertakes to dispose of the Chips in accordance with Article IX Paragraph 11 hereof. 2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the Chips, duly delivered as regards the required quantity, type and quality of the Chips in accordance with the Chip's Technical specifications set out in Annex No.1 to this Framework Agreement, and pay for the Chips the price specified under Article V hereof. 3. The Chips shall be produced and supplied in accordance with the Technical specification which is divided into: a. the non-classified part which is set out in Annex No. 1 in its Part No. 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d and 1e, which forms an integral part of this Framework Agreement, and b. the separate part which contains classified information in secrecy level "RESTRICTED" (“VYHRAZENÉ”) and which is an integral part of the overall Technical specification. 4. The Seller declares by concluding this Framework Agreement that it has and for a duration of the Framework Agreement shall have established security to assure protection of classified information on the confidentiality level “RESTRICTED” (“VYHRAZENÉ”) or higher. The Seller undertakes to maintain in force for the entire period of validity and effectiveness of this Framework Agreement the authorization to handle classified information on the minimal confidentiality level “RESTRICTED ” (“VYHRAZENÉ”), which will be proven in the form pursuant to Art. 14.4.2
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The subject matter of this Agreement is the determination of the legal framework regulating the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer with respect to the supplies of electronic gas volume converters specified in Article 2 hereof (“Goods” or “Electronic Volume Converters”). The Goods will be supplied by the Seller to the Buyer; the Seller shall simultaneously transfer the title to the supplied Goods to the Buyer, including software licences. 2. This Agreement authorizes the Buyer to order the Goods in terms of paragraph 1 of this Article with the Seller. 3. This Agreement cannot be construed as giving rise to any commitments of the Buyer to order the Goods unless the Seller receives the respective Order (following the procedure specified in Article 4 hereof). Any commitments to take over and pay for the Goods will exist only to the extent agreed in the individual Orders executed by the Seller and the Buyer in terms of this Agreement. 4. The manufacturer (Seller) must secure the initial training (including training materials) of the client’s employees in the registered office of RWE Distribuční služby, Brno, in assembly and operation (34 persons – 2-day training), and a training for 20 persons (technicians) in operation of the Electronic Volume Converters (1-day training), including the issue of certificates. Any and all costs (except the lease of the training premises) shall be paid by the tutor. The training shall focus primarily on the assembly and operation of the device which shall be demonstrated using the product itself – see the services agreement no. xxxxxxxx.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. Predmetom rámcovej dohody je záväzok dodávateľa počas platnosti tejto rámcovej dohody a na jej základe vyhotovených objednávok dodávať pre objednávateľa tovar v rozsahu určenom objednávateľom a záväzok objednávateľa dodaný tovar prevziať a zaplatiť dohodnutú cenu, ako aj ďalšie podmienky dohodnuté touto rámcovou dohodou.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the Seller's obligation to produce and supply the Buyer with self-adhesive paper for EU visa (hereinafter referred to as "Goods" or "paper"), which must i. meet the technical specification requirements arising from EU requirements, namely Commission Implementing Decision C (2018) 674 dated 12 February 2018 and Regulation 2017/1370 of the European Parliament and of the European Council dated 4 July 2017 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “European Legislation”), and further ii. correspond with the Buyer's technical specifications beyond the framework of European Legislation specified in Annex No. 1 hereto, according to the Buyer's current needs and enable the Buyer to acquire ownership of the delivered Goods. 2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the Goods, duly and timely delivered as regards the required quantity and type of the Goods, on the required delivery dates, and to pay for the Goods the price agreed herein.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the Seller's obligation to produce and supply the Buyer Prelaminates with chip modules containing required types of chip modules, or with defined combinations of types of chip modules according to the technical specification, which is Annex No. 1 to this Framework Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Prelaminates", "subject of performance" or "goods") and transfer to the Buyer ownership of the supplied Prelaminates. The estimated quantity of each Prelaminates to be delivered in fulfillment of the Framework agreement is as follows: EM4102 30 000 pcs HITAG1 10 000 pcs HITAG2 15 000 pcs Mifare Classic 1kB 50 000 pcs Mifare Classic 4kB 200 000 pcs Mifare Plus X 2kB 10 000 pcs Mifare Plus X 4kB 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 2kB 50 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 4kB 150 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 8kB 150 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 