Technical Analysis. Provide analysis of the City's needs, planning surveys, site evaluations, and comparative studies of prospective sites and solutions.
Technical Analysis. We analyze past market movements and apply that analysis to the present in an attempt to recognize recurring patterns of investor behavior and potentially predict future price movement. Technical analysis does not consider the underlying financial condition of a company. This presents a risk in that a poorly-managed or financially unsound company may underperform regardless of market movement. Our securities analysis methods rely on the assumption that the companies whose securities we purchase and sell, the rating agencies that review these securities, and other publicly-available sources of information about these securities, are providing accurate and unbiased data. While we are alert to indications that data may be incorrect, there is always a risk that our analysis may be compromised by inaccurate or misleading information.
Technical Analysis. 1. The results of each technical analysis shall be made directly available by the ECB to Europol.
2. Technical analyses of counterfeits carried out by Europol or by third-parties on behalf of Europol shall be made available by Europol to the ECB.
Technical Analysis. 11.1 Update Section 9.1 to reflect information (or sources for information) used to assess the feasibility of proposed projects.
Technical Analysis. 6.8.1 Seller shall use best efforts to provide the CSR Answer within the time specified in Annex 1 of this MSA.
6.8.2 The CSR Answer will contain Seller’s proposed course of action to remedy the fault or Error. In applicable cases the CSR Answer shall contain a Workaround or a proposed date for a Temporary or Final Solution.
6.8.3 A CSR Answer from Seller shall refer to the original LifeWatch CSR identity.
Technical Analysis. Consultant shall analyze potential opportunities to better utilize excess roadway capacity (e.g. Road Diets) within the study area to accommodate alternative modes of transportation in a manner that improve safety for all modes of transportation and consider Bicycle Level of Stress (LTS), Multimodal Level of Service (LOS), or other relevant metrics of determining existing conditions for alternative modes of transportation, and evaluating the improvement of various alternatives. In particular, consultant shall examine excess roadway capacity by conducting turning movements/performing Synchro analysis on Xxxxx Xx (SR
Technical Analysis. If the parties agree to pursue technical analysis activities with third parties, Seller agrees to fund Product technical analysis activities that may be required by Customer to deploy the Product, in the Customer's NETWORK through Customer's or its agent's program or through test laboratories approved by Customer or its agent. Customer may request Product technical analysis activities in instances where the Seller cannot provide sufficient validation of Product performance, quality and reliability.
Technical Analysis. TMDLs should be supported by an appropriate level of technical analysis. It applies to all of the components of a TMDL document. It is vitally important that the technical basis for all conclusions be articulated in a manner that is easily understandable and readily appar- ent to the reader. Of special importance, the cause and effect relationship between the pol- lutant and impairment and between the selected targets, sources, TMDLs, and allocations must be supported by an appropriate level of technical analysis. The state develops the TMDL in cooperation with interested parties prior to formal submission for public comment. After incorporating comments, the state submits the TMDL to EPA for approval. EPA either approves or disapproves the TMDL. Regulatory Authorities and Stakeholders The TMDL is implemented using a variety of authorities and strategies. CWA Programs that may be used to accomplish solutions to watershed pollution include the NPDES Program, CWA section 319 NPS Program, CWA section 401 Authority, CWA section 404 Program, and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Using the watershed approach, CERCLA, RCRA, Brownfields, Farm Xxxx Act and other authorities and funding mechanisms may be used to affect cleanup and achieve WQS. In 2005, EPA’s Watershed Academy sponsored a two-hour Webcast on the ABC’s of TMDLs for Stakeholders. The archived version of the seminar can be downloaded at: watershedwebcasts.
Technical Analysis. The Government will evaluate the offeror’s approach to managing the tasks in the Statement of Work (SOW) based on its proposed approach for managing Schedule, Design and Productin Progress, Obsolescence, and Quality. The Gvoernment will also evaluate the proposed Project Manager’s experience and qualifications.
Technical Analysis. The Joint Review Panel will issue instructions, set a timetable for and supervise the conduct of a process of written Information Requests in order to secure any clarification, explanation or additional technical analyses required of the EIS. The Joint Review Panel will review the information available on the public registry and comments received from the public and determine whether the information available is sufficient to proceed to the public hearing phase of the process. Once the Joint Review Panel has decided to proceed to public hearings, it will schedule and announce the hearings.