Submission of Application Sample Clauses
Submission of Application. An eligible entity may request to become a Party to this Funding Agreement and the Finance Agent Agreement and thereby become enrolled in NTTG as either a Nominal Funder or a Full Funder by completing the application set forth in Exhibit D to this Funding Agreement, and submitting it to the Project Manager by email to
Submission of Application. This application form will be reviewed by the state Department of Natural Resources upon receipt at the address given below, and also posted on the DNR website as public information. Applicants will be notified in writing if the application will be accepted for further review. However, this application may be rejected at any time before signed execution of a use authorization. APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT IN BLUE OR BLACK PEN Please send the completed application form to your region land manager at: Washington State Department of Natural Resources [Region/District Address] Enclose a $25.00 non-refundable application processing fee with the application. (This fee is not required for local, state, and other government agencies).
Submission of Application. Candidates must complete an employment application in the HCPSS applicant tracking system (“Frontline”).
Submission of Application. You are authorized to submit to the Fund, through the online Producer Application System, Mine Subsidence Insurance Applications.
Submission of Application. An application packet must be assembled and submitted based upon the requirements as set forth in the Application Requirements section below.
Submission of Application. An indi- vidual authorized to act for an entity that seeks to become a PACE organiza- tion or a PACE organization that seeks to expand its service area and/or add a PACE center site must submit to CMS a complete application in the form and manner specified by CMS that de- scribes how the entity or PACE organi- zation meets all requirements in this part.
Submission of Application. All documents required for application listed below in 3, together with a non-refundable application fee of ¥30,000 (Japanese yen, no other currencies accepted) should be submitted during the following filing period to the Student Affairs Division of the Graduate School of Medicine. In case of mailing, applications have to be sent by registered mail. For those applying by mail, the application must reach the office with APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE PROGRAM written in red on the face of the envelope. Application fee of ¥30,000 (Japanese yen, no other currencies accepted) can be paid by credit card. Please refer to the contact address below for how to make a payment.
Submission of Application for frame work agreement Documents Not later than 10.00 A.M. on 31st August, 2020.
Submission of Application. Each lending institution desiring to become a Lender in the 2004 Program is required to submit to the Authorities an executed original of the Offer, Certification and Acknowledgement and six (6) original signature pages of the Origination, Servicing and Administration Agreement. The application packet shall be submitted to:
Submission of Application. ● Applications are accepted twice a year during two application rounds. Applications can be submitted annually by March 1 and October 1. (Revised wording: 28.10.2024) ● Application rounds are announced at least one month before the application deadline. ● The Viru Film Fund has the right not to announce an application round if there are insufficient financial resources to conduct the round. ● The Viru Film Fund has the right to announce an additional application round if there are sufficient remaining financial resources. ● The Viru Film Fund has the right to accept small projects with application amounts up to €5,000 between application rounds if financial resources are available during the current application round. (Revised wording: 28.10.2024.a) ● Applications are submitted electronically in digitally signed form to IVEK’s email address. ● Applications for film projects where production has been completed by the time of application submission are not eligible for support. ● An application must include the following:
1. A simple written signed statement and its appendices: ■ A brief summary of the project in the provided short questionnaire; ■ Synopsis of the work; ■ Scenario and extended scenario outline (treatment) of the work; ■ Production schedule of the work; ■ Production team with CVs of key personnel (creative); ■ Distribution plan of the work; ■ Overview of activities planned in Xxx-Virumaa with a schedule; ■ Information about the producer company, including an overview of previous works; ■ Budget and financing plan of the film project; ■ Contracts and letters of intent confirming secured financing; ■ Any other additional information that the applicant deems necessary to include; ■ A list of Xxx-Virumaa companies and institutions with which on-site cooperation is planned.
2. An estimated summary of costs to be incurred in Xxx-Virumaa according to eligible costs outlined in these conditions; the cost estimate may change during the realization of the film project but must not exceed the total agreed grant amount. ● The application must be submitted in Estonian, and other documents attached to the application may be in Estonian, English, or Russian. The application must be signed by a legally authorized representative of the applicant. ● If business confidentiality or parts of it need to be maintained in connection with the application, the applicant must indicate this in the application. ● Support is not granted to film projects that incite religi...