Targets for FY18 Sample Clauses

Targets for FY18. Key Results Expected (estimates) Quarter Province Population in 2018 LLINs need nº of households nº of children under 5 nº of Pregnant Women Q1 Cunene 1 121 748 623 193 243 858 217 395 27 819 Namibe 568 722 315 957 123 635 110 218 14 104 Sub total 1 690 470 939 150 367 493 327 613 41 924 Q2 Cuando Cubango* 854 258 474 588 185 708 165 555 21 186 Huambo 2 309 829 1 283 238 502 137 447 645 57 284 Sub total 3 164 087 1 757 826 687 845 613 200 78 469 Q3 Bengo 429 322 238 512 93 331 83 203 10 647 Bié 1 654 744 919 302 359 727 320 689 41 038 Cabinda 000 000 000 208 174 212 155 306 19 874 Sub total 2 885 440 1 000 000 000 270 559 198 71 559 Q4 Lunda Norte 972 183 540 102 211 344 188 409 24 110 Lunda Sul 609 851 338 806 132 576 118 189 15 124 Moxico 601 454 334 141 130 751 116 562 14 916 Sub total 2 183 488 1 213 049 474 671 423 160 54 151 TOTAL FY18 9 923 485 5 513 047 2 157 279 1 923 171 246 103 * Contingent on availability of LLINs in March/18 ● Distribution of 5.5 million mosquito nets in 10 provinces (provided the distribution funds and availability of nets are confirmed) ● Population covered in the 10 provinces: 9.9 million (246,100 pregnant women + 1.9 million children >5) ● 5,400 “activistas” trained in communication, registration and distribution in the 10 provinces
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Targets for FY18. Considering that during Q1 the priority activities were formative supervision and health facility assessment, all trainings will be implemented from Q2 to Q4. At the end of Q1, the targets initially established were revised and submitted to USAID for approval, as presented below. Performance Indicators Baseline 2016 Target 2018 Quarter targets for FY18 Achieved in Q1 / Q1 Target Achieved in Q1/ Year Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Targets for FY18. Implementing Mechanism 18347_HFA Indicator Code Frequency of Reporting COP17 Target HTC_TST Quarterly 43,845 HTC_TST_POS Quarterly 5,843 TX_NEW Quarterly 7,543 TX_CURR Quarterly 22,003 TX_TB Num Semi-Annual 918 TX_TB Den Semi-Annual 18,615 TB_Prev Num Semi-Annual 1,954 TB_Prev Den Semi-Annual 2,836 TB_STAT Num Semi-Annual 4,005 TB_STAT Den Semi-Annual 4,682 TB_ART Num Semi-Annual 673 TB_ART Den Semi-Annual 750 TX_RET Num Annual 4,027 TX_RET Den Annual 5,035 TX_PVLS Num Annual 9,206 TX_PVLS Den Annual 11,513 To achieve the targets for FY18, MSH designed the Process Model, which includes five strategic processes and five transversal support processes (see figure below). This model covers the full set of activities of the Continuum of Care (CoC) in the seven HUs assigned to HFA. In addition to the Process Model, HFA/MSH is scaling up Index Case Testing and Tracing from three Health Units (Viana, Rangel y Divina) to all seven HUs assigned to HFA (new sites include Kilamba, Dispensario, Xxxxxxxxx, and Pediatrico). This will increase the numbers of HIV+ persons identified and consequently will increase the entire cascade of care. HFA received short-term technical assistance from a TB consultant during Q1 FY18 to improve services for co- infected HIV/TB patients and prepare a proposal to improve the “one-stop-shop” model. HFA also started the implementation of the five support processes which include: 1- Improve the health of HIV/AIDS quality services;
Targets for FY18. During FY18, HFA will continue to support the Government of Angola in updating national strategies to create an enabling environment around family planning. In order to do that, HFA will work closely with DNSP to update the existing protocols that need to be reviewed and to create protocols that do not exist. In addition, HFA will support the Department of Health Promotion in printing and disseminating the National Communication Strategy for Family Planning. HFA will also continue to provide supportive supervision at all USG-assisted service delivery points (SDPs) offering FP/RH counseling or services. New quality assurance (QA) supervisors will join the team to boost the number of supportive visits, to improve the collection of statistics and to ensure that no stock out of contraceptive methods happens in country. Moreover, HFA, in cooperation with the GPSL, will put in place a new strategy for the training of healthcare providers. This strategy involves