Technical and Interconnection Requirements Sample Clauses
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. 2.1 Consumer agrees that his Rooftop Solar PV System and Net Metering System will confirm to the standards and requirements specified in the Policy, Regulations and Supply Code as amended from time to time.
2.2 Consumer agrees that he has installed or will install, prior to connection of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System to Distribution Licensee’s distribution system, an isolation device (both automatic and inbuilt within inverter and external manual relays) and agrees for the Distribution Licensee to have access to and operation of this, if required and for repair & maintenance of the distribution system.
2.3 Consumer agrees that in case of non-availability of grid, Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System will disconnect/isolate automatically and his plant will not inject power into the Licensee’s distribution system.
2.4 All the equipments connected to the distribution system shall be compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) or Indian Standards (BIS) and installations of electrical equipments must comply with Central Electricity Authority (Measures of Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time.
2.5 Consumer agrees that licensee will specify the interface/inter connection point and metering point.
2.6 Consumer and licensee agree to comply with the relevant CEA Regulations in respect of operation and maintenance of the plant, drawing and diagrams, site responsibility schedule, harmonics, synchronization, voltage, frequency, flicker etc.
2.7 In order to fulfill Distribution Licensee’s obligation to maintain a safe and reliable distribution system, Consumer agrees that if it is determined by the Distribution Licensee that Consumer’s Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System either causes damage to and/or produces adverse effects affecting other consumers or Distribution Licensee’s assets, Consumer will have to disconnect Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System immediately from the distribution system upon direction from the Distribution Licensee and correct the problem to the satisfaction of distribution licensee at his own expense prior to reconnection.
2.8 The consumer shall be solely responsible for any accident to human being/animals whatsoever (fatal/non-fatal/departmental/non-departmental) that may occur due to back feeding from the Rooftop Solar plant when the grid supply is off if so decided by CEI. The distribution licensee reserves the right to disconnect the consumer’s installation at any time in the event of such exigencies...
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. 2.1 Consumer/Solar Project Developer under third party sale agrees that his/it Rooftop Solar PV System and Net Metering System will conform to the standards and requirements specified in the Policy, Regulations and Supply Code as amended from time to time.
2.2 Prosumer agrees that his/it Rooftop Solar PV System and Gross Metering System will conform to the standards and requirements specified in the Electricity Rules, Policy, Supply Code and Regulations notified by the Commission as amended from time to time.
2.3 Consumer/Solar Power System Developer under third party sale/Prosumer agrees that he/she/it has installed or will install, prior to connection of Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System to Distribution Licensee’s distribution system, an isolation device (both automatic and inbuilt within inverter and external manual relays) and agrees for the Distribution Licensee to have access to and operation of this, if required and for repair & maintenance of the distribution system.
2.4 Consumer/ Solar Power System Developer under third party sale/Prosumer agrees that in case of non- availability of grid, Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System will disconnect/isolate automatically and his/it plant will not inject power into the Licensee’s distribution system.
2.5 All the equipment connected to the distribution system shall be compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) or Indian Standards (BIS) and installations of electrical equipment must comply with Central Electricity Authority (Measures of Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time.
2.6 Consumer/ Solar Power System Developer under third party sale/Prosumer agrees that licensee will specify the interface/inter connection point and metering point.
2.7 Consumer/ Solar Power System Developer under third party sale/Prosumer and licensee agree to comply with the relevant CEA Regulations in respect of operation and maintenance of the plant, drawing and diagrams, site responsibility schedule, harmonics, synchronization, voltage, frequency, flicker etc.
2.8 In order to fulfill Distribution Licensee’s obligation to maintain a safe and reliable distribution system, Consumer/Prosumer/Solar Power System Developer under third party sale agrees that if it is determined by the Distribution Licensee that Consumer’s/ Prosumer’s/Solar Power System Developer’s Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System either causes damage to and/or produces adverse effects affecting other consumers or Distribution Lice...
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. 3.1. All the equipment connected to the Distribution Licensee’s distribution system must be compliant with relevant international (IEEE/IEC) or Indian standards (BIS) and the installation of electrical equipment must comply with the Applicable Rules and Regulations.
3.2. The Solar Power Generator agrees to furnish technical data of the Solar Power Plant that may be required by the Distribution Licensee.
3.3. The grid-connected Solar Power Plant of Solar Power Generator shall be treated as a ‘Must Run’ power plant and shall not be subjected to ‘merit order dispatch bases by the Distribution Licensee.
