Summer School Pay. The pay for summer school shall be increased by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in Appendix A, for each year of this Agreement.
Summer School Pay. Any percentage increase applied to the Certificated Salary Schedule will apply to the hourly rate for summer school. Home teaching hourly rate, ISP hourly rate, and extra duty stipends shall be increased by the amount which the schedule is increased.
Summer School Pay. The salary of a summer school teacher who serves on a Supplemental Service Contract shall be at the rate of $37.50 an hour.
Summer School Pay. Summer school positions for principals will be posted internally. If there are no internal applicants, positions will be posted outside of the District if deemed necessary by the Superintendent. Selection of applicants to fill any positions will be done by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Compensation for Principals in the unit will be at the Principal’s hourly salary schedule rate for hours assigned.
Summer School Pay. Teachers of summer school will be paid at a rate equivalent to .000725 of the Bachelor's Base in effect during the school year that just ended. Each summer school teacher will have a thirty (30) minute paid planning period during each day summer school is in session.
Summer School Pay. The pay for a 1st year summer school teacher will be $2,900 for elementary, $3,100 for middle school, $3,600 for middle school teacher/administrator; for a consecutive 3rd year summer school teacher, the pay will be $3,100 for elementary, $3,300 for middle school, $3,800 for middle school teacher/administrator; for a consecutive 5th year summer school teacher, the pay will be $3,300 for elementary, $3,500 for middle school, and $4,000 for middle school teacher/administrator.
Summer School Pay. Unit members who serve as summer school teachers shall be paid at the Extra Time hourly rate of $28.
Summer School Pay. A certified employee’s rate of pay for teaching summer school shall be determined by the hourly rate in Appendix A.
Summer School Pay. The Board shall pay bargaining unit members who are Board approved to work for summer school thirty-five dollars ($35) per hour. The pay shall be paid in a separate check.
Summer School Pay. Summer school pay shall be at the employee’s hourly per diem rate of pay.