working directly with Municipal Health Departments and the FP focal points to organize trainings at municipal level. This new strategy, will ensure that health units from all municipalities are included and more healthcare providers benefit from the trainings. As done during the first year (FY17), HFA defined a set of targets to measure and track its achievements over time. The table below presents performance indicators as well as targets for FY18, divided by quarter (where needed): PerformanceIndicators FY16 Baseline (PSI Survey/ DHS/SASH) Targets for 2018 Quarter targets for FY18 Achieved in Q1 /Year Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Targets for FY18. Since there were changes in the availability of LLINs after the end of phase 2 (Q1 FY17), the targets for FY18 had to be adjusted, according to the new agreement with NMCP/DNSP, PMI/USAID and partners, which includes distributing nets in Huambo (not previously planned) and removing Cabinda, Bie and Bengo from phase 3 of the distribution. The table below reflects such changes: Quarter Province Population in 2018 LLINs need nº of households nº of children under 5 nº of Pregnant Women Q1 Cunene 1 121 748 623 193 243 858 217 395 27 819 Namibe 568 722 315 957 123 635 110 218 14 104 Sub total 1 690 470 939 150 367 493 327 613 41 923 Q2 Huambo 2 309 829 1 283 238 502 137 447 645 57 284 Sub total 2 309 829 1 283 238 502 137 447 645 57 284 Q3 Cuando Cubango 854 258 474 588 185 708 165 555 21 186 Moxico 601 454 334 141 130 751 116 562 14 916 Sub total 1 455 712 808 729 316 459 282 117 36 102 Q4 Lunda Norte 972 183 540 102 211 344 188 409 24 110 Lunda Sul 609 851 338 806 132 576 118 189 15 124 Sub total 1 582 034 878 908 343 920 306 598 39 234 TOTAL FY18 7 038 045 3 910 025 1 530 009 1 363 973 174 543
Targets for FY18. In order to increase the quality of ToTs, NMCP/DNSP identified CENFFOR (Centro de Formação de Formadores), a training institution linked to the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security (MAPTSS), and asked HFA to work with them to train and certify all malaria trainers prior to new Malaria Case Management trainings in the provinces. As the CENFFOR curriculum is too long (92 hours over 1 month), it was negotiated to split the training in 2 parts: first part for the first groups conducted in April and the second one in July. A comparable situation happened during Q1 after initial supervision visits by DPS and HFA staff to health units and health care providers in 2 (Zaire and Uige) of the six PMI provinces identified that the supervision tool being used (Xxxxx de Supervisão), originally developed by the NMCP a few years back to monitor a health unit and hospital, was too long and cumbersome. Therefore, HFA (PSI and Mentor) decided in mid-Feb 2018 to advocate with the NMCP to update the supervision tool. The need to improve the supervision tool and to increase capacity in adult teaching skills affected the training and supervision plans. All trainings and most supervision visits were re-scheduled to happen in Q3 and Q4 according to the table below: Performance Indicators Baseline 2016 Target Quarter targets for FY18 Achieved in Q1 + Q2/ Year Target 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Targets for FY18. In Quarter two, a special attention was given to the following points: • Increase supportive supervision at all USG-assisted service delivery points (SDPs) offering FP/RH counseling or services; • Support the Department of Health Promotion in printing and dissemination of the National FP/RH Communication Strategy once finalized; and • Provide refresher trainings to FP healthcare providers by municipality in both provinces (Luanda and Huambo). The last column of the table below shows the targets achieved in Q1 + Q2 towards the year performance indicators: Performance Indicators FY16 Baseline (PSI Survey/ DHS/ SASH) Targets for 2018 Quarter targets for FY18 Achieved in Q1+Q2/Year Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