3.4. The Solar Power Generator agrees that the Distribution Licensee shall not be responsible for any damages to his Solar Power Plant resulting from parallel operation with the Grid and that the Distribution Licensee shall not be liable to pay any such damages.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. Seller shall ensure his SRTPV system complies with the following technical and interconnection requirement and shall:
1.1 Comply with the applicable standards and conditions, in respect of integrating the SRTPV system with the distribution system.
1.2 Connect and operate the SRTPV system to BESCOM’s distribution system, in accordance with the State Grid Code, and distribution Code as amended from time to time.
1.3 Install, prior to connection of SRTPV system to BESCOM’s distribution system, an inverter with an automatic inbuilt isolation device.
1.4 Provide external manual isolation mechanism with suitable locking facility, so that SRTPV system will not back-feed into the BESCOM’s network in case of power outage of the BESCOM’s distribution system, and it shall be accessible for BESCOM to operate, if required, during maintenance / emergency conditions.
1.5 Install all the equipment of SRTPV system compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) and Indian standards (BIS).
(a) The SRTPV system shall be designed, engineered and constructed and operated by the Seller or any other person on his behalf, with reasonable diligence, subject to all applicable Indian Laws, Rules, Regulations as amended from time to time and orders having the force of law. The Seller, shall commission the SRTPV system, within six months from the date of approval of the PPA.
1.7 Adhere to the following power quality measures, as per the International and Indian standards and/or such other measures stipulated by KERC/BESCOM: Harmonic current: Harmonic current injections from a generation unit shall not exceed the limits specified in IEEE 519. Voltage at the injection point should be in the operating range of 80% to 110% of the nominal connected voltage.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. 3.1. The SPG shall be required to obtain all information with regard to the Grid interconnection facilities as is reasonably necessary to enable it to design, install and operate all interconnection plant and apparatus on the its side of the Delivery Point in accordance with prudent utility practices, applicable grid code and the terms of this agreement for delivery of solar energy at the agreed Delivery Point.
3.2. All the equipment connected to the Distribution Licensee’s distribution system must be compliant with Indian Standards (BIS) wherever available, and International Standards (IEEE/IEC) wherever Indian Standards are not available. The installation of electrical equipment must comply with the Applicable Rules and Regulations.
3.3. The SPG shall furnish the technical data of the Solar Power Plant that may be required by the Distribution Licensee.
3.4. The grid-connected Solar Power Plant of the SPG shall be treated as a ‘Must Run’ power plant and shall not be subjected to ‘merit order dispatch by the Distribution Licensee.
3.5. The Distribution Licensee shall not be responsible for any damages to his Solar Power Plant resulting from parallel operation with the Grid and that the Distribution Licensee shall not be liable to pay any such damages.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. 2.1 The Eligible Consumer agrees that his solar generation plant and net metering system will conform to the standards and requirements specified in JKSERC (Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar Photo Voltaic Systems based on Net Metering) Regulations, 2015 and in the following codes as amended from time to time.
i. CEA’s (Technical Standards for connectivity of the Distributed Generating Resources) Regulations, 2013
ii. Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulation 2006 iii. JKSERC Electricity Regulatory Supply Code – 2011
2.2 Eligible Consumer agrees that he has installed or will install, prior to connection of photovoltaic system to Licensee’s distribution system, an isolation device (both automatic and inbuilt within inverter and external manual relays) and agrees for the Licensee to have access to and operation of this, if required and for repair & maintenance of the distribution system.
2.3 Eligible Consumer agrees that in case of a power outage on Licensee’s system, photovoltaic system will disconnect/isolate automatically and his plant will not inject power into Licensee’s distribution system.
2.4 All the equipment connected to distribution system shall be compliant with relevant but latest international or Indian standards at the time of installation and installation of electrical equipment must comply with Central Electricity Authority (Measures of Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulation, 2010, or any further modification made by CEA from time to time.
2.5 Eligible Consumer agrees that licensee will specify the interface/interconnection point and metering point.
2.6 Eligible Consumer and licensee agree to comply, at the time of installation, with the relevant CEA & JKSERC Regulations in respect of operation and maintenance of the point, drawing and diagrams, site responsibility schedule, harmonics, synchronization, voltage, frequency, flicker etc. and further modification from time to time.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. Seller shall ensure his SRTPV system complies with the following, technical and interconnection requirements and shall:
1.1 Comply with the applicable standards and conditions, in respect of integrating the SRTPV system with the distribution system.
1.2 Connect and operate the SRTPV system to CESC’s distribution system, in accordance with the State Grid Code, and Distribution Code as amended from time to time.
