Supervision arrangements. 5.1. Each institution is responsible for ensuring that candidates have access to the appropriate level of supervision and support. At Kent, School Directors of Graduate Studies and Graduate Studies Committees will take on this responsibility. At XXXX this will be the responsibility of ……………..
5.2. Supervision arrangements will meet the requirements of the two institutions. The Student Contract will outline the membership of the supervisory team.
5.3. It is the expectation of both institutions that students meet with both main supervisors together at least twice a year during the supervision period. At least one of these meetings must be face to face; the other may be facilitated by means of video or tele-conferencing. The costs of these meetings will be for the account of each supervisor’s institution at School level.
Supervision arrangements. Each student will have at least two supervisors, at least one each from the two chosen places of study. If one of the two degree‐awarding institutions is the University of Kent, the Kent supervisor will be either an approved supervisory chair or be part of a team of two Kent supervisors, one of whom is an approved supervisory chair. The composition of the supervisory team will be considered at application stage and finalized with each student during the individual pathway consultations in semester 1. Supervisors will work closely together and meet with their students on a regular basis (either in person or through electronic means) to ensure that they are making satisfactory progress. If neither of their two main supervisors is a Kent staff member, students will be allocated a Kent advisor for the duration of semester 1. During the meetings in the first semester initial targets will be agreed with each student. At the end of the first semester, students are required to agree a personal research plan with their supervisors, demonstrating that they have embarked on the main body of their research and setting out any further required skills training. At the end of year 1 they are required to undertake a formal assessment in order to progress to year 2. A supervisory board, consisting of the main supervisor from University 1 and one further TEEME staff member from the same site, will review the student’s work to date and decide on progression to year two. The second supervisor not present during this meeting will comment on the student’s work in writing. After year 1 there will be two formal progress meetings each year, in addition to frequent informal supervisory meetings. Reports on these formal progress meetings will be discussed with the student. The second progress meeting at the end of year 3 will take the form of a submission meeting.
Supervision arrangements. It is expected that students will be provided with one and a half hours supervision each week. Where there are a number of students in a placement and group supervision is offered it is important that students are also provided with individual sessions as per the HEI’s requirements. The Practice Educator (On-site and/or Off-Site) will keep a written record of the supervision sessions indicating the issues that arose, decisions reached, action to be taken and by whom. These documents must be signed at the end of each supervision session by student and Practice Educator. Should any dispute arise tutors may require copies of these documents for clarity and assessment purposes.
Supervision arrangements during the internship, the referring educator and the internship coordinator monitor the intern by any means.
Supervision arrangements. (a) Expected absence of supervisor(s) on leave/sabbaticals (giving arrangements for supervision if away for more than 2 months in any one year), or conference attendance during the next 3 years***
(b) Field work: Outline arrangements for field work:
(c) Laboratory work: Outline expectations of the lab work component of the project as well as lab arrangements (if any) and supervision arrangements for lab work:
Supervision arrangements. 1. Here set out the practical arrangements for supervision, for example frequency, venue, length of session. A minimum of 1 hour per week. Formal supervision is required, although 1.5 hours is recommended, during the first half of the placement. This can be reviewed at the mid way point.
2. Here outline what is envisaged as the contact and process of supervision, including respective responsibilities for preparation and recording of the supervision notes. Include details if there is an offsite Practice Educator and a Practice Supervisor on site. If there is a supervision contract please attach this. It is essential that supervision sessions are recorded and copies retained by practice educator/practice supervisor and student.
Supervision arrangements. 5.1 Each Party is responsible for ensuring that students have access to the appropriate level of supervision and support.
5.2 The supervisory arrangements will meet the requirements of both Parties and will be outlined in the Student Contract. As a minimum requirement supervisors must:
5.2.1 Agree a schedule of planned communications and meetings over the period of registration;
5.2.2 Participate in Student Progress Reviews as required and specified in the Student Contract.
5.3 It is the expectation of both Parties that students meet with both main supervisors together at least twice a year during the supervision period. Normally at least one of these meetings must be face to face; the other may be facilitated by means of video or tele-conferencing. The costs of these meetings will be for the account of each supervisor’s institution at School level. In addition to these two meetings, students will also meet regularly with their main supervisor at the institution at which they are currently resident.
Supervision arrangements. 5.1. Each institution is responsible for ensuring that candidates have access to the appropriate level of supervision and support. At Kent, Divisional Directors of Graduate Studies and PG Student Experience and Divisional Graduate Studies and PG Student Experience Committees will take on this responsibility. At UAM this will be the responsibility of the Doctoral School
5.2. Supervision arrangements will meet the requirements of the two institutions. The Student Contract will outline the membership of the supervisory team.
5.3. It is the expectation of both institutions that students meet with both main supervisors together at least twice a year during the supervision period. At least one of these meetings must be face to face; the other may be facilitated by means of video or tele-conferencing. The costs of these meetings will be for the account of each supervisor’s institution at School or Research Group/Project level.
Supervision arrangements. Details of school arrangements for the supervision of provider during the course of service delivery
Supervision arrangements. Expected absence of supervisor(s) on leave/sabbaticals (giving arrangements for supervision if away for more than 2 months in any one year): Field or Laboratory work: Outline arrangements for field or Lab work (if applicable): Courses and classes (if applicable):