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Targets for FY18. As mentioned in the previous report, changes in the availability of LLINs, after the end of phase 2, (Q1 FY17), forced the targets for FY18 to be adjusted, according to the new agreement with National Malaria Control Program / National Direction of Public Health (NMCP/NDPH), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)/USAID and partners. The table below reflects such changes, as well as the revised targets for FY18: Quarter Province Population in 2018 LLINs need nº of households nº of children under 5 nº of Pregnant Women Q1 (phase 2) Cunene 1,121,748 623,193 243, 858 217, 395 27,819 Namibe 568,722 315,957 123,635 110,218 14,104 Sub total 1,690,470 939,150 367,493 327,613 41,923 Q3 (phase 3) Huambo 2,309,829 1,283,238 502,137 447,645 57,284 Sub total 2,309,829 1,283,238 502,137 447,645 57,284 Q4 Cuando Cubango 854,258 474,588 185,708 165,555 21,186 Moxico 601,454 334,141 130,751 116,562 14,916 Lunda Norte** 972,183 540,102 211,344 188,409 24,110 Lunda Sul** 609,851 338,806 132,576 118,189 15,124 Sub total 3,037,746 1,687,637 660,379 588,715 75,336 TOTAL FY18 7,038,045 3,910,025 1,530,009 1,363,973 174,543 *No distribution happened during Q2, therefor all Q2 results are zero ** The distribution campaign in Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul will only finish during Q1 FY19 (by mid-Nov/18). Therefor the achieved results in FY18 will be smaller than proposed in the table above, which initially considered all 4 provinces of phase 3 to be completed in Q4.
Targets for FY18. To improve the capacity of National Malaria Trainers of Trainers in “Adult Teach Skills”, the NMCP/DNSP identified CENFFOR (Centro de Formação de Formadores), a training institution linked to the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security (MAPTSS), and asked HFA to work with them to train and certify all malaria trainers prior to new Malaria Case Management trainings, in the PMI provinces. As the CENFFOR curriculum is very comprehensive (92 hours over 1 month), the first part of the training, for the first group of trainers, was conducted in April and the second one in July (see table below for details). FORMAÇÃO PEDAGÓGICA INICIAL DE FORMADORES- 2018 Acção nº8- PNCM / CINFOTEC Talatona. Meses Data Xxxx Horas Módulos para 1º fase Formadores ABRIL 16 2ª feira 8 O Formador e o Contexto em que se desenvolve a Xxxxxx Xxxxx 18 4ª feira 8 Processos Facilitadores de Aquisição de Conhecimentos Xxxxx Xxxxx 19 5ª feira 8 Gestão de Percursos Diferenciados de Aprendizagem e Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx 20 6ª feira 8 Metodologias e Estratégias Pedagógicas Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 21 Sábado 4 Recursos Didácticos na Formação Profissional Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx 44H Módulos para 2º fase JULHO 23 2ª feira 8 Definição e Estruturação dos Objectivos Xxxxxx Xxxxx 24 3ª feira 4 Temas transversais Xxxxxx Xxxxx 4 Estatística Aplicada a Formação Profissional Xxxxxx Xxxxx 25 4ª feira 8 Avaliação da Formação Xxxxxx Xxxx 26 5ª feira 8 Planificação da Formação Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx 27 6ª feira 4 Planificação da Formação Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx 4 Simulação Pedagógica Final /Autoscopia Final Xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx As mentioned in the Q2 report, the supervision tool originally developed by NMCP was identified as too long and cumbersome, and needed updating before being used during the supervision visits in Q3. After the updating of the supervision tools (copies already submitted together with Q2 Report), supervision visits and training activities were re-planned and the targets for quarters 3 and 4 were revised as follows: Performance Indicators Target 2018 Quarterly targets for FY18 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Targets for FY18. In quarter three, activities were mainly related to: • Provide refresher trainings to municipal FP supervisors in Huambo province. • Provide advocacy training for sexual and reproductive health to women from parliamentary groups. • Support the data collection for the National Strategy for Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in health units in Luanda province. The last column of the table below shows the targets achieved in Q1 + Q2 +Q3 towards the year performance indicators: PerformanceIndicators FY16 Baseline (PSI Survey/ DHS/ SASH) Targets for 2018 Quarter targets for FY18 Achieved in Q1+Q3/Year Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
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