1.3 Install, prior to connection of SRTPV system to CESC's distribution system, an inverter with an automatic inbuilt isolation device.
1.4 Provide external manual isolation mechanism with suitable locking facility, so that SRTPV system will not back-feed into the CESC's network, in case of power outage of the CESC's distribution system, and it shall be accessible for CESC, Mysuru to operate, if required, during maintenance / emergency conditions.
1.5 Install all the equipment of the SRTPV system, compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) and Indian Standards (BIS).
(a) The SRTPV system shall be designed, engineered and constructed and operated by the seller or any other person on his behalf, with reasonable diligence, subject to all applicable Indian Laws, Rules, Regulations as amended from time to time and orders having the force of law.
(b) The Seller shall commission the SRTPV system, within six months from the date of approval of the PPA.
1.7 Adhere to the following power quality measures, as per the International and Indian standards and/or such other measures, stipulated by the KERC/CESC,Mysuru:
a. Harmonic current: Harmonic current injections from a generation unit shall not exceed the limits specified in IEEE 519.
b. Voltage at the injection point should be in the operating range of 80% to 110%, of the nominal connected voltage.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. Seller shall ensure his SRTPV system complies with the following technical and interconnection requirement and shall:
1.1 Comply with the applicable standards and conditions in respect of integrating the SRTPV system with the distribution system.
1.2 Connect and operate the SRTPV system to ESCOM’s distribution system in accordance with the State Grid Code and Distribution Code as amended from time to time.
1.3 Install, prior to connection of SRTPV system to ESCOM’s distribution system, an inverter with an automatic inbuilt isolation devise.
1.4 Provide external manual isolation mechanism with suitable locking facility so that SRTPV system will not back-feed into the ESCOM’s network in case of power outage of the ESCOM’s distribution system, and it shall be accessible for …… ESCOM to operate, if required, during maintenance / emergency conditions.
1.5 Install all the equipment of SRTPV system compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) and Indian standards (BIS).
1.6 (a) SRTPV system shall be designed, engineered and constructed and operated by the seller or any other person on his behalf, with reasonable diligence subject to all applicable Indian laws, rules, Regulations as amended from time to time and orders having the force of law.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. 2.1 Eligible consumer agrees that the interconnection of the rooftop solar system with the network of the licensee shall be made as per the technical standards for connectivity of distributed generation resources specified under the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013 and subsequent amendments thereof.
2.2 Eligible consumer agrees that he has installed or will install, prior to connection of Photovoltaic system to Licensee’s distribution system, an isolation device (both automatic and inbuilt within inverter and external manual relays) and agrees for the Licensee to have access to and operation of this, if required, for repair and maintenance of the distribution system.
2.3 Eligible consumer agrees that in case of a power outage on Licensee’s system, photovoltaic system will shut down, unless special transfer and isolating capabilities have been installed on photovoltaic system.
2.4 Eligible consumer agrees that Licensee will specify the interface/interconnection point and metering point.
2.5 Eligible consumer agrees to furnish all the data such as voltage, frequency, breaker, isolator position in his system, as and when required by the Licensee. He may also try to provide facilities for online transfer of the real time operational data.
Technical and Interconnection Requirements. Seller shall ensure his SRTPV system complies with the following technical and interconnection requirement and shall:
1.1 Comply with the standards and conditions in respect of integrating the SRTPV system with the grid/distribution system.
1.2 Connect the SRTPV system to ESCOM’s distribution system and shall be bound by requirements of State Grid and distribution Code as amended from time to time.
1.3 Install, prior to connection of SRTPV system to ESCOM’s distribution system, an inverter with an automatic inbuilt isolation devise.
1.4 Provide external manual isolation mechanism with suitable locking facility so that SRTPV system will not back-feed into the ESCOM’s network in case of power outage of the ESCOM’s distribution system, and it shall be accessible for …… ESCOM to operate, if required, during maintenance / emergency conditions.
1.5 Install all the equipment of SRTPV system compliant with relevant International (IEEE/IEC) and Indian standards (BIS).
1.6 SRTPV system shall be designed, engineered and constructed and operated by the seller or on his behalf with reasonable diligence subject to all applicable Indian laws, rules, Regulations as amended from time to time and orders having the force of law.
1.7 Adhere to the following power quality measures as per the International and Indian standards and/or such other measures stipulated by KERC/ESCOM:
a. Harmonic current: Harmonic current injections from a generation unit shall not exceed the limits specified in IEEE 519.
b. Voltage at the injection point should be in the operating range of 80% to 110% of the nominal connected voltage.