Section 9.6.2 Sample Clauses

Section 9.6.2. 23 The returning employee will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence.
Section 9.6.2. 10 Leaves of absence with pay shall be granted when an employee is subpoenaed to appear in a 11 court of law. If any witness fees are paid, that amount shall be deducted from the employee’s 12 regular pay.
Section 9.6.2An employee displaced from a position where he/she is the only employee with a specific job 27 title shall be assigned to replace the most junior person holding a position with the same 28 number of hours within the same compensation level (Level B, C, D, E, or F as shown on 29 Schedule A) provided he/she is qualified to fill such position. If the employee bumped is not 30 the most junior person in the compensation level, he/she shall be assigned to replace the most 31 junior person holding a position in the same compensation level, provided he/she is qualified to 32 fill such position. The qualification criteria for such position shall be as identified in the 33 current job description. 34
Section 9.6.2. 36 The returning employee will not necessarily be assigned to the identical position occupied 37 before the leave of absence. However, if the position duties and total hours of employment 38 remain unchanged, the employee will be returned to the identical position. In the event the 39 previously held position is eliminated or the total hours of employment is modified, the 40 employee shall be reinstated to a position equivalent in duties and total hours of employment to 41 that held at the time the request for a leave of absence was approved, consistent with seniority 42 herein. Employees returning from maternity leave (Section 9.4 herein) shall be afforded the 43 privileges addressed herein. Employees on a leave of absence shall notify the District of their 44 intent to return/not return no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the approved date of 45 return.
Section 9.6.2. 12 Discretionary leave shall not be applicable in cases of self-determined hazardous road conditions on 13 school days, except when the District has declared a late start due to inclement weather and/or road 14 conditions or when such inclement weather presents imminent harm to the welfare and property of 15 the affected employee.
Section 9.6.2. 8 The returning employee will be assigned a position as identified in the leave grant.
Section 9.6.2Discretionary leave shall not be applicable in cases of self-determined hazardous road 15 conditions when the employer determines that school shall be held on school days, except when the
Section 9.6.2. 12 Discretionary leave shall not be applicable in cases of self-determined hazardous road conditions 13 when the employer determines that school shall be held. Discretionary leave shall not be 14 accumulative.
Section 9.6.2. 13 The most senior displaced employee shall receive preferential consideration for open positions 14 when skill, ability or qualifications are substantially equal with less senior employees.
Section 9.6.2. 26 The employee will retain accrued sick leave, vested vacation rights, and seniority rights while 27 on leave of absence. Employee seniority shall not accrue while the employee is on leave of 28 absence.