Thanksgiving Day. The Friday after Thanksgiving;
Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Day
Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Day The Employer shall publish an annual list of the actual date of observance of the holidays listed above.
Thanksgiving Day. Friday ......................... December 25, 1970 .................. Christmas Day (Employers requiring services of men on W ashington's Birthday and Decoration Day may, upon request to the Union, obtain such services and shall p ay $40.00 for each day in addition to the regular weekly salary.) Wrappers shall be paid $30.00 for the d ay in addition to the regular weekly salary. PASSOVER — First Days T u esd a y April 21, 1970 W ednesday April 22, 1970 PASSOVER — Second Days Monday April 27, 1970 T u esd ay ................................. April 28, 1970 SHEVUOTH ....................... Wednesday ........ June 10, 1970 Thursday ................... June 11, 1970
Thanksgiving Day. Football head and assistant coaches, band directors and cheerleader advisors who participate in the Thanksgiving Day Football game shall receive the following stipend.
Thanksgiving Day. December 25th - Christmas Day. FOURTEENTH: No Employee s h a ll be required to render any serv ices on x x x lid a y , except with the consent o f the Union. Upon receivin g such consent and the ren d ition o f such se r v ic e s , the Employees s h a ll re ceiv e pay at the rate o f double xxx x. FIFTEENTH: Nothing h erein contained s h a ll be deemed in any wise to c o n stitu te an agreement o f employment with a l l or any o f the Employees fo r any d e f in it e duration o f xxx e, nor s h a ll anything h erein contained be construed to o b lig a te the Employer to m aintain any Employee in the ! p o sitio n presently occupied by such Employee. The Employer l i s hereby granted the absolute and u n q u a lified rig h t and j p r iv ile g e to interchange Employees and p lace one Employee in the p o sitio n o f another, provided the same i s done and performed in good fa it h and not done with the in te n t to permanently demote any Employee. (Furthermore, the Employer may, i f i t so d e s ir e s , change the character o f the-employment o f any Employee without being o b liged or required to increase the —xx xxxx o f such. Employee 7 j
Thanksgiving Day. The Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve (December 24) Christmas Day (December 25) Designated Holidays are the calendar dates of the actual holidays, regardless of whether those dates fall on the employee's day off. Designated Holidays begin at 0600 and end 24 hours later.
Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Day Employees who are on duty on these holidays shall be compensated at one and one half (1½ ) their normal hourly wage. This would include employees who are summoned to work on a recall or call-in basis. If an employee is not scheduled to work his routine shift (is off-duty) upon a designated holiday, then the employee will not receive pay for the holiday.
Thanksgiving Day. Day following Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Day. Day Before Christmas Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year's Eve New Year's Day Thanksgiving Day Day Before Christmas Christmas Day Monday, October Thursday, December Friday, December Saturday, December Thursday, December Friday, January Friday, April May Thursday, July Monday, August Monday, September Monday, October Friday, December Saturday, December Sunday. December, Friday, December Saturday, January Friday, April Monday, May Friday, July Monday, August Monday, September