2kB 50 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 4kB 150 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 8kB 150 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 2kB 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 4kB 50 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 8kB 50 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 2kB 20 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 4kB 20 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 8kB 20 000 pcs Mifare Classic 1kB EM4102 15 000 pcs Mifare Classic 4kB EM4102 15 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 2kB EM4102 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 4kB EM4102 20 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 8kB EM4102 20 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 2kB EM4102 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 4kB EM4102 20 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 8kB EM4102 20 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 2kB EM4102 5 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 4kB EM4102 5 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 8kB EM4102 5 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 2kB EM4102 5 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 4kB EM4102 5 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 8kB EM4102 5 000 pcs Mifare Classic 1kB HITAG1 10 000 pcs Mifare Classic 4kB HITAG1 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 2kB HITAG1 2 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 4kB HITAG1 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 8kB HITAG1 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 2kB HITAG1 2 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 4kB HITAG1 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev2 8kB HITAG1 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 2kB HITAG1 1 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 4kB HITAG1 2 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3 8kB HITAG1 2 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 2kB HITAG1 1 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 4kB HITAG1 2 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev3c 8kB HITAG1 2 000 pcs Mifare Classic 1kB HITAG2 10 000 pcs Mifare Classic 4kB HITAG2 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 2kB HITAG2 2 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 4kB HITAG2 10 000 pcs Mifare DESfire ev1 8kB HITAG2 10 000 pcs Mif...
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. 1. The subject matter of this Framework Agreement is the obligation of the Seller to produce and supply to the Buyer printing paper for the production of banknote binding tapes (hereinafter referred to as the “Goods”), pursuant to the Technical specification according to paragraph 3 of this Article, in the amount as required by the Buyer in partial contracts, and transfer to the Buyer the ownership title to the delivered Goods. 2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the Goods, duly delivered as regards the required quantity, type and quality of the Goods, on the required date and pay for the Goods the price specified under Article V hereof. 3. The Goods shall be produced and supplied in accordance with the Technical specification which is set out in Annex No. 1 and which forms an integral part of this Framework Agreement. 4. All supplies of the Goods shall take place according to the Buyer’s needs in line with the written orders, each one of which constitutes a proposal to conclude a partial contract (hereinafter as an “order”), and confirmations, which constitute the acceptance of the proposal to conclude a partial contract (hereinafter as a “partial contract”). A partial contract shall be deemed to have been entered into once the Buyer receives confirmation of an order from the Seller, confirming the order without reservations. 5. The Buyer may invite the Seller to provide performance in accordance with this Framework Agreement up to a maximum financial limit of 71 400 EUR for the entire duration of this Framework Agreement. If the Seller is an entity liable for VAT registered in the Czech Republic, the amount according to the previous sentence means the amount excluding VAT.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTThe Supplier undertakes to supply the Customer the following: • New or used spare parts for EC 135 helicopters, • Overhauled parts, parts provided in standard exchange for EC 135 helicopters, • Special tools, tools and material necessary for maintenance of EC 135 helicopters, • Technical publications including their updates, • Training items for EC 135 helicopters (hereinafter referred to as „goods“). Deliveries of goods will be made on the basis of mutually agreed partial orders or in accordance with the agreed specifications.
SUBJECT MATTER OF THE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTThe Supplier undertakes to supply the Customer the following:  New or used spare parts for EC 000 xxxxxxxxxxx,  Overhauled parts, parts provided in standard exchange for EC 000 xxxxxxxxxxx,  Special tools, tools and material necessary for maintenance of EC 000 xxxxxxxxxxx,  Technical publications including their updates,  Training items for EC 135 helicopters (hereinafter referred to as „goods“). Deliveries of goods will be made on the basis of mutually agreed partial orders or in accordance with the agreed specifications.