Progress Reviews Sample Clauses
Progress Reviews. Subject to Section 3.3C of the Agreement, during the development of the Drawings and Specifications, Contractor shall provide Owner with reasonable opportunity, consistent with engineering, procurement and construction industry standards, to perform reviews of the design and engineering in progress, provided that such reviews do not unreasonably interfere with performance of the Work. Such reviews may be conducted at Contractor’s office located in Houston, Texas or the offices of its Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, original Equipment manufacturers and Equipment suppliers. The reviews may be of progress prints, computer images, draft documents, working calculations, draft specifications or reports, Drawings, Specifications or other design documents as agreed to by Contractor and Owner. The Parties acknowledge that any Owner instructions to Contractor during such reviews will have no effect unless Owner provides such instructions in writing to Contractor or unless Contractor provides written notice of the instruction and Contractor’s compliance to Owner and Owner fails to object.
Progress Reviews. In addition to the annual performance appraisal, the supervisor will have at least one formal feedback discussion (progress review) with the employee, usually by mid-year. Usually this discussion will be held between the supervisor and the employee. There may be circumstances for a supervisory team leader to participate in a meeting regarding an employee’s performance. Frequent informal reviews of performance throughout the appraisal period may be requested by the employee or conducted by the supervisor. The progress review(s) should be open, candid, and aimed at improving work products, and provide an opportunity for feedback regarding accomplishments and individual developments. At the employee's request, progress reviews will be captured in writing. The performance appraisal period will begin on October 1st, and end on September 30th. The mid-year performance review will usually occur during the month of April.
A. Supervisors are encouraged to provide performance feedback to employees on a quarterly basis throughout the rating cycle. Employees are encouraged to seek feedback at anytime during the performance year.
B. The process of monitoring performance is ongoing. Therefore, the Employer will counsel employees in relation to their overall performance rating on an as needed basis. Such counseling will normally take place when a supervisor notices a decrease in performance and include advice or recommendations on better communicating job requirements, identifying and providing supplemental training (classroom and on-the job), and providing additional coaching, monitoring, mentoring, and other developmental activities, as appropriate, to help improve employee performance until the employee shows improvement. Special emphasis should be given to those cases when an employee's performance indicates a decrease in the overall rating.
C. Progress reviews shall be scheduled at least one week or more in advance (or as otherwise agreed upon), in order to allow the employee to provide advance input at the option of the employee. If, during or after the mid-year progress review, an employee is in disagreement with the review or feels the supervisor has failed to note accomplishments, such will be discussed with the supervisor during or after the progress review meeting.
D. Progress reviews shall be conducted in a manner that protects the privacy and dignity of the employee. With the supervisor's permission, the employee may request that a Union representative be pr...
Progress Reviews. 1. Each supervisor shall personally meet with the employee within the first month of the probationary period to outline position requirements and performance standards. The employee shall be given a written description of the requirements and standards at such time.
2. Each employee will receive feedback of progress toward meeting the position requirements and performance standards quarterly by means of a meeting with the position supervisor. The employee will receive written feedback at each quarterly meeting and again one month prior to the end of the probationary period. In the event a probationary employee is concerned about whether his/her performance is meeting standards, the employee may request a meeting with the supervisor and Association representative to review the situation and, if necessary, develop a plan to assist the employee in making satisfactory progress.
Progress Reviews. Design Builder shall provide Owner periodically with copies of in- progress Design Development Documents during the Design Development Phase. At the end of the Design Development Phase Design Builder shall provide Owner with three (3) complete sets of drawings and other documents for approval by Owner.
Progress Reviews. Digimarc shall provide materials, information and documentation in support of progress review meetings with the BIS once every three (3) months on average throughout the period during which Phase [**] Services are being performed and will attend progress review meetings as requested by the [**] Project Director. The objective of each meeting is to review the: status of each major task and Service; status of deliverable items; [**] progress for each [**]; each parties’ proposed plans concerning [**] including intended outcome during the Term of this Agreement and during the period until the next meeting under this Schedule; [**]; a summary of the financial status; contractual and administrative matters; contract changes and amendments, as necessary; technical reports or data; market and user factors and marketing activities; and other topics as necessary and relevant. Each meeting that Digimarc is requested to attend will last no more than 2 days unless otherwise agreed upon in advance. Attendees will include management, technical and administrative representatives from Digimarc and [**], including the parties’ respective Project Directors or suitable designees. To ensure meeting effectiveness, [**] will be limited to ten (10)
Progress Reviews. The PROMISE JOBS worker shall review all FIAs at least once every six months. Progress reviews do not have to be face-to-face interviews but must include verbal contact with and input from at least one family member. FIA goals, Form 470-3096, FIA Steps for Achieving Self-Sufficiency, and, if appropriate, the needs for child care, transportation, and other supports shall be reviewed for continued appropriateness.
Progress Reviews. Formal feedback for performance will be documented in writing and communicated to the employee. The purpose of this discussion/communication is to ensure there is a clear and common understanding between the employee and the rating official of how the employee is performing in relation to the expected duties and responsibilities and will include feedback on the employee's performance in relation to the criteria. Performance discussions will be held ina private venue and will normally be between the rating official and the employee.
a. Employees will be, at a minimum, provided three (3) documented formal performance discussions per rating period. These required discussions will include the initial performance plan meeting, mid- point progress review, and the final performance appraisal discussion to communicate the rating of record... Employees serving a probationary period will receive two (2) progress reviews per HR Guidance.
b. Mandatory progress reviews will normally occur during the middle of the rating cycle. This does not preclude additional progress reviews.
c. Informal discussions are a standard part of supervision and should occur throughout the annual assessment period. Discussions may be initiated by the supervisor, rating official (if not the immediate supervisor) or employee. If the employee is requesting an informal performance discussion, it should be in writing or email. To the maximum extent possible, management will meet with the employee within seven (7) work days.
d. Discussions should be professional, candid, and forthright between the supervisor or rating official and employee aimed at improving the work process or product and developing the employee. The discussion will provide the opportunity to assess accomplishments and progress as well as identify and resolve any problems in the employee's or work team's work product.
e. Where indicated, the supervisor or rating official should provide additional guidance aimed at developing the employee, removing obstacles and improving the work product or outcome. Discussions will provide the employee the opportunity to seek further guidance and understanding of his/her work performance and offer suggestions for improving processes.
Progress Reviews. Periodic progress reviews will be held between Netrx xxx Supplier, as a minimum, on a quarterly basis. Meetings shall be held at a mutually acceptable time and location and will include but not be limited to quality and delivery performance, inventory plans, cost reduction program plans and status, market and product forecasts, design change issues, costed bill xx materials, labor cost data, etc. Agendas shall be prepared and mutually agreed to at least two (2) weeks in advance of such meetings. [***] CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 6 NETRX MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT THE WIRELESS ATM COMPANY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Progress Reviews. IBM/MTC CONFIDENTIAL Reviews of the activities in this Section 2 will be held quarterly and will be scheduled by the Technical Coordinators set forth in Section 6.2.
Progress Reviews. There should be continuous feedback between the employee and their supervisor. At aminimum, one formal progress review shall be held between the supervisor and the employee at approximately midpoint intherating period. Interactions regarding progress reviews and feedback will be held in a setting that protects the employee's privacy. At any time during the rating period, employees and supervisors will work closely together to enhance and improve the employee